Interface JsonReader.ClassFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayFactory, CharacterPrimArrayFactory, CollectionFactory, ConvertableFactory, EnumClassFactory, MapFactory, RecordFactory, StackTraceElementFactory, ThrowableFactory
Enclosing class:

public static interface JsonReader.ClassFactory
Subclass this interface and create a class that will return a new instance of the passed in Class (c). Your factory subclass will be called when json-io encounters an instance of (c) which you register with JsonReader.assignInstantiator(). Use the passed in JsonObject o which is a JsonObject to source values for the construction of your class.
  • Method Details

    • newInstance

      default Object newInstance(Class<?> c, JsonObject jObj, ReaderContext context)
      Implement this method to return a new instance of the passed in Class. Use the passed in JsonObject to supply values to the construction of the object.
      c - Class of the object that needs to be created
      jObj - JsonObject (if primitive type do jObj.getPrimitiveValue();
      context - ReaderContext for creating objects an getting read options
      a new instance of C. If you completely fill the new instance using the value(s) from object, and no further work is needed for construction, then override the isObjectFinal() method below and return true.
    • newInstance

      default Object newInstance(Class<?> c, JsonObject jObj)
      Implement this method to return a new instance of the passed in Class. Use the passed in JsonObject to supply values to the construction of the object.
      c - Class of the object that needs to be created
      jObj - JsonObject (if primitive type do jObj.getPrimitiveValue();
      a new instance of C. If you completely fill the new instance using the value(s) from object, and no further work is needed for construction, then override the isObjectFinal() method below and return true.
    • isObjectFinal

      default boolean isObjectFinal()
      true if this object is instantiated and completely filled using the contents from the Object [a JsonObject or value]. In this case, no further processing will be performed on the instance. If the object has sub-objects (complex fields), then return false so that the JsonReader will continue on filling out the remaining portion of the object.
    • gatherRemainingValues

      default void gatherRemainingValues(ReaderContext context, JsonObject jObj, List<Object> arguments, Set<String> excludedFields)