All Classes and Interfaces

Represents the context used to configure routes and the policies to use.
Base implementation for EndpointRegistry, TransformerRegistry, and ValidatorRegistry.
A tracer used for message tracing, storing a copy of the message details in a backlog.
Base ExecutorServiceManager which can be used for implementations
Base class for package scan resolvers.
Bootstrap configurer resolver that looks for configurer factories in META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/configurer/.
Bootstrap factory finder.
Internal Processor that Camel routing engine used during routing for cross cutting functionality such as: Execute UnitOfWork Keeping track which route currently is being routed Execute RoutePolicy Gather JMX performance statics Tracing Debugging Message History Stream Caching Transformer ...
Advice to execute the BacklogDebugger if enabled.
Advice to execute the BacklogTracer if enabled.
Advice when an EIP uses the shareUnitOfWork functionality.
Advice to execute when using custom debugger.
Advice for delaying
Advice when Message History has been enabled.
Advice that stores the node id and label of the processor that is processing the exchange.
Advice to keep the InflightRepository up to date.
Advice to invoke callbacks for before and after routing.
Advice to execute any RoutePolicy a route may have been configured with.
Advice for StreamCachingStrategy
Advice for tracing
Advice to inject new UnitOfWork to the Exchange if needed, and as well to ensure the UnitOfWork is done and stopped.
A helper class for Camel based injector or bean post-processing hooks.
An event message holding the traced message by the BacklogTracer.
A bean post processor which implements the Bean Integration features in Camel.
A default name strategy which auto assigns a name using a prefix-counter pattern.
DefaultChannel is the default Channel.
Default class resolver that uses regular class loader to load classes.
Default CompileStrategy.
The default implementation of ComponentResolver which tries to find components by using the URI scheme prefix and searching for a file of the URI scheme name in the META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/component/ directory on the classpath.
Default configurer resolver that looks for configurer factories in META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/configurer/.
This is a special container for the CamelContext because, with Camel 4, we split the CamelContext and the former ExtendedCamelContext.
Default implementation of ConsumerTemplate.
Default data format resolver
The default implementation of the Debugger.
Default implementation of the CamelDependencyInjectionAnnotationFactory.
Default dev console resolver that looks for dev consoles factories in META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/dev-console/.
Default implementation of EndpointRegistry
Default ExecutorServiceManager.
Default factory finder.
Default factory finder.
This implementation is based on the usage pattern, that a top level DefaultFluentProducerTemplate instance is created as singleton and provided to the Camel end user (such as injected into a POJO).
Default HeadersMapFactory which uses the CaseInsensitiveMap.
Default health check resolver that looks for health checks factories in META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/health-check/.
Default InflightRepository.
A default implementation of Injector which just uses reflection to instantiate new objects using their zero argument constructor, and then performing bean post processing using CamelBeanPostProcessor.
Default InterceptEndpointFactory.
Default language resolver that looks for language factories in META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/language/ and language resolvers in META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/language/resolver/.
Default implementation of ManagementNameStrategy
A default management strategy that does not manage.
Factory for creating non JMX ManagementStrategy.
Default id factory.
Default implement of PackageScanClassResolver
Default implement of PackageScanResourceResolver
A PeriodTaskScheduler that schedules generic tasks from custom components that are defined with the PeriodicTask annotation.
Template (named like Spring's TransactionTemplate invalid input: '&' JmsTemplate et al) for working with Camel and sending Message instances in an Exchange to an Endpoint.
Default ReactiveExecutor.
Default ResourceLoader.
An implementation of the ResourceResolver that resolves a Resource from a base64 encoded string.
An implementation of the ResourceResolver that resolves a Resource from the classpath.
An implementation of the ResourceResolver that resolves a Resource from a file.
An implementation of the ResourceResolver that resolves a Resource from a gzip+base64 encoded string.
An implementation of the ResourceResolver that resolves a Resource from http.
An implementation of the ResourceResolver that resolves a Resource from https.
An implementation of the ResourceResolver that resolves a Resource from a string.
An implementation of the ResourceResolver that resolves a Resource from a bean in the registry of type String.
Default implementation of Route.
A default RouteController that starts the routes in a fail-fast mode, which means if any of the routes fail to startup then this causes Camel to fail to startup as well.
Default RouteFactory.
Default RoutesLoader.
Default implementation of RouteStartupOrder.
Default BootstrapCloseable which will collect all registered Service which is BootstrapCloseable and run their task and remove the service from CamelContext.
Default ShutdownStrategy which uses graceful shutdown.
Default implementation of StreamCachingStrategy
A supervising capable RouteController that delays the startup of the routes after the camel context startup and takes control of starting the routes in a safe manner.
Default Tracer implementation that will log traced messages to the logger named org.apache.camel.Tracing.
Default implementation of TransformerRegistry.
The default implementation of TransformerResolver which tries to find components by using the URI scheme prefix and searching for a file of the URI scheme name in the META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/transformer/ directory on the classpath.
The default implementation of UnitOfWork
Default UnitOfWorkFactory
Default assembler resolver that looks for UriFactoryResolver factories in META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/urifactory/.
Default implementation of ValidatorRegistry.
Default VariableRepositoryFactory.
A StartupListener that defers starting Services, until as late as possible during the startup process of CamelContext.
RoutePolicy which executes for a duration and then triggers an action.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
RoutePolicyFactory which executes for a duration and then triggers an action.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Strategy to used an explicit (fixed) name for CamelContext.
HashMap HeadersMapFactory which uses a plain HashMap.
A PollingConsumerPollStrategy which supports suspending consumers if they failed for X number of times in a row.
This unit of work supports MDC.
Pooled ExchangeFactory that reuses Exchange instance from a pool.
Pooled ProcessorExchangeFactory that reuses Exchange instance from a pool.
ExchangeFactory that creates a new Exchange instance.
ProcessorExchangeFactory that creates a new Exchange instance.
Represents the runtime objects for a given route so that it can be stopped independently of other routes
A Shared (thread safe) internal Processor that Camel routing engine used during routing for cross cutting functionality such as: Execute UnitOfWork Keeping track which route currently is being routed Execute RoutePolicy Gather JMX performance statics Tracing Debugging Message History Stream Caching Transformer ...
Represents the context used to configure routes and the policies to use.
A Processor which is used for POJO @Consume where you can have multiple @Consume on the same endpoint/consumer and via predicate's can filter and call different methods.
Key used in TransformerRegistry in AbstractCamelContext, to ensure a consistent lookup.
Key used in ValidatorRegistry in CamelContext, to ensure a consistent lookup.
WebSphere specific resolver to handle loading annotated resources in JAR files.