Package org.jpos.rc

Interface IRC

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IRC
    Internal Result Code 0xxx: authorization/financial presentment approved. 1xxx: authorization/financial presentment denied. 2xxx: authorization/financial presentment denied, pick up card. 3xxx: file actions. 4xxx: reversal or chargeback actions. 5xxx: reconciliation actions. 6xxx: administrative actions. 7xxx: fee collection actions. 8xxx: network management actions. 9xxx: error/response actions. 10xxx: jPOS specific internal result codes. 11xxx: User specific internal result codes.
    • Method Detail

      • irc

        int irc()
        internal result code
      • ircString

        default java.lang.String ircString()
        Returns the int irc() as a left-zero-padded String This is the default implementation which can be overridden for performance or other reasons.
        a left-zero-padded String with the integer value of this IRC
      • success

        boolean success()
        true if this IRC can be considered a 'success' (not necessarily an approval, could be a partial approval, advice accepted, etc.)
      • inhibit

        boolean inhibit()
        true if error type should inhibit response back to client