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aggregateDistinctFunction(String, Class<T>, Expression<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates an aggregate function expression for a function with the given name, result type and arguments aggregating only distinct elements.
aggregateFunction(String, Class<T>, Expression<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates an aggregate function expression for a function with the given name, result type and arguments.
as(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeExpression
Like<X>) but returns the subtype BlazeExpression instead.
asc(Expression<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
asc(Expression<?>, boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Like CriteriaBuilder.asc(Expression) but allows to also specify the null precedence.
avg(Expression<N>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates an AVG aggregate function expression.


BlazeAbstractQuery<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of AbstractQuery that allows setting an alias for From elements.
BlazeAggregateFunctionExpression<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An Expression for an aggregate function.
BlazeCollectionJoin<Z,E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of CollectionJoin.
BlazeCommonAbstractCriteria - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of CommonAbstractCriteria.
BlazeCriteria - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
BlazeCriteriaBuilder - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of CriteriaBuilder.
BlazeCriteriaDelete<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of CriteriaDelete.
BlazeCriteriaQuery<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of CriteriaQuery.
BlazeCriteriaUpdate<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of CriteriaUpdate.
BlazeExpression<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of Expression.
BlazeFetch<Z,X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of Fetch.
BlazeFetchParent<Z,X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of FetchParent.
BlazeFrom<Z,X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of From.
BlazeFunctionExpression<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An Expression for a function.
BlazeJoin<Z,X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of Join.
BlazeListJoin<Z,E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of ListJoin.
BlazeMapJoin<Z,K,V> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of MapJoin.
BlazeOrder - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of Order.
BlazeOrderedSetAggregateFunctionExpression<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An Expression for an ordered set-aggregate function.
BlazePath<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of Path.
BlazeRoot<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of Root.
BlazeSetJoin<Z,E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of SetJoin.
BlazeSubquery<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An extended version of Subquery.
BlazeWindow - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
Defines a window to use for a window function.
BlazeWindowFrameEndType - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
Defines a window frame end for a window.
BlazeWindowFrameExclusion - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
Defines a window frame exclusion for a window.
BlazeWindowFrameKind - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
Defines a window frame kind for a window.
BlazeWindowFrameMode - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
Defines the frame mode to use for a window.
BlazeWindowFrameStartType - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
Defines a window frame start for a window.
BlazeWindowFunctionExpression<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
An Expression for a window enabled function.


com.blazebit.persistence.criteria - package com.blazebit.persistence.criteria
Blaze-Persistence JPA Criteria API extensions.
correlate(CollectionJoin<X, Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
correlate(Join<X, Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
correlate(ListJoin<X, Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
correlate(MapJoin<X, K, V>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
correlate(Root<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
correlate(SetJoin<X, Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
count(Expression<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a COUNT aggregate function expression.
countDistinct(Expression<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a COUNT aggregate function expression which only counts distinct elements.
createCriteriaBuilder(EntityManager) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaDelete
Create a Blaze-Persistence Core DeleteCriteriaBuilder from this query.
createCriteriaBuilder(EntityManager) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
Create a Blaze-Persistence Core CriteriaBuilder from this query.
createCriteriaBuilder(EntityManager) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
Create a Blaze-Persistence Core UpdateCriteriaBuilder from this query.
createCriteriaDelete(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Create a query object to perform a bulk delete operation.
createCriteriaDelete(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Like BlazeCriteriaBuilder.createCriteriaDelete(Class) but also sets the alias for the entity.
createCriteriaUpdate(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Create a query object to perform a bulk update operation.
createCriteriaUpdate(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Like BlazeCriteriaBuilder.createCriteriaUpdate(Class) but also sets the alias for the entity.
createQuery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
createQuery(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
createTupleQuery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
cumeDist(Expression<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a CUME_DIST window function expression.
CURRENT_ROW - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameEndType
CURRENT_ROW - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameExclusion
CURRENT_ROW - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameStartType


denseRank(Expression<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a DENSE_RANK window function expression.
desc(Expression<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
desc(Expression<?>, boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Like CriteriaBuilder.desc(Expression) but allows to also specify the null precedence.
distinct(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAbstractQuery
distinct(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
distinct(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery


exclude(BlazeWindowFrameExclusion) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame exclusion for this window.


fetch() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeJoin
Fetches this join.
fetch(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetchParent
Like FetchParent.fetch(String) but returns the subtype BlazeJoin instead.
fetch(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetchParent
Like FetchParent.fetch(String) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeJoin.
fetch(String, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetchParent
Like FetchParent.fetch(String, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeJoin.
fetch(String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetchParent
Like FetchParent.fetch(String, JoinType) but returns the subtype BlazeJoin instead.
fetch(PluralAttribute<? super X, ?, Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetchParent
Like FetchParent.fetch(PluralAttribute) but returns the subtype BlazeJoin instead.
fetch(PluralAttribute<? super X, ?, Y>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetchParent
Like FetchParent.fetch(PluralAttribute) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeJoin.
fetch(PluralAttribute<? super X, ?, Y>, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetchParent
Like FetchParent.fetch(PluralAttribute, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeJoin.
fetch(PluralAttribute<? super X, ?, Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetchParent
Like FetchParent.fetch(PluralAttribute, JoinType) but returns the subtype BlazeJoin instead.
fetch(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetchParent
Like FetchParent.fetch(SingularAttribute) but returns the subtype BlazeJoin instead.
fetch(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetchParent
Like FetchParent.fetch(SingularAttribute) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeJoin.
fetch(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetchParent
Like FetchParent.fetch(SingularAttribute, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeJoin.
fetch(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetchParent
Like FetchParent.fetch(SingularAttribute, JoinType) but returns the subtype BlazeJoin instead.
filter(Predicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAggregateFunctionExpression
Sets the filter for this aggregate function.
filter(Predicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeOrderedSetAggregateFunctionExpression
firstValue(Expression<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a FIRST_VALUE window function expression.
FOLLOWING - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameKind
from(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaDelete
from(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
from(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaDelete
Like CriteriaDelete.from(Class) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeRoot.
from(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
Like CriteriaUpdate.from(Class) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeRoot.
from(Class<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAbstractQuery
from(Class<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
from(Class<X>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAbstractQuery
Like AbstractQuery.from(Class) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeRoot.
from(EntityType<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaDelete
from(EntityType<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
from(EntityType<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaDelete
Like CriteriaDelete.from(EntityType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeRoot.
from(EntityType<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
Like CriteriaUpdate.from(EntityType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeRoot.
from(EntityType<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAbstractQuery
from(EntityType<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
from(EntityType<X>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAbstractQuery
Like AbstractQuery.from(EntityType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeRoot.
function(String, Class<T>, Expression<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a function expression for a function with the given name, result type and arguments.


get(CriteriaBuilderFactory) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteria
Creates a new BlazeCriteriaBuilder instance bound to the given criteria builder factory.
get(CriteriaBuilderFactory, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteria
Creates a new BlazeCriteriaQuery instance bound to the given criteria builder factory with the given class as result type.
get(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazePath
Like Path.get(String) but returns the subtype BlazePath instead.
get(MapAttribute<X, K, V>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazePath
Like Path.get(MapAttribute) but returns the subtype BlazeExpression instead.
get(PluralAttribute<X, C, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazePath
Like Path.get(PluralAttribute) but returns the subtype BlazeExpression instead.
get(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazePath
Like Path.get(SingularAttribute) but returns the subtype BlazePath instead.
getBlazeJoins() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Returns all joins including fetches since fetches are just joins with the fetch flag set to true.
getBlazeOrderList() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
Like CriteriaQuery.getOrderList() but returns the subtype BlazeOrder instead.
getBlazeOrderList() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
Like BlazeSubquery.getOrderList() but returns the subtype BlazeOrder instead.
getBlazeRoots() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAbstractQuery
Like AbstractQuery.getRoots() but returns the subtype BlazeRoot instead.
getContainingQuery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
Returns the query (which may be a CriteriaQuery, CriteriaUpdate, CriteriaDelete, or a Subquery) of which this is a subquery.
getCorrelationParent() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.getCorrelationParent() but returns the subtype BlazeFrom instead.
getCriteriaBuilder() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
The extended JPA CriteriaBuilder associated with this query.
getFilter() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAggregateFunctionExpression
Returns the filter for this aggregate function.
getFrameEnd() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Returns the frame end expression used for this window, or null if it uses a special frame end type.
getFrameEndKind() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Returns the frame end kind used for this window, or null if it uses a special frame end type.
getFrameEndType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Returns the frame end type used for this window.
getFrameExclusion() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Returns the frame exclusion for this window.
getFrameMode() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Returns the frame mode used for this window.
getFrameStart() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Returns the frame start expression used for this window, or null if it uses a special frame start type.
getFrameStartKind() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Returns the frame start kind used for this window, or null if it uses a special frame start type.
getFrameStartType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Returns the frame start type used for this window.
getFunctionName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFunctionExpression
Returns the name of the function.
getOn() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeJoin
Return the predicate that corresponds to the ON restriction(s) on the join, or null if no ON condition has been specified.
getOrderList() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
Return the ordering expressions in order of precedence.
getOrderList() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Returns the order by items.
getParameters() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
Returns the parameters defined on this query.
getParent() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFetch
Like Fetch.getParent() but returns the subtype BlazeFetchParent instead.
getParent() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
getParentPath() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazePath
Like Path.getParentPath() but returns the subtype BlazePath instead.
getPartitionList() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Returns the partition by items.
getRoot() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaDelete
getRoot() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
getWindow() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFunctionExpression
Returns the window for this window function.
getWithinGroup() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeOrderedSetAggregateFunctionExpression
Returns the within group order for this ordered set-aggregate function.
greatest(Expression<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a MAX aggregate function expression.
GROUP - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameExclusion
groupBy(List<Expression<?>>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAbstractQuery
groupBy(List<Expression<?>>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
groupBy(List<Expression<?>>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
groupBy(Expression<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAbstractQuery
groupBy(Expression<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
groupBy(Expression<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
groups(BlazeWindowFrameStartType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the GROUPS mode with the given start and CURRENT ROW as end type.
groups(Expression<Integer>, BlazeWindowFrameKind) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the GROUPS mode with the given start and CURRENT ROW as end type.
GROUPS - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameMode
groupsBetween(BlazeWindowFrameStartType, BlazeWindowFrameEndType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the GROUPS mode with the given start and end.
groupsBetween(BlazeWindowFrameStartType, Expression<Integer>, BlazeWindowFrameKind) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the GROUPS mode with the given start and end.
groupsBetween(Expression<Integer>, BlazeWindowFrameKind, BlazeWindowFrameEndType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the GROUPS mode with the given start and end.
groupsBetween(Expression<Integer>, BlazeWindowFrameKind, Expression<Integer>, BlazeWindowFrameKind) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the GROUPS mode with the given start and end.


having(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAbstractQuery
having(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
having(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
having(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAbstractQuery
having(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
having(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery


isFetch() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeJoin
Whether this join is marked to also be fetched.
isMapEmpty(Expression<C>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate that tests whether a map is empty.
isMapNotEmpty(Expression<C>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate that tests whether a map is not empty.
isNullsFirst() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeOrder
Whether nulls come first.


join(Class<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Gets the entity type by the given entity type class and delegates to BlazeFrom.join(EntityType).
join(Class<Y>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Gets the entity type by the given entity type class and delegates to BlazeFrom.join(EntityType, String).
join(Class<Y>, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Gets the entity type by the given entity type class and delegates to BlazeFrom.join(EntityType, String, JoinType).
join(Class<Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Gets the entity type by the given entity type class and delegates to BlazeFrom.join(EntityType, JoinType).
join(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(String) but returns the subtype BlazeJoin instead.
join(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(String) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeJoin.
join(String, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(String, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeJoin.
join(String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(String, JoinType) but returns the subtype BlazeJoin instead.
join(CollectionAttribute<? super X, Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(CollectionAttribute) but returns the subtype BlazeCollectionJoin instead.
join(CollectionAttribute<? super X, Y>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(CollectionAttribute) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeCollectionJoin.
join(CollectionAttribute<? super X, Y>, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(CollectionAttribute, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeCollectionJoin.
join(CollectionAttribute<? super X, Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
join(EntityType<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Creates an inner join to the specified entity type.
join(EntityType<Y>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like BlazeFrom.join(EntityType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeJoin.
join(EntityType<Y>, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like BlazeFrom.join(EntityType, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeJoin.
join(EntityType<Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Creates a join of the specified join type to the specified entity type.
join(ListAttribute<? super X, Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(ListAttribute) but returns the subtype BlazeListJoin instead.
join(ListAttribute<? super X, Y>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(ListAttribute) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeListJoin.
join(ListAttribute<? super X, Y>, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(ListAttribute, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeListJoin.
join(ListAttribute<? super X, Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(ListAttribute, JoinType) but returns the subtype BlazeListJoin instead.
join(MapAttribute<? super X, K, V>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(MapAttribute) but returns the subtype BlazeMapJoin instead.
join(MapAttribute<? super X, K, V>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(MapAttribute) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeMapJoin.
join(MapAttribute<? super X, K, V>, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(MapAttribute, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeMapJoin.
join(MapAttribute<? super X, K, V>, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(MapAttribute, JoinType) but returns the subtype BlazeMapJoin instead.
join(SetAttribute<? super X, Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(SetAttribute) but returns the subtype BlazeSetJoin instead.
join(SetAttribute<? super X, Y>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(SetAttribute) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeSetJoin.
join(SetAttribute<? super X, Y>, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(SetAttribute, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeSetJoin.
join(SetAttribute<? super X, Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(SetAttribute, JoinType) but returns the subtype BlazeSetJoin instead.
join(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(SingularAttribute) but returns the subtype BlazeJoin instead.
join(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(SingularAttribute) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeJoin.
join(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(SingularAttribute, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeJoin.
join(SingularAttribute<? super X, Y>, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.join(SingularAttribute, JoinType) but returns the subtype BlazeJoin instead.
joinCollection(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinCollection(String) but returns the subtype BlazeCollectionJoin instead.
joinCollection(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinCollection(String) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeCollectionJoin.
joinCollection(String, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinCollection(String, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeCollectionJoin.
joinCollection(String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinCollection(String, JoinType) but returns the subtype BlazeCollectionJoin instead.
joinList(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinList(String) but returns the subtype BlazeListJoin instead.
joinList(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinList(String) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeListJoin.
joinList(String, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinList(String, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeListJoin.
joinList(String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinList(String, JoinType) but returns the subtype BlazeListJoin instead.
joinMap(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinMap(String) but returns the subtype BlazeMapJoin instead.
joinMap(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinMap(String) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeMapJoin.
joinMap(String, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinMap(String, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeMapJoin.
joinMap(String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinMap(String, JoinType) but returns the subtype BlazeMapJoin instead.
joinSet(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinSet(String) but returns the subtype BlazeSetJoin instead.
joinSet(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinSet(String) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeSetJoin.
joinSet(String, String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinSet(String, JoinType) but allows to set the alias of the BlazeSetJoin.
joinSet(String, JoinType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeFrom
Like From.joinSet(String, JoinType) but returns the subtype BlazeSetJoin instead.


lag(Expression<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a LAG window function expression.
lastValue(Expression<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a LAST_VALUE window function expression.
lead(Expression<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a LEAD window function expression.
least(Expression<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a MIN aggregate function expression.
listagg(Expression<String>, Expression<String>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a LISTAGG ordered set-aggregate function expression.
listaggDistinct(Expression<String>, Expression<String>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a LISTAGG ordered set-aggregate function expression which only aggregates distinct elements.


mapSize(C) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that tests the size of a map.
mapSize(Expression<C>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that tests the size of a map.
max(Expression<N>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a MAX aggregate function expression.
min(Expression<N>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a MIN aggregate function expression.
modeWithinGroup(Expression<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a MODE ordered set-aggregate function expression.
multiselect(List<Selection<?>>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
multiselect(Selection<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery


NO_OTHERS - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameExclusion
nthValue(Expression<X>, Expression<Integer>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a NTH_VALUE window function expression.
ntile(Expression<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a NTILE window function expression.


on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCollectionJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition.
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition.
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeListJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition.
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeMapJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition.
on(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSetJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCollectionJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeListJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeMapJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition.
on(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSetJoin
Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition.
orderBy(BlazeOrder...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
Like BlazeSubquery.orderBy(Order...) but accepts the subtype BlazeOrder.
orderBy(List<BlazeOrder>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
Specify the ordering expressions that are used to order the query results.
orderBy(List<Order>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
orderBy(List<Order>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the order by items for this window.
orderBy(Order...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
orderBy(Order...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
Specify the ordering expressions that are used to order the query results.
orderBy(Order...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the order by items for this window.
orderedSetAggregateDistinctFunction(String, Class<T>, Expression<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates an ordered set-aggregate function expression for a function with the given name, result type and arguments aggregating only distinct elements.
orderedSetAggregateFunction(String, Class<T>, Expression<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates an ordered set-aggregate function expression for a function with the given name, result type and arguments.


partitionBy(List<Expression<?>>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the partition by items for this window.
partitionBy(Expression<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the partition by items for this window.
percentileContWithinGroup(Expression<Double>, Expression<X>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a PERCENTILE_CONT ordered set-aggregate function expression.
percentileDiscWithinGroup(Expression<Double>, Expression<X>, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a PERCENTILE_DISC ordered set-aggregate function expression.
percentRank(Expression<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a PERCENT_RANK window function expression.
PRECEDING - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameKind


range(BlazeWindowFrameStartType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the RANGE mode with the given start and CURRENT ROW as end type.
range(Expression<?>, BlazeWindowFrameKind) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the RANGE mode with the given start and CURRENT ROW as end type.
RANGE - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameMode
rangeBetween(BlazeWindowFrameStartType, BlazeWindowFrameEndType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the RANGE mode with the given start and end.
rangeBetween(BlazeWindowFrameStartType, Expression<?>, BlazeWindowFrameKind) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the RANGE mode with the given start and end.
rangeBetween(Expression<?>, BlazeWindowFrameKind, BlazeWindowFrameEndType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the RANGE mode with the given start and end.
rangeBetween(Expression<?>, BlazeWindowFrameKind, Expression<?>, BlazeWindowFrameKind) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the RANGE mode with the given start and end.
rank(Expression<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a RANK window function expression.
reverse() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeOrder
Switch the ordering.
reverseNulls() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeOrder
Switch the null precedence.
rowNumber() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a ROW_NUMBER window function expression.
rows(BlazeWindowFrameStartType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the ROWS mode with the given start and CURRENT ROW as end type.
rows(Expression<Integer>, BlazeWindowFrameKind) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the ROWS mode with the given start and CURRENT ROW as end type.
ROWS - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameMode
rowsBetween(BlazeWindowFrameStartType, BlazeWindowFrameEndType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the ROWS mode with the given start and end.
rowsBetween(BlazeWindowFrameStartType, Expression<Integer>, BlazeWindowFrameKind) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the ROWS mode with the given start and end.
rowsBetween(Expression<Integer>, BlazeWindowFrameKind, BlazeWindowFrameEndType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the ROWS mode with the given start and end.
rowsBetween(Expression<Integer>, BlazeWindowFrameKind, Expression<Integer>, BlazeWindowFrameKind) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindow
Sets the window frame to the ROWS mode with the given start and end.


select(Expression<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
select(Selection<? extends T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
set(String, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
set(Path<Y>, Expression<? extends Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
set(Path<Y>, X) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
set(SingularAttribute<? super T, Y>, Expression<? extends Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
set(SingularAttribute<? super T, Y>, X) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
subquery(Class<U>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCommonAbstractCriteria
subquery(Class<U>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
sum(Expression<N>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a SUM aggregate function expression.
sumAsDouble(Expression<Float>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a SUM aggregate function expression that returns a double value.
sumAsLong(Expression<Integer>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a SUM aggregate function expression that returns a long value.


TIES - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameExclusion
treat(BlazeCollectionJoin<X, T>, Class<E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast CollectionJoin object to the specified type.
treat(BlazeJoin<X, T>, Class<V>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast Join object to the specified type.
treat(BlazeListJoin<X, T>, Class<E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast ListJoin object to the specified type.
treat(BlazeMapJoin<X, K, T>, Class<V>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast MapJoin object to the specified type.
treat(BlazePath<X>, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast Path object to the specified type.
treat(BlazeRoot<X>, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast Root object to the specified type.
treat(BlazeSetJoin<X, T>, Class<E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast SetJoin object to the specified type.
treat(CollectionJoin<X, T>, Class<E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast CollectionJoin object to the specified type.
treat(Join<X, T>, Class<V>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast Join object to the specified type.
treat(ListJoin<X, T>, Class<E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast ListJoin object to the specified type.
treat(MapJoin<X, K, T>, Class<V>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast MapJoin object to the specified type.
treat(Path<X>, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast Path object to the specified type.
treat(Root<X>, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast Root object to the specified type.
treat(SetJoin<X, T>, Class<E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Downcast SetJoin object to the specified type.
treatAs(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCollectionJoin
Like BlazeJoin.treatAs(java.lang.Class<T>) but returns the subtype BlazeCollectionJoin instead.
treatAs(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeJoin
Treats this from object as the given subtype.
treatAs(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeListJoin
Like BlazeJoin.treatAs(java.lang.Class<T>) but returns the subtype BlazeListJoin instead.
treatAs(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeMapJoin
Like BlazeJoin.treatAs(java.lang.Class<T>) but returns the subtype BlazeMapJoin instead.
treatAs(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeRoot
Treats this from object as the given subtype.
treatAs(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSetJoin
Like BlazeJoin.treatAs(java.lang.Class<T>) but returns the subtype BlazeSetJoin instead.
type() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazePath
Like Path.type() but returns the subtype BlazeExpression instead.


UNBOUNDED_FOLLOWING - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameEndType
UNBOUNDED_PRECEDING - Enum constant in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameStartType


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameEndType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameExclusion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameStartType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameEndType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameExclusion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFrameStartType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAbstractQuery
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaDelete
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
where(Expression<Boolean>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAbstractQuery
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaDelete
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaQuery
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaUpdate
where(Predicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeSubquery
window() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Returns a new window to be used with window functions.
window(BlazeWindow) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeAggregateFunctionExpression
window(BlazeWindow) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeOrderedSetAggregateFunctionExpression
window(BlazeWindow) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeWindowFunctionExpression
Sets the window for this window function.
windowDistinctFunction(String, Class<T>, Expression<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a window function expression for a function with the given name, result type and arguments aggregating only distinct elements.
windowFunction(String, Class<T>, Expression<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeCriteriaBuilder
Creates a window function expression for a function with the given name, result type and arguments.
withinGroup(List<? extends Order>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeOrderedSetAggregateFunctionExpression
Sets the within group order for this ordered set-aggregate function.
withinGroup(Order...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.criteria.BlazeOrderedSetAggregateFunctionExpression
Sets the within group order for this ordered set-aggregate function.
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