Class UserAgentUtil

  • public class UserAgentUtil
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • constructAgent

        public static String constructAgent​(Class<?> clazz)
        Create user-agent with simple class name.
        clazz - the class
      • constructAgent

        public static String constructAgent​(String name,
                                            Package pkg)
        Create user-agent from name and determine version through implementation version of the provided package. In case the implementation version of the package returns null, the version info is omitted.
        name - the user-agent name
        pkg - the package
      • constructAgent

        public static String constructAgent​(String name,
                                            String version)
        Create user-agent from name and version-string [name]/[version].
        name - the user-agent name
        version - the user-agent version (or null to use name only)