Interface TxFactory

public interface TxFactory
Interface which can be used for custom transaction factories in order to provide various ways of executing transaction handlers.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Tx createTx()
    Create a new transaction.
    default Tx tx()
    Return a new autoclosable transaction handler.
    <T> T tx​(TxAction<T> txHandler)
    Execute the txHandler within the scope of a transaction and call the result handler once the transaction handler code has finished.
    default void tx​(TxAction0 txHandler)
    Execute the txHandler within the scope of a transaction.
    default <T> T tx​(TxAction1<T> txHandler)
    Execute the txHandler within the scope of a transaction.
    default void tx​(TxAction2 txHandler)
    Execute the txHandler within the scope of a transaction.
  • Method Details

    • tx

      default Tx tx()
      Return a new autoclosable transaction handler. This object should be used within a try-with-resource block. Return an active transaction or create a new transaction if no active could be found.
              try(Tx tx = db.tx()) {
                // interact with graph db here
      Created transaction
    • createTx

      Tx createTx()
      Create a new transaction.
      new transaction.
    • tx

      <T> T tx​(TxAction<T> txHandler)
      Execute the txHandler within the scope of a transaction and call the result handler once the transaction handler code has finished.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the object returned by the handler
      txHandler - Handler that will be executed within the scope of the transaction.
      Object which was returned by the handler
    • tx

      default void tx​(TxAction0 txHandler)
      Execute the txHandler within the scope of a transaction.
      txHandler - Handler that will be executed within the scope of the transaction.
    • tx

      default <T> T tx​(TxAction1<T> txHandler)
      Execute the txHandler within the scope of a transaction.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the object returned by the handler.
      txHandler - Handler that will be executed within the scope of the transaction.
      Result of the handler
    • tx

      default void tx​(TxAction2 txHandler)
      Execute the txHandler within the scope of a transaction.
      txHandler - Handler that will be executed within the scope of the transaction.