Package com.github.javaparser.ast
package com.github.javaparser.ast
new int[1][2];
there are two ArrayCreationLevel objects, the first one contains the expression "1", the second the expression "2".This class represents the entire compilation unit.Information about where this compilation unit was loaded from.DataKey<T>A key to a piece of data associated with aNode
at runtime.An import declaration.A modifier, like private, public, or volatile.Base class for all nodes of the abstract syntax tree.Performs a breadth-first node traversal starting with a given node.Performs a simple traversal over all nodes that have the passed node as their parent.Iterates over the parent of the node, then the parent's parent, then the parent's parent's parent, until running out of parents.Performs a post-order (or leaves-first) node traversal starting with a given node.Performs a pre-order (or depth-first) node traversal starting with a given node.A list of nodes.A package declaration. -
EnumDescriptionAccess specifier.The Java modifier keywords.Different registration mode for observers on nodes.
Annotation TypeDescriptionTells tools that this is the constructor which directly initializes all fields (except "range" and "comment")Copied from javax.annotation.Generated and reduced a bit.