Class BitCounter32

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class BitCounter32 extends Object implements BitmapStorage32
BitCounter is a fake bitset data structure. Instead of storing the actual data, it only records the number of set bits.
Daniel Lemire and David McIntosh
  • Constructor Details

    • BitCounter32

      public BitCounter32()
  • Method Details

    • addWord

      public void addWord(int newData)
      Virtually add words directly to the bitmap
      Specified by:
      addWord in interface BitmapStorage32
      newData - the word
    • addLiteralWord

      public void addLiteralWord(int newData)
      Virtually add literal words directly to the bitmap
      Specified by:
      addLiteralWord in interface BitmapStorage32
      newData - the word
    • addStreamOfLiteralWords

      public void addStreamOfLiteralWords(com.googlecode.javaewah32.Buffer32 buffer, int start, int number)
      virtually add several literal words.
      Specified by:
      addStreamOfLiteralWords in interface BitmapStorage32
      buffer - the buffer wrapping the literal words
      start - the starting point in the array
      number - the number of literal words to add
    • addStreamOfEmptyWords

      public void addStreamOfEmptyWords(boolean v, int number)
      virtually add many zeroes or ones.
      Specified by:
      addStreamOfEmptyWords in interface BitmapStorage32
      v - zeros or ones
      number - how many to words add
    • addStreamOfNegatedLiteralWords

      public void addStreamOfNegatedLiteralWords(com.googlecode.javaewah32.Buffer32 buffer, int start, int number)
      virtually add several negated literal words.
      Specified by:
      addStreamOfNegatedLiteralWords in interface BitmapStorage32
      buffer - the buffer wrapping the literal words
      start - the starting point in the array
      number - the number of literal words to add
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Description copied from interface: BitmapStorage32
      Empties the container.
      Specified by:
      clear in interface BitmapStorage32
    • getCount

      public int getCount()
      As you act on this class, it records the number of set (true) bits.
      number of set bits
    • setSizeInBitsWithinLastWord

      public void setSizeInBitsWithinLastWord(int bits)
      Description copied from interface: BitmapStorage32
      Sets the size in bits of the bitmap as an *uncompressed* bitmap. Normally, this is used to reduce the size of the bitmaps within the scope of the last word. Specifically, this means that (sizeInBits()+31)/32 must be equal to (size+31)/32. If needed, the bitmap can be further padded with zeroes.
      Specified by:
      setSizeInBitsWithinLastWord in interface BitmapStorage32
      bits - the size in bits