Class TrustChainResolver

  • public class TrustChainResolver
    extends Object
    Trust chain resolver.

    Related specifications:

    • OpenID Connect Federation 1.0, section 9.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TrustChainResolver

        public TrustChainResolver​(EntityID trustAnchor,
                                  com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWKSet trustAnchorJWKSet)
        Creates a new trust chain resolver with a single trust anchor, with no trust chain constraints.
        trustAnchor - The trust anchor. Must not be null.
        trustAnchorJWKSet - The trust anchor public JWK set, null if not available.
      • TrustChainResolver

        public TrustChainResolver​(Map<EntityID,​com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWKSet> trustAnchors,
                                  int httpConnectTimeoutMs,
                                  int httpReadTimeoutMs)
        Creates a new trust chain resolver with multiple trust anchors, with no trust chain constraints.
        trustAnchors - The trust anchors with their public JWK sets (if available). Must contain at least one anchor.
        httpConnectTimeoutMs - The HTTP connect timeout in milliseconds, zero means timeout determined by the underlying HTTP client.
        httpReadTimeoutMs - The HTTP read timeout in milliseconds, zero means timout determined by the underlying HTTP client.
      • TrustChainResolver

        public TrustChainResolver​(Map<EntityID,​com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWKSet> trustAnchors,
                                  TrustChainConstraints constraints,
                                  EntityStatementRetriever statementRetriever)
        Creates new trust chain resolver.
        trustAnchors - The trust anchors with their public JWK sets. Must contain at least one anchor.
        statementRetriever - The entity statement retriever to use. Must not be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getTrustAnchors

        public Map<EntityID,​com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWKSet> getTrustAnchors()
        Returns the configured trust anchors.
        The trust anchors with their public JWK sets (if available). Contains at least one anchor.
      • resolveTrustChains

        public TrustChainSet resolveTrustChains​(EntityID target)
                                         throws ResolveException
        Resolves the trust chains for the specified target.
        target - The target. Must not be null.
        The resolved trust chains, containing at least one valid and verified chain.
        ResolveException - If no trust chain could be resolved.
      • resolveTrustChains

        public TrustChainSet resolveTrustChains​(EntityID target,
                                                EntityMetadataValidator targetMetadataValidator)
                                         throws ResolveException,
        Resolves the trust chains for the specified target, with optional validation of the target entity metadata. The validator can for example check that for an entity which is expected to be an OpenID relying party the required party metadata is present.
        target - The target. Must not be null.
        targetMetadataValidator - To perform optional validation of the retrieved target entity metadata, before proceeding with retrieving the entity statements from the authorities, null if not specified.
        The resolved trust chains, containing at least one valid and verified chain.
        ResolveException - If no trust chain could be resolved.
      • resolveTrustChains

        public TrustChainSet resolveTrustChains​(EntityStatement targetStatement)
                                         throws ResolveException
        Resolves the trust chains for the specified target.
        targetStatement - The target entity statement. Must not be null.
        The resolved trust chains, containing at least one valid and verified chain.
        ResolveException - If no trust chain could be resolved.