Interface FramedGraph

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
FramedTxGraph, WrappedFramedGraph<G>, WrappedFramedTxGraph<G>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FramedGraph
extends AutoCloseable
The primary class for framing your blueprints graphs.
  • Method Details

    • getTypeResolver

      TypeResolver getTypeResolver()
    • getBuilder

      FrameFactory getBuilder()
    • close

      void close() throws IOException
      Close the delegate graph.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      IOException - Whenever an IO problem prevents the stream from closing.
    • addFramedVertex

      <T> T addFramedVertex​(ClassInitializer<T> initializer, Object... keyValues)
      Add a vertex to the graph
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type used to frame the element.
      initializer - the initializer for the frame which defines its type and may initialize properties
      keyValues - the recommended object identifier
      The framed vertex.
    • addFramedVertex

      <T> T addFramedVertex​(Class<T> kind, Object... keyValues)
      Add a vertex to the graph
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type used to frame the element.
      kind - The kind of the frame.
      keyValues - the recommended object identifier
      The framed vertex.
    • addFramedVertex

      <T> T addFramedVertex​(Class<T> kind)
      Add a vertex to the graph
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type used to frame the element.
      kind - The kind of the frame.
      The framed vertex.
    • addFramedVertexExplicit

      <T> T addFramedVertexExplicit​(ClassInitializer<T> initializer)
      Add a vertex to the graph This will bypass the default type resolution and use the untyped resolver instead. This method is useful for speeding up a look up when type resolution isn't required.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type used to frame the element.
      initializer - the initializer for the frame which defines its type and may initialize properties
      The framed vertex.
    • addFramedVertexExplicit

      <T> T addFramedVertexExplicit​(Class<T> kind)
      Add a vertex to the graph This will bypass the default type resolution and use the untyped resolver instead. This method is useful for speeding up a look up when type resolution isn't required.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type used to frame the element.
      kind - The kind of the frame.
      The framed vertex.
    • addFramedVertex

      TVertex addFramedVertex()
      Add a vertex to the graph using a frame type of TVertex.
      The framed vertex.
    • addFramedVertexExplicit

      TVertex addFramedVertexExplicit()
      Add a vertex to the graph using a frame type of TVertex. This will bypass the default type resolution and use the untyped resolver instead. This method is useful for speeding up a look up when type resolution isn't required.
      The framed vertex.
    • addFramedEdge

      <T> T addFramedEdge​(VertexFrame source, VertexFrame destination, String label, ClassInitializer<T> initializer, Object... keyValues)
      Add a edge to the graph
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type used to frame the element.
      source - the source vertex
      destination - the destination vertex
      label - the label.
      initializer - the initializer for the frame which defines its type and may initialize properties
      keyValues - the recommended object identifier
      The framed edge.
    • addFramedEdge

      <T> T addFramedEdge​(VertexFrame source, VertexFrame destination, String label, Class<T> kind)
      Add a edge to the graph
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type used to frame the element.
      source - The source vertex
      destination - the destination vertex
      label - the label.
      kind - The kind of the frame.
      The framed edge.
    • addFramedEdgeExplicit

      <T> T addFramedEdgeExplicit​(VertexFrame source, VertexFrame destination, String label, ClassInitializer<T> initializer)
      Add a edge to the graph This will bypass the default type resolution and use the untyped resolver instead. This method is useful for speeding up a look up when type resolution isn't required.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type used to frame the element.
      source - The source vertex
      destination - the destination vertex
      label - the label.
      initializer - the initializer for the frame which defines its type and may initialize properties
      The framed edge.
    • addFramedEdgeExplicit

      <T> T addFramedEdgeExplicit​(VertexFrame source, VertexFrame destination, String label, Class<T> kind)
      Add a edge to the graph This will bypass the default type resolution and use the untyped resolver instead. This method is useful for speeding up a look up when type resolution isn't required.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type used to frame the element.
      source - The source vertex
      destination - the destination vertex
      label - the label.
      kind - The kind of the frame.
      The framed edge.
    • addFramedEdge

      TEdge addFramedEdge​(VertexFrame source, VertexFrame destination, String label)
      Add a edge to the graph using a frame type of TEdge.
      source - The source vertex
      destination - the destination vertex
      label - the label.
      The framed edge.
    • addFramedEdgeExplicit

      TEdge addFramedEdgeExplicit​(VertexFrame source, VertexFrame destination, String label)
      Add a edge to the graph using a frame type of TEdge. This will bypass the default type resolution and use the untyped resolver instead. This method is useful for speeding up a look up when type resolution isn't required.
      source - The source vertex
      destination - the destination vertex
      label - the label.
      The framed edge.
    • traverse

      <T extends Traversable<?,​ ?>> T traverse​(Function<org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource,​org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversal<?,​?>> traverser)
    • getRawTraversal

      org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource getRawTraversal()
    • getFramedVertex

      <T> T getFramedVertex​(Class<T> kind, Object id)
    • getFramedVertexExplicit

      <T> T getFramedVertexExplicit​(Class<T> kind, Object id)
    • getFramedVertices

      <T> Iterator<? extends T> getFramedVertices​(Class<T> kind)
    • getFramedVertices

      <T> Iterator<? extends T> getFramedVertices​(String key, Object value, Class<T> kind)
    • getFramedVerticesExplicit

      <T> Iterator<? extends T> getFramedVerticesExplicit​(Class<T> kind)
    • getFramedVerticesExplicit

      <T> Iterator<? extends T> getFramedVerticesExplicit​(String key, Object value, Class<T> kind)
    • getFramedEdges

      <T> Iterator<? extends T> getFramedEdges​(Class<T> kind)
    • getFramedEdges

      <T> Iterator<? extends T> getFramedEdges​(String key, Object value, Class<T> kind)
    • getFramedEdgesExplicit

      <T> Iterator<? extends T> getFramedEdgesExplicit​(Class<T> kind)
    • getFramedEdgesExplicit

      <T> Iterator<? extends T> getFramedEdgesExplicit​(String key, Object value, Class<T> kind)
    • frame

      <T> Iterator<? extends T> frame​(Iterator<? extends org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element> pipeline, Class<T> kind)
    • frameNewElement

      <T> T frameNewElement​(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element e, ClassInitializer<T> initializer)
    • frameNewElement

      <T> T frameNewElement​(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element e, Class<T> kind)
    • frameElement

      <T> T frameElement​(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element e, Class<T> kind)
    • frameNewElementExplicit

      <T> T frameNewElementExplicit​(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element e, ClassInitializer<T> initializer)
    • frameNewElementExplicit

      <T> T frameNewElementExplicit​(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element e, Class<T> kind)
    • frameElementExplicit

      <T> T frameElementExplicit​(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element e, Class<T> kind)
    • frameExplicit

      <T> Iterator<? extends T> frameExplicit​(Iterator<? extends org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element> pipeline, Class<T> kind)
    • tx