Interface JsonWriter.JsonClassWriter

All Known Implementing Classes:
ByteArrayWriter, DurationWriter, InstantWriter, LongWriter, PeriodWriter, Writers.BigDecimalWriter, Writers.BigIntegerWriter, Writers.CalendarWriter, Writers.CharacterWriter, Writers.ClassWriter, Writers.DateAsLongWriter, Writers.DateWriter, Writers.DoubleWriter, Writers.EnumsAsStringWriter, Writers.FloatingPointWriter, Writers.FloatWriter, Writers.JsonStringWriter, Writers.LocalDateAsLong, Writers.LocalDateTimeWriter, Writers.LocalDateWriter, Writers.LocaleWriter, Writers.LocalTimeWriter, Writers.MonthDayWriter, Writers.OffsetDateTimeWriter, Writers.OffsetTimeWriter, Writers.PrimitiveBasicStringWriter, Writers.PrimitiveTypeWriter, Writers.PrimitiveUtf8StringWriter, Writers.PrimitiveValueWriter, Writers.TemporalWriter, Writers.TimestampWriter, Writers.TimeZoneWriter, Writers.UUIDWriter, Writers.YearMonthWriter, Writers.YearWriter, Writers.ZonedDateTimeWriter, ZoneIdWriter, ZoneOffsetWriter
Enclosing class:

public static interface JsonWriter.JsonClassWriter
Implement this interface to customize the JSON output for a given class.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
    default boolean
    default void
    write(Object o, boolean showType, Writer output)
    When write() is called, it is expected that subclasses will write the appropriate JSON to the passed in Writer.
    default void
    write(Object o, boolean showType, Writer output, WriterContext context)
    When write() is called, it is expected that subclasses will write the appropriate JSON to the passed in Writer.
    default void
    This method will be called to write the item in primitive form (if the response to hasPrimitiveForm() was true).
    default void
    This default implementation will call the more basic writePrimitiveForm that does not take arguments.
  • Method Details

    • write

      default void write(Object o, boolean showType, Writer output, WriterContext context) throws IOException
      When write() is called, it is expected that subclasses will write the appropriate JSON to the passed in Writer.
      o - Object to be written in JSON format.
      showType - boolean indicating whether to show @type.
      output - Writer destination to where the actual JSON is written.
      context - WriterContext to get writeOptions and other write access
      IOException - if thrown by the writer. Will be caught at a higher level and wrapped in JsonIoException.
    • write

      default void write(Object o, boolean showType, Writer output) throws IOException
      When write() is called, it is expected that subclasses will write the appropriate JSON to the passed in Writer.
      o - Object to be written in JSON format.
      showType - boolean indicating whether to show @type.
      output - Writer destination to where the actual JSON is written.
      IOException - if thrown by the writer. Will be caught at a higher level and wrapped in JsonIoException.
    • hasPrimitiveForm

      default boolean hasPrimitiveForm(WriterContext context)
      boolean true if the class being written has a primitive (non-object) form. Default is false since most custom writers will not have a primitive form.
    • hasPrimitiveForm

      default boolean hasPrimitiveForm()
      boolean true if the class being written has a primitive (non-object) form. Default is false since most custom writers will not have a primitive form.
    • writePrimitiveForm

      default void writePrimitiveForm(Object o, Writer output, WriterContext context) throws IOException
      This default implementation will call the more basic writePrimitiveForm that does not take arguments. No need to override this method unless you need access to the args.
      o - Object to be written
      output - Writer destination to where the actual JSON is written.
      context - WriterContext to get access to writeOptions and writing tools
      IOException - if thrown by the writer. Will be caught at a higher level and wrapped in JsonIoException.
    • writePrimitiveForm

      default void writePrimitiveForm(Object o, Writer output) throws IOException
      This method will be called to write the item in primitive form (if the response to hasPrimitiveForm() was true). Override this method if you have a primitive form and need to access the arguments that kicked off the JsonWriter.
      o - Object to be written
      output - Writer destination to where the actual JSON is written.
      IOException - if thrown by the writer. Will be caught at a higher level and wrapped in JsonIoException.