Package org.jpos.iso

Class ISOUtil

  • public class ISOUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    various functions needed to pack/unpack ISO-8583 fields
    See Also:
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.nio.charset.Charset CHARSET
      Default charset for bytes transmissions over network
      static java.nio.charset.Charset EBCDIC  
      static java.lang.String ENCODING
      use CHARSET instead
      static byte ETX  
      static byte FS  
      static byte GS  
      static java.lang.String[] hexStrings  
      static byte RS  
      static byte STX  
      static java.util.regex.Pattern unicodePattern  
      static byte US  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      All methods in this class are static, so there's usually no need to instantiate it We provide this public constructor in order to deal with some legacy script integration that needs an instance of this class in a rendering context.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static byte[] asciiToEbcdic​(byte[] a)  
      static void asciiToEbcdic​(byte[] s, byte[] e, int offset)  
      static byte[] asciiToEbcdic​(java.lang.String s)  
      static void asciiToEbcdic​(java.lang.String s, byte[] e, int offset)  
      static java.lang.String bcd2str​(byte[] b, int offset, int len, boolean padLeft)
      converts a BCD representation of a number to a String
      static byte[] bitSet2byte​(java.util.BitSet b)
      converts a BitSet into a binary field used in pack routines This method will set bits 0 (and 65) if there's a secondary (and tertiary) bitmap (i.e., if the bitmap length is > 64 (and > 128))
      static byte[] bitSet2byte​(java.util.BitSet b, int bytes)
      converts a BitSet into a binary field used in pack routines This method will set bits 0 (and 65) if there's a secondary (and tertiary) bitmap (i.e., if the bitmap length is > 64 (and > 128))
      static byte[] bitSet2extendedByte​(java.util.BitSet b)
      Converts a BitSet into an extended binary field used in pack routines.
      static int bitSet2Int​(java.util.BitSet bs)  
      static java.lang.String bitSet2String​(java.util.BitSet b)
      bit representation of a BitSet suitable for dumps and debugging
      static java.lang.String blankUnPad​(java.lang.String s)
      Right unPad with ' '
      static java.util.BitSet byte2BitSet​(byte[] b, int offset, boolean bitZeroMeansExtended)
      Converts a binary representation of a Bitmap field into a Java BitSet
      static java.util.BitSet byte2BitSet​(byte[] b, int offset, int maxBits)
      Converts a binary representation of a Bitmap field into a Java BitSet
      static java.util.BitSet byte2BitSet​(java.util.BitSet bmap, byte[] b, int bitOffset)
      Converts a binary representation of a Bitmap field into a Java BitSet.
      static java.lang.String byte2hex​(byte[] bs)
      Converts a byte array into a hex string
      static java.lang.String byte2hex​(byte[] bs, int off, int length)
      Converts a byte array into a string of lower case hex chars.
      static int byte2int​(byte[] bytes)
      Converts a byte array of hex into an integer
      static char calcLUHN​(java.lang.String p)
      Compute card's check digit (LUHN)
      static java.lang.String[] charDecode​(char delimiter, java.lang.String s)
      Decodes a char encoded String as encoded by charEncode
      static java.lang.String charDecode​(java.lang.String s, char delimiter, int i)
      Decodes a char encoded String returning element in position i
      static java.lang.String charEncode​(char delimiter, java.lang.String... ss)
      Converts a string[] or multiple strings into one char-delimited String.
      static java.lang.String[] commaDecode​(java.lang.String s)
      Decodes a comma encoded String as encoded by commaEncode
      static java.lang.String commaDecode​(java.lang.String s, int i)
      Decodes a comma encoded String returning element in position i
      static java.lang.String commaEncode​(java.lang.String... ss)
      Converts a string[] or multiple strings into one comma-delimited String.
      static byte[] concat​(byte[] array1, byte[] array2)
      Concatenates two byte arrays (array1 and array2)
      static byte[] concat​(byte[] array1, int beginIndex1, int length1, byte[] array2, int beginIndex2, int length2)
      Concatenates two byte arrays (array1 and array2)
      static byte[] decodeHexDump​(java.lang.String s)  
      static java.lang.String dumpString​(byte[] b)
      converts a byte array to printable characters
      static java.lang.String ebcdicToAscii​(byte[] e)  
      static java.lang.String ebcdicToAscii​(byte[] e, int offset, int len)  
      static byte[] ebcdicToAsciiBytes​(byte[] e)  
      static byte[] ebcdicToAsciiBytes​(byte[] e, int offset, int len)  
      static java.lang.String formatAmount​(long l, int len)
      prepare long value used as amount for display (implicit 2 decimals)
      static java.lang.String formatAmountConversionRate​(double convRate)
      Format a string containing a amount conversion rate in the proper format
      static java.lang.String formatDouble​(double d, int len)
      format double value
      static java.lang.String getRandomDigits​(java.util.Random r, int l, int radix)  
      static java.util.BitSet hex2BitSet​(byte[] b, int offset, boolean bitZeroMeansExtended)
      Converts an ASCII representation of a Bitmap field into a Java BitSet
      static java.util.BitSet hex2BitSet​(byte[] b, int offset, int maxBits)
      Converts an ASCII representation of a Bitmap field into a Java BitSet
      static java.util.BitSet hex2BitSet​(java.util.BitSet bmap, byte[] b, int bitOffset)
      Converts an ASCII representation of a Bitmap field into a Java BitSet
      static byte[] hex2byte​(byte[] b, int offset, int len)  
      static byte[] hex2byte​(java.lang.String s)
      Converts a hex string into a byte array
      static byte[] hex2byte​(java.lang.String s, java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
      Converts a hex string into a byte array
      static java.lang.String hex2str​(byte[] b, int offset, int len, boolean padLeft)
      converts a a byte array to a String with padding support
      static java.lang.String hexdump​(byte[] b)  
      static java.lang.String hexdump​(byte[] b, int offset)  
      static java.lang.String hexdump​(byte[] b, int offset, int len)  
      static java.lang.String hexDump​(byte[] array, int offset, int length, java.nio.charset.Charset charSet)
      At times when the charset is not the default usual one the dump will have more unprintable characters than printable.
      static java.lang.String hexor​(java.lang.String op1, java.lang.String op2)
      Bitwise XOR between corresponding byte arrays represented in hex
      static java.lang.String hexString​(byte[] b)
      converts a byte array to hex string (suitable for dumps and ASCII packaging of Binary fields
      static java.lang.String hexString​(byte[] b, int offset, int len)
      converts a byte array to hex string (suitable for dumps and ASCII packaging of Binary fields
      static java.util.BitSet int2BitSet​(int value)  
      static java.util.BitSet int2BitSet​(int value, int offset)  
      static byte[] int2byte​(int value)
      Converts an integer into a byte array of hex
      static boolean isAlphaNumeric​(java.lang.String s)
      Return true if the string is alphanum.
      static boolean isBlank​(java.lang.String s)  
      static boolean isNumeric​(java.lang.String s, int radix)
      Return true if the string represent a number in the specified radix.
      static boolean isZero​(java.lang.String s)  
      static java.lang.String millisToString​(long millis)  
      static java.lang.String normalize​(java.lang.String s)
      XML normalizer (default canonical)
      static java.lang.String normalize​(java.lang.String s, boolean canonical)
      XML normalizer
      static java.lang.String padleft​(java.lang.String s, int len, char c)
      pad to the left
      static java.lang.String padright​(java.lang.String s, int len, char c)
      pad to the right
      static double parseAmountConversionRate​(java.lang.String convRate)
      Parse currency amount conversion rate string
      static int parseInt​(byte[] bArray)
      Converts a byte array to an integer of radix 10.
      static int parseInt​(byte[] bArray, int radix)
      Converts a byte array to an integer of base radix.
      static int parseInt​(char[] cArray)
      Converts a character array to an integer of radix 10.
      static int parseInt​(char[] cArray, int radix)
      Converts a character array to an integer of base radix.
      static int parseInt​(java.lang.String s)
      Converts a String to an integer of radix 10.
      static int parseInt​(java.lang.String s, int radix)
      Converts a String to an integer of base radix.
      static java.lang.String protect​(java.lang.String s)  
      static java.lang.String protect​(java.lang.String s, char mask)
      Protects PAN, Track2, CVC (suitable for logs).
      static java.lang.String readableFileSize​(long size)  
      static void sleep​(long millis)
      Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds.
      static byte[] str2bcd​(java.lang.String s, boolean padLeft)
      converts to BCD
      static byte[] str2bcd​(java.lang.String s, boolean padLeft, byte fill)
      converts to BCD
      static byte[] str2bcd​(java.lang.String s, boolean padLeft, byte[] d, int offset)
      converts to BCD
      static byte[] str2hex​(java.lang.String s, boolean padLeft, byte[] d, int offset)
      converts to BCD
      static java.lang.String stripUnicode​(java.lang.String s)  
      static java.lang.String strpad​(java.lang.String s, int len)
      pads to the right
      static java.lang.String strpadf​(java.lang.String s, int len)
      pads a string with 'F's (useful for pinoffset management)
      static java.lang.String takeFirstN​(java.lang.String s, int n)
      return the first n characters of the passed String, left padding where required with 0
      static java.lang.String takeLastN​(java.lang.String s, int n)
      return the last n characters of the passed String, left padding where required with 0
      static int[] toIntArray​(java.lang.String s)  
      static java.lang.String[] toStringArray​(java.lang.String s)  
      static byte[] trim​(byte[] array, int length)
      Trims a byte[] to a certain length
      static java.lang.String trim​(java.lang.String s)
      trim String (if not null)
      static java.lang.String trimf​(java.lang.String s)
      reverse the effect of strpadf
      static java.lang.String unPadLeft​(java.lang.String s, char c)
      Unpad from left.
      static java.lang.String unPadRight​(java.lang.String s, char c)
      Unpad from right.
      static byte[] xor​(byte[] op1, byte[] op2)
      Bitwise XOR between corresponding bytes
      static java.lang.String zeropad​(long l, int len)
      zeropads a long without throwing an ISOException (performs modulus operation)
      static java.lang.String zeropad​(java.lang.String s, int len)
      left pad with '0'
      static java.lang.String zeropadRight​(java.lang.String s, int len)  
      static java.lang.String zeroUnPad​(java.lang.String s)
      Left unPad with '0'
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ISOUtil

        public ISOUtil()
        All methods in this class are static, so there's usually no need to instantiate it We provide this public constructor in order to deal with some legacy script integration that needs an instance of this class in a rendering context.
    • Method Detail

      • ebcdicToAscii

        public static java.lang.String ebcdicToAscii​(byte[] e)
      • ebcdicToAscii

        public static java.lang.String ebcdicToAscii​(byte[] e,
                                                     int offset,
                                                     int len)
      • ebcdicToAsciiBytes

        public static byte[] ebcdicToAsciiBytes​(byte[] e,
                                                int offset,
                                                int len)
      • asciiToEbcdic

        public static byte[] asciiToEbcdic​(java.lang.String s)
      • asciiToEbcdic

        public static byte[] asciiToEbcdic​(byte[] a)
      • asciiToEbcdic

        public static void asciiToEbcdic​(java.lang.String s,
                                         byte[] e,
                                         int offset)
      • asciiToEbcdic

        public static void asciiToEbcdic​(byte[] s,
                                         byte[] e,
                                         int offset)
      • padleft

        public static java.lang.String padleft​(java.lang.String s,
                                               int len,
                                               char c)
                                        throws ISOException
        pad to the left
        s - - original string
        len - - desired len
        c - - padding char
        padded string
        ISOException - on error
      • padright

        public static java.lang.String padright​(java.lang.String s,
                                                int len,
                                                char c)
                                         throws ISOException
        pad to the right
        s - - original string
        len - - desired len
        c - - padding char
        padded string
        ISOException - if String's length greater than pad length
      • trim

        public static java.lang.String trim​(java.lang.String s)
        trim String (if not null)
        s - String to trim
        String (may be null)
      • zeropad

        public static java.lang.String zeropad​(java.lang.String s,
                                               int len)
                                        throws ISOException
        left pad with '0'
        s - - original string
        len - - desired len
        zero padded string
        ISOException - if string's length greater than len
      • zeropad

        public static java.lang.String zeropad​(long l,
                                               int len)
        zeropads a long without throwing an ISOException (performs modulus operation)
        l - the long
        len - the length
        zeropadded value
      • strpad

        public static java.lang.String strpad​(java.lang.String s,
                                              int len)
        pads to the right
        s - - original string
        len - - desired len
        space padded string
      • zeropadRight

        public static java.lang.String zeropadRight​(java.lang.String s,
                                                    int len)
      • str2bcd

        public static byte[] str2bcd​(java.lang.String s,
                                     boolean padLeft,
                                     byte[] d,
                                     int offset)
        converts to BCD
        s - - the number
        padLeft - - flag indicating left/right padding
        d - The byte array to copy into.
        offset - Where to start copying into.
        BCD representation of the number
      • str2hex

        public static byte[] str2hex​(java.lang.String s,
                                     boolean padLeft,
                                     byte[] d,
                                     int offset)
        converts to BCD
        s - - the number
        padLeft - - flag indicating left/right padding
        d - The byte array to copy into.
        offset - Where to start copying into.
        BCD representation of the number
      • str2bcd

        public static byte[] str2bcd​(java.lang.String s,
                                     boolean padLeft)
        converts to BCD
        s - - the number
        padLeft - - flag indicating left/right padding
        BCD representation of the number
      • str2bcd

        public static byte[] str2bcd​(java.lang.String s,
                                     boolean padLeft,
                                     byte fill)
        converts to BCD
        s - - the number
        padLeft - - flag indicating left/right padding
        fill - - fill value
        BCD representation of the number
      • bcd2str

        public static java.lang.String bcd2str​(byte[] b,
                                               int offset,
                                               int len,
                                               boolean padLeft)
        converts a BCD representation of a number to a String
        b - - BCD representation
        offset - - starting offset
        len - - BCD field len
        padLeft - - was padLeft packed?
        the String representation of the number
      • hex2str

        public static java.lang.String hex2str​(byte[] b,
                                               int offset,
                                               int len,
                                               boolean padLeft)
        converts a a byte array to a String with padding support
        b - - HEX representation
        offset - - starting offset
        len - - BCD field len
        padLeft - - was padLeft packed?
        the String representation of the number
      • hexString

        public static java.lang.String hexString​(byte[] b)
        converts a byte array to hex string (suitable for dumps and ASCII packaging of Binary fields
        b - - byte array
        String representation
      • dumpString

        public static java.lang.String dumpString​(byte[] b)
        converts a byte array to printable characters
        b - - byte array
        String representation
      • hexString

        public static java.lang.String hexString​(byte[] b,
                                                 int offset,
                                                 int len)
        converts a byte array to hex string (suitable for dumps and ASCII packaging of Binary fields
        b - - byte array
        offset - - starting position
        len - the length
        String representation
      • bitSet2String

        public static java.lang.String bitSet2String​(java.util.BitSet b)
        bit representation of a BitSet suitable for dumps and debugging
        b - - the BitSet
        string representing the bits (i.e. 011010010...)
      • bitSet2byte

        public static byte[] bitSet2byte​(java.util.BitSet b)
        converts a BitSet into a binary field used in pack routines This method will set bits 0 (and 65) if there's a secondary (and tertiary) bitmap (i.e., if the bitmap length is > 64 (and > 128))
        b - - the BitSet
        binary representation
      • bitSet2byte

        public static byte[] bitSet2byte​(java.util.BitSet b,
                                         int bytes)
        converts a BitSet into a binary field used in pack routines This method will set bits 0 (and 65) if there's a secondary (and tertiary) bitmap (i.e., if the bitmap length is > 64 (and > 128))
        b - - the BitSet
        bytes - - number of bytes to return
        binary representation
      • bitSet2Int

        public static int bitSet2Int​(java.util.BitSet bs)
      • int2BitSet

        public static java.util.BitSet int2BitSet​(int value)
      • int2BitSet

        public static java.util.BitSet int2BitSet​(int value,
                                                  int offset)
      • byte2BitSet

        public static java.util.BitSet byte2BitSet​(byte[] b,
                                                   int offset,
                                                   boolean bitZeroMeansExtended)
        Converts a binary representation of a Bitmap field into a Java BitSet
        b - - binary representation
        offset - - staring offset
        bitZeroMeansExtended - - true for ISO-8583
        java BitSet object
      • byte2BitSet

        public static java.util.BitSet byte2BitSet​(byte[] b,
                                                   int offset,
                                                   int maxBits)
        Converts a binary representation of a Bitmap field into a Java BitSet
        b - - binary representation
        offset - - staring offset
        maxBits - - max number of bits (supports 64,128 or 192)
        java BitSet object
      • byte2BitSet

        public static java.util.BitSet byte2BitSet​(java.util.BitSet bmap,
                                                   byte[] b,
                                                   int bitOffset)
        Converts a binary representation of a Bitmap field into a Java BitSet. The byte[] will be fully consumed, and fed into the given BitSet starting at bitOffset+1
        bmap - - BitSet
        b - - hex representation
        bitOffset - - (i.e. 0 for primary bitmap, 64 for secondary)
        the same java BitSet object given as first argument
      • hex2BitSet

        public static java.util.BitSet hex2BitSet​(byte[] b,
                                                  int offset,
                                                  boolean bitZeroMeansExtended)
        Converts an ASCII representation of a Bitmap field into a Java BitSet
        b - - hex representation
        offset - - starting offset
        bitZeroMeansExtended - - true for ISO-8583
        java BitSet object
      • hex2BitSet

        public static java.util.BitSet hex2BitSet​(byte[] b,
                                                  int offset,
                                                  int maxBits)
        Converts an ASCII representation of a Bitmap field into a Java BitSet
        b - - hex representation
        offset - - starting offset
        maxBits - - max number of bits (supports 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 52, 64,.. 128 or 192)
        java BitSet object
      • hex2BitSet

        public static java.util.BitSet hex2BitSet​(java.util.BitSet bmap,
                                                  byte[] b,
                                                  int bitOffset)
        Converts an ASCII representation of a Bitmap field into a Java BitSet
        bmap - - BitSet
        b - - hex representation
        bitOffset - - (i.e. 0 for primary bitmap, 64 for secondary)
        java BitSet object
      • hex2byte

        public static byte[] hex2byte​(byte[] b,
                                      int offset,
                                      int len)
        b - source byte array
        offset - starting offset
        len - number of bytes in destination (processes len*2)
      • hex2byte

        public static byte[] hex2byte​(java.lang.String s)
        Converts a hex string into a byte array
        s - source string (with Hex representation)
        byte array
      • hex2byte

        public static byte[] hex2byte​(java.lang.String s,
                                      java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
        Converts a hex string into a byte array
        s - source string (with Hex representation)
        charset - character set to be used
        byte array
      • byte2hex

        public static java.lang.String byte2hex​(byte[] bs)
        Converts a byte array into a hex string
        bs - source byte array
        hexadecimal representation of bytes
      • int2byte

        public static byte[] int2byte​(int value)
        Converts an integer into a byte array of hex
        value -
        bytes representation of integer
      • byte2int

        public static int byte2int​(byte[] bytes)
        Converts a byte array of hex into an integer
        bytes -
        integer representation of bytes
      • byte2hex

        public static java.lang.String byte2hex​(byte[] bs,
                                                int off,
                                                int length)
        Converts a byte array into a string of lower case hex chars.
        bs - A byte array
        off - The index of the first byte to read
        length - The number of bytes to read.
        the string of hex chars.
      • formatDouble

        public static java.lang.String formatDouble​(double d,
                                                    int len)
        format double value
        d - the amount
        len - the field len
        a String of fieldLen characters (right justified)
      • formatAmount

        public static java.lang.String formatAmount​(long l,
                                                    int len)
                                             throws ISOException
        prepare long value used as amount for display (implicit 2 decimals)
        l - value
        len - display len
        formated field
      • normalize

        public static java.lang.String normalize​(java.lang.String s,
                                                 boolean canonical)
        XML normalizer
        s - source String
        canonical - true if we want to normalize \r and \n as well
        normalized string suitable for XML Output
      • stripUnicode

        public static java.lang.String stripUnicode​(java.lang.String s)
      • normalize

        public static java.lang.String normalize​(java.lang.String s)
        XML normalizer (default canonical)
        s - source String
        normalized string suitable for XML Output
      • protect

        public static java.lang.String protect​(java.lang.String s,
                                               char mask)
        Protects PAN, Track2, CVC (suitable for logs).
         "40000101010001" is converted to "400001____0001"
         "40000101010001=020128375" is converted to "400001____0001=0201_____"
         "40000101010001D020128375" is converted to "400001____0001D0201_____"
         "123" is converted to "___"
        s - string to be protected
        mask - char used to protect the string
        'protected' String
      • protect

        public static java.lang.String protect​(java.lang.String s)
      • toIntArray

        public static int[] toIntArray​(java.lang.String s)
      • toStringArray

        public static java.lang.String[] toStringArray​(java.lang.String s)
      • xor

        public static byte[] xor​(byte[] op1,
                                 byte[] op2)
        Bitwise XOR between corresponding bytes
        op1 - byteArray1
        op2 - byteArray2
        an array of length = the smallest between op1 and op2
      • hexor

        public static java.lang.String hexor​(java.lang.String op1,
                                             java.lang.String op2)
        Bitwise XOR between corresponding byte arrays represented in hex
        op1 - hexstring 1
        op2 - hexstring 2
        an array of length = the smallest between op1 and op2
      • trim

        public static byte[] trim​(byte[] array,
                                  int length)
        Trims a byte[] to a certain length
        array - the byte[] to be trimmed
        length - the wanted length
        the trimmed byte[]
      • concat

        public static byte[] concat​(byte[] array1,
                                    byte[] array2)
        Concatenates two byte arrays (array1 and array2)
        array1 - first part
        array2 - last part
        the concatenated array
      • concat

        public static byte[] concat​(byte[] array1,
                                    int beginIndex1,
                                    int length1,
                                    byte[] array2,
                                    int beginIndex2,
                                    int length2)
        Concatenates two byte arrays (array1 and array2)
        array1 - first part
        beginIndex1 - initial index
        length1 - length
        array2 - last part
        beginIndex2 - last part index
        length2 - last part length
        the concatenated array
      • sleep

        public static void sleep​(long millis)
        Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds. The thread does not lose ownership of any monitors. This is the same as Thread.sleep () without throwing InterruptedException
        millis - the length of time to sleep in milliseconds.
      • zeroUnPad

        public static java.lang.String zeroUnPad​(java.lang.String s)
        Left unPad with '0'
        s - - original string
        zero unPadded string
      • blankUnPad

        public static java.lang.String blankUnPad​(java.lang.String s)
        Right unPad with ' '
        s - - original string
        blank unPadded string
      • unPadRight

        public static java.lang.String unPadRight​(java.lang.String s,
                                                  char c)
        Unpad from right.
        s - - original string
        c - - padding char
        unPadded string.
      • unPadLeft

        public static java.lang.String unPadLeft​(java.lang.String s,
                                                 char c)
        Unpad from left.
        s - - original string
        c - - padding char
        unPadded string.
      • isZero

        public static boolean isZero​(java.lang.String s)
        true if the string is zero-filled ( 0 char filled )
      • isBlank

        public static boolean isBlank​(java.lang.String s)
        true if the string is blank filled (space char filled)
      • isAlphaNumeric

        public static boolean isAlphaNumeric​(java.lang.String s)
        Return true if the string is alphanum. {letter digit (.) (_) (-) ( ) (?) }
      • isNumeric

        public static boolean isNumeric​(java.lang.String s,
                                        int radix)
        Return true if the string represent a number in the specified radix.

      • bitSet2extendedByte

        public static byte[] bitSet2extendedByte​(java.util.BitSet b)
        Converts a BitSet into an extended binary field used in pack routines. The result is always in the extended format: (16 bytes of length)

        b - the BitSet
        binary representation
      • parseInt

        public static int parseInt​(java.lang.String s,
                                   int radix)
                            throws java.lang.NumberFormatException
        Converts a String to an integer of base radix.

        String constraints are:
      • Number must be less than 10 digits
      • Number must be positive
s - String representation of number
radix - Number base to use
integer value of number
s - String representation of number
integer value of number