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add(E) - Method in interface score.ArrayDB
Adds a value at the end of the array DB.
Address - Class in score
Represents an address of account in the ICON Network.
Address(byte[]) - Constructor for class score.Address
Creates an address with the contents of the given raw byte array.
aggregate(String, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class score.Context
Aggregates cryptographic values.
ArrayDB<E> - Interface in score
An array DB holds a sequence of values.
at(K) - Method in interface score.BranchDB
Returns sub-DB for the key.


beginList() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a list header and begins a list.
beginList(int) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a list header and begins a list.
beginMap() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a map header and begins a map.
beginMap(int) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a map header and begins a map.
beginNullableList() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a nullable list header.
beginNullableList(int) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a nullable list header and begins a list.
beginNullableMap() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a nullable map header.
beginNullableMap(int) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a nullable map header and begins a map.
BranchDB<K,​V> - Interface in score
A branch DB is a hash from keys to sub-DBs.
ByteArrayObjectWriter - Interface in score


call(Class<T>, BigInteger, Address, String, Object...) - Static method in class score.Context
Calls the method of the given account address with the value.
call(Class<T>, Address, String, Object...) - Static method in class score.Context
Calls the method of the account designated by the targetAddress.
call(BigInteger, Address, String, Object...) - Static method in class score.Context
Calls the method of the given account address with the value.
call(Address, String, Object...) - Static method in class score.Context
Calls the method of the account designated by the targetAddress.
Context - Class in score
Every SCORE has an associated Context which allows the application to interface with the environment the SCORE is running.


deploy(byte[], Object...) - Static method in class score.Context
Deploys a SCORE with the given byte streams.
deploy(Address, byte[], Object...) - Static method in class score.Context
Deploys a SCORE with the given byte streams to the target address.
DictDB<K,​V> - Interface in score
A dictionary DB is a hash from key to value.


ecAdd(String, byte[], boolean) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns result of point addition as bigendian integers: bls12-381-g1: (x, y) 96 bytes or (flag | x) 48 bytes for compressed bls12-381-g2: (x1 * i + x0, y1 * i + y0) 192 bytes or (flag | x1 * i + x0) 96 bytes for compressed
ecPairingCheck(String, byte[], boolean) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns true if log_G1(a1) * log_G2(a2) + ...
ecScalarMul(String, byte[], byte[], boolean) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns result of scalar multiplication as bigendian integers: bls12-381-g1: (x, y) 96 bytes or (flag | x) 48 bytes for compressed bls12-381-g2: (x1 * i + x0, y1 * i + y0) 192 bytes or (flag | x1 * i + x0) 96 bytes for compressed
end() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Ends the current container.
end() - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Ends the current container.
equals(Object) - Method in class score.Address
Compares this address to the specified object.
EventLog - Annotation Type in score.annotation
Annotation that can be used to record logs in its TxResult as eventLogs.
External - Annotation Type in score.annotation
Annotation that can be used to indicate whether the method will be exposed externally.


fromString(String) - Static method in class score.Address
Creates an address from the hex string format.


get() - Method in interface score.VarDB
Returns the current value.
get(int) - Method in interface score.ArrayDB
Returns the element at the specified position in the array DB.
get(K) - Method in interface score.DictDB
Returns the value for a key
getAddress() - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the address of the currently-running SCORE.
getAddressFromKey(byte[]) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the address that is associated with the given public key.
getBalance(Address) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the balance of an account.
getBlockHeight() - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the block height.
getBlockTimestamp() - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the block timestamp.
getCaller() - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the caller's address.
getCode() - Method in exception score.UserRevertedException
Returns reversion code.
getCode() - Method in exception score.UserRevertException
Returns error code.
getFeeSharingProportion() - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the current fee sharing proportion of the SCORE.
getOrDefault(E) - Method in interface score.VarDB
Returns the current value or defaultValue if the current value is null.
getOrDefault(K, V) - Method in interface score.DictDB
Returns the value for a key or defaultValue if the value is null.
getOrigin() - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the originator's address.
getOwner() - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the address of the account who initially deployed the contract.
getTransactionHash() - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the hash of the transaction.
getTransactionIndex() - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the transaction index in a block.
getTransactionNonce() - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the nonce of a transaction request.
getTransactionTimestamp() - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the timestamp of a transaction request.
getValue() - Static method in class score.Context
Returns the value being transferred to this SCORE.


hash(String, byte[]) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns hash value of the given message.
hashCode() - Method in class score.Address
Returns a hash code for this address.
hasNext() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Returns true if this reader has a next object to read.


indexed() - Method in annotation type score.annotation.EventLog
The number of indexed parameters of the applied method declaration (maximum 3).
isContract() - Method in class score.Address
Returns true if and only if this address represents a contract address.


Keep - Annotation Type in score.annotation
Denotes that the element should not be removed when the code is optimized by the tool kit.


LENGTH - Static variable in class score.Address
The length of an address.
logEvent(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class score.Context
Records a log on the blockchain.


newArrayDB(String, Class<E>) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns a new array DB.
newBranchDB(String, Class<?>) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns a new branch DB.
newByteArrayObjectReader(String, byte[]) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns a new object reader reading from a byte array.
newByteArrayObjectWriter(String) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns a new object writer writing to a byte array.
newDictDB(String, Class<V>) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns a new dictionary DB.
newVarDB(String, Class<E>) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns a new variable DB.


ObjectReader - Interface in score
Interface for object read.
ObjectWriter - Interface in score
Interface for object write.
Optional - Annotation Type in score.annotation
Annotation that can be used to indicate whether the method parameter is optional.


Payable - Annotation Type in score.annotation
Annotation that can be used to indicate whether the method can receive ICX coins.
pop() - Method in interface score.ArrayDB
Pops last element of the array DB.
println(String) - Static method in class score.Context
Prints a message, for debugging purpose.


read(Class<T>) - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads an object of the class c.
readAddress() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads an address.
readBigInteger() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a big integer.
readBoolean() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a boolean.
readByte() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a byte.
readByteArray() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a byte array.
readChar() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a character.
readDouble() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a double.
readFloat() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a float.
readInt() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads an integer.
readLong() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a long.
readNullable(Class<T>) - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a nullable object.
readNullableOrDefault(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a nullable object or returns default object if there is no next object.
readonly() - Method in annotation type score.annotation.External
The method will have read-only access to the state DB if this value is true.
readOrDefault(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads an object or returns default object if there is no next object.
readShort() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a short.
readString() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Reads a string.
recoverKey(String, byte[], byte[], boolean) - Static method in class score.Context
Recovers the public key from the message and the recoverable signature.
removeLast() - Method in interface score.ArrayDB
Removes last element of the array DB.
require(boolean) - Static method in class score.Context
Checks that the provided condition is true and if it is false, triggers a revert.
require(boolean, String) - Static method in class score.Context
Checks that the provided condition is true and if it is false, triggers a revert.
revert() - Static method in class score.Context
Stops the current execution and rolls back all state changes.
revert(int) - Static method in class score.Context
Stops the current execution and rolls back all state changes.
revert(int, String) - Static method in class score.Context
Stops the current execution and rolls back all state changes.
revert(String) - Static method in class score.Context
Stops the current execution and rolls back all state changes.
RevertedException - Exception in score
Signals a failure of an inter-contract call.
RevertedException() - Constructor for exception score.RevertedException
Constructs a new exception.
RevertedException(String) - Constructor for exception score.RevertedException
Constructs a new exception.
RevertedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception score.RevertedException
Constructs a new exception.
RevertedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception score.RevertedException
Constructs a new exception.


score - package score
score.annotation - package score.annotation
set(int, E) - Method in interface score.ArrayDB
Sets value of the specified index.
set(E) - Method in interface score.VarDB
Sets value.
set(K, V) - Method in interface score.DictDB
Sets a value for a key
setFeeSharingProportion(int) - Static method in class score.Context
Sets the proportion of transaction fees that the SCORE will pay.
size() - Method in interface score.ArrayDB
Returns number of elements in this array DB.
skip() - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Skips an element of the current container.
skip(int) - Method in interface score.ObjectReader
Skips elements of the current container.


toByteArray() - Method in class score.Address
Converts this address to a new byte array.
toByteArray() - Method in interface score.ByteArrayObjectWriter
toString() - Method in class score.Address
Returns a string representation of this address.
transfer(Address, BigInteger) - Static method in class score.Context
Transfers the value to the given target address from this SCORE's account.


UserRevertedException - Exception in score
Signals a manual reversion from a score.
UserRevertedException() - Constructor for exception score.UserRevertedException
Constructs a new exception
UserRevertedException(int) - Constructor for exception score.UserRevertedException
Constructs a new exception
UserRevertedException(int, String) - Constructor for exception score.UserRevertedException
Constructs a new exception
UserRevertedException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception score.UserRevertedException
Constructs a new exception
UserRevertedException(int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception score.UserRevertedException
Constructs a new exception
UserRevertedException(String) - Constructor for exception score.UserRevertedException
Constructs a new exception
UserRevertedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception score.UserRevertedException
Constructs a new exception
UserRevertedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception score.UserRevertedException
Constructs a new exception
UserRevertException - Exception in score
Signals failure of an External method.
UserRevertException() - Constructor for exception score.UserRevertException
UserRevertException(String) - Constructor for exception score.UserRevertException
UserRevertException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception score.UserRevertException
UserRevertException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception score.UserRevertException


VarDB<E> - Interface in score
A variable DB holds one value.
verifySignature(String, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class score.Context
Returns true if the given signature for the given message by the given public key is correct.


write(boolean) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a boolean.
write(byte) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a byte.
write(byte[]) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a byte array.
write(char) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a character.
write(double) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a double.
write(float) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a float.
write(int) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a integer.
write(long) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a long.
write(short) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a short.
write(Object) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes an object.
write(Object...) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes objects.
write(String) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a string.
write(BigInteger) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a big integer.
write(Address) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes an address.
writeListOf(Object...) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a list.
writeListOfNullable(Object...) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a list of nullable.
writeNull() - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a null.
writeNullable(Object) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes a nullable object.
writeNullable(Object...) - Method in interface score.ObjectWriter
Writes nullable objects.
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