Interface Provider

  • public interface Provider
    A Provider is an abstraction of the underlying mechanism that serializes and deserializes data.

    It should be extended by clients of the library who wish to support additional (custom) providers.

    Juliano Boesel Mohr
    • Method Detail

      • serialize

        String serialize​(Object object)
        Serializes the specified object into its equivalent media type representation.
        object - the object for which a representation is to be created
        representation of object
      • deserialize

        <T> T deserialize​(String raw,
                          Class<T> type)
        deserializes the specified media type representation into an object of the specified class.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the desired object
        raw - the string from which the object is to be deserialized
        type - the class of T
        an object of type T from the string