Interface ScimResource

    • Method Detail

      • getMeta

        Meta getMeta()
        Gets metadata about the object.
        Meta containing metadata about the object.
      • setMeta

        void setMeta​(Meta meta)
        Sets metadata for the object.
        meta - Meta containing metadata for the object.
      • getId

        String getId()
        Gets the id of the object.
        the id of the object.
      • setId

        void setId​(String id)
        Sets the id of the object.
        id - The object's id.
      • getExternalId

        String getExternalId()
        Gets the objects external id.
        The external id of the object.
      • setExternalId

        void setExternalId​(String externalId)
        Sets the object's external id.
        externalId - The external id of the object.
      • getSchemaUrns

        Gets the schema urns for this object. This includes the one for the class that extends this class (taken from the annotation), as well as any that are present in the extensions.
        the schema urns for this object.
      • setSchemaUrns

        void setSchemaUrns​(Collection<String> schemaUrns)
        Sets the schema urns for this object. This set should contain all schema urns including the one for this object and all extensions. The value must not be null.
        schemaUrns - A Collection containing the schema urns for this object.
      • setSchemaUrns

        void setSchemaUrns​(String schemaUrn,
                           String... schemaUrns)
        An alternate version of setSchemaUrns(Collection).
        schemaUrn - A schema URN that will be listed first. This must not be null.
        schemaUrns - An optional parameter for additional schema URNs. Any null values will be ignored.
      • asGenericScimResource

        GenericScimResource asGenericScimResource()
        Returns the GenericScimResource representation of this ScimResource. If this ScimResource is already a GenericScimResource, this same instance will be returned.
        The GenericScimResource representation of this ScimResource.