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addCommand(String, Command) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Add a new command to this manager.
addPluggableCommands(CommandManager) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.PluginManager
Find pluggable commands and add them to a CommandManager.
AnnotateCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Add and remove annotations from an ontology.
AnnotateCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.AnnotateCommand
Initialize the command.


cleanAxiomStrings(CommandLine) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a command line, get the 'axioms' option(s) and make sure all are properly split and return one axiom selector per list entry.
CollapseCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
CollapseCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.CollapseCommand
Initialize the command.
Command - Interface in org.obolibrary.robot
A simple interface for all ROBOT commands.
CommandLineHelper - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Convenience methods for working with command line options.
CommandLineHelper() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
CommandLineInterface - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Entry point for ROBOT command-line interface.
CommandLineInterface() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineInterface
CommandManager - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Execute collections of commands.
CommandManager() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Initialze the command.
CommandState - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
A simple state container for communicating between Commands.
CommandState() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandState
ConvertCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Save ontology to a different format.
ConvertCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.ConvertCommand
Initialize the command.


DiffCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
A command to get the differences between two ontology files.
DiffCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.DiffCommand
Initialze the command.


ExceptionHelper - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Convenience class to handle formatting error messages and returning links to user support.
ExceptionHelper() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.ExceptionHelper
execute(String[]) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineInterface
Execute the given command-line arguments, throwing any exceptions.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.AnnotateCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, add or remove ontology annotations and return the modified state.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CollapseCommand
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in interface org.obolibrary.robot.Command
All commands offer an execute method that can be chained from previous commands.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Given an input state and command-line arguments, execute one or more commands.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ConvertCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, save the ontology to a new format and return the state unchanged.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.DiffCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, report on the differences between ontologies, if any, and return the state unchanged.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExpandCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, expand macro relations, and add axioms to the input ontology, returning a state with the updated ontology.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExplainCommand
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, build a new ontology from the given template, and return a state with the new ontology.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportPrefixesCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, export the current prefixes and return the state unchanged.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExtractCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, extract a new ontology and return an new state.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.FilterCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, filter axioms from its ontology, modifying it, and return a state with the modified ontology.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MaterializeCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, run a reasoner, and add axioms to the input ontology, returning a state with the updated ontology.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MeasureCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, compute metrics in ontology.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MergeCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, merge all ontology axioms into the first ontology and return a state with the merged ontology.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MirrorCommand
Mirrors the input ontologgy and its imports closure.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.PythonCommand
Runs ROBOT accessible via Python.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.QueryCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, query the ontolgy.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReasonCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, run a reasoner, and add axioms to the input ontology, returning a state with the updated ontology.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReduceCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, run a reasoner, and add axioms to the input ontology, returning a state with the updated ontology.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RelaxCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, run a reasoner, and add axioms to the input ontology, returning a state with the updated ontology.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RemoveCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, create a new ontology with removed axioms and return a new state.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RenameCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, rename the entity IRIs in the ontology.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RepairCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, repair a new ontology and return an new state.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReportCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, report a new ontology and return an new state.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.TemplateCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, build a new ontology from the given template, and return a state with the new ontology.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.UnmergeCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, unmerge all ontology axioms into the first ontology and return a state with the unmerged ontology.
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ValidateProfileCommand
execute(CommandState, String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.VerifyCommand
Given an input state and command line arguments, verify that the SPARQL queries return no results.
executeCommand(CommandState, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Given an input state, global option strings, and remaining command-line argument strings, use as many arguments as needed to execute a single command.
ExpandCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the ExpandOperation.
ExpandCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.ExpandCommand
Initialize the command.
ExplainCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the ExplainOperation.
ExplainCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.ExplainCommand
ExportCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
ExportCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportCommand
Initialize the command.
ExportPrefixesCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Export prefixes to a file.
ExportPrefixesCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportPrefixesCommand
Initialze the command.
ExtendedPosixParser - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
ExtendedPosixParser(boolean) - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.ExtendedPosixParser
ExtractCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the ExtractOperation.
ExtractCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.ExtractCommand
Initialze the command.


FilterCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Create a subset of an ontology based on a series of inputs.
FilterCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.FilterCommand
Initialize the command.


getAddPrefixes(CommandLine) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a command line, get a map of all prefixes to use and add to the output.
getAxiomValues(CommandLine) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
getBaseNamespaces(CommandLine, IOHelper) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a command line and an IOHelper, return a list of base namespaces from the '--base-iri' option.
getBooleanValue(CommandLine, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Get the boolean value of a command-line option with the given name.
getBooleanValue(CommandLine, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a command line, an argument name, the boolean default value, and boolean if the arg is optional, return the value of the command-line option 'name'.
getCatalogPath() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandState
Get the catalog path.
getCommand(CommandLine) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a command line, return its first argument, which should be the name of the command to execute.
getCommandLine(String, Options, String[]) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Parse the command line, handle help and other common options, (May exit!) and return a CommandLine.
getCommonOptions() - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Create a new Options object with shared options for 'help' and 'version'.
getDefaultValue(CommandLine, String, String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Get the value of the command-line option with the given name, or return a default value if the option is not found.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.AnnotateCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CollapseCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in interface org.obolibrary.robot.Command
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ConvertCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.DiffCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExpandCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExplainCommand
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportPrefixesCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExtractCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.FilterCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MaterializeCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MeasureCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MergeCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MirrorCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.PythonCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.QueryCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReasonCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReduceCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RelaxCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RemoveCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RenameCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RepairCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReportCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.TemplateCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.UnmergeCommand
Brief description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ValidateProfileCommand
getDescription() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.VerifyCommand
Brief description of the command.
getIndexValue(CommandLine, int) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a command line and an index, return the argument at that index.
getInputOntologies(IOHelper, CommandLine) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given an IOHelper and a command line, check input options and return a list of loaded input ontologies.
getInputOntologies(IOHelper, CommandLine, boolean) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given an IOHelper and a command line, check for required options and return a list of loaded input ontologies.
getInputOntologies(IOHelper, CommandLine, String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given an IOHelper, a command line, and the path to a catalog file, check input options and return a list of loaded input ontologies with the catalog file.
getInputOntology(IOHelper, CommandLine) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given an IOHelper and a command line, check for required options and return a loaded input ontology.
getInputOntology(IOHelper, CommandLine, String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given an IOHelper, a command line, and a path to a catalog, return an OWLOntology loaded from input or input-iri using the specified catalog (or null).
getIOHelper(CommandLine) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a command line, return an initialized IOHelper.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.AnnotateCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CollapseCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in interface org.obolibrary.robot.Command
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ConvertCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.DiffCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExpandCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExplainCommand
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportPrefixesCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExtractCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.FilterCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MaterializeCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MeasureCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MergeCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MirrorCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.PythonCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.QueryCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReasonCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReduceCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RelaxCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RemoveCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RenameCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RepairCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReportCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.TemplateCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.UnmergeCommand
Name of the command.
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ValidateProfileCommand
getName() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.VerifyCommand
Name of the command.
getObjects(CommandLine, IOHelper, OWLOntology, List<List<String>>) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RemoveCommand
Given a command line, an IOHelper, an ontology, and a list of select groups, return the objects from the ontology based on the select groups.
getOntology() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandState
Get the ontology (not a copy).
getOntologyPath() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandState
Get the ontology path.
getOptionalValue(CommandLine, String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Get the value of the command-line option with the given name.
getOptionalValues(CommandLine, String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Get the value of the command-line options with the given name.
getOptionArgs(Options, List<String>) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Given some Options and some arguments, collect all the options until the first non-option argument, then remove those used argument strings from the arguments list and return the used arguments as a new list.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.AnnotateCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CollapseCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in interface org.obolibrary.robot.Command
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ConvertCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.DiffCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExpandCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExplainCommand
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportPrefixesCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExtractCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.FilterCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MaterializeCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MeasureCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MergeCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MirrorCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.PythonCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.QueryCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReasonCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReduceCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RelaxCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RemoveCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RenameCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RepairCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReportCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.TemplateCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.UnmergeCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ValidateProfileCommand
getOptions() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.VerifyCommand
Command-line options for the command.
getOptionValues(CommandLine, String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a command line, return the values for an option as a list.
getOutputFile(CommandLine) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a command line, check for the required options and return a File for saving data.
getOutputIRI(CommandLine) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a command line, check for the required options and return an IRI to be used as the OntologyIRI for the output ontology.
getReasonerFactory(CommandLine) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a string of a reasoner name from user input, return the reasoner factory.
getReasonerFactory(CommandLine, boolean) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a string of a reasoner name from user input, return the reasoner factory.
getRequiredValue(CommandLine, String, String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Get the value of the command-line option with the given name, or throw an IllegalArgumentException with a given message if the option is not found.
getTerms(IOHelper, CommandLine) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given an IOHelper and a command line, check for the required options and return a set of IRIs for terms.
getTerms(IOHelper, CommandLine, boolean) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
As getTerms, but allow the list to be empty.
getTerms(IOHelper, CommandLine, String, String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given an IOHelper and a command line, and the names of two options, check for the required options and return a set of IRIs for terms.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.AnnotateCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CollapseCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in interface org.obolibrary.robot.Command
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ConvertCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.DiffCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExpandCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExplainCommand
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportPrefixesCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExtractCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.FilterCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MaterializeCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MeasureCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MergeCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MirrorCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.PythonCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.QueryCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReasonCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReduceCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RelaxCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RemoveCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RenameCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RepairCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReportCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.TemplateCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.UnmergeCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ValidateProfileCommand
getUsage() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.VerifyCommand
Command-line usage for the command.
global - Static variable in interface org.obolibrary.robot.Command


handleException(Exception) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Shared method for dealing with exceptions, printing help, and exiting.
handleException(Exception) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExceptionHelper
Prints the exception details as errors, including help URL (if the exception message contains a valid exception ID).
handleException(String, Options, Exception) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Shared method for dealing with exceptions, printing help, and exiting.
hasFlagOrCommand(CommandLine, String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Return true if a command line include the option with the given name, or the command with the given name.


main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.AnnotateCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the command.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CollapseCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the ReasonOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in interface org.obolibrary.robot.Command
All commands can be call from the Java command line with an array of strings as arguments.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineInterface
Execute the given command-line arguments, catching any exceptions.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Given command-line arguments, execute one or more commands.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ConvertCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the ReasonOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.DiffCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the DiffOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExpandCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the ExpandOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExplainCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the ExplainOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the TemplateOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExportPrefixesCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the command.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExtractCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the ExtractOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.FilterCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MaterializeCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the ReasonOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MeasureCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the MeasureOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MergeCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the MergeOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.MirrorCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the ReasonOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.PythonCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the ReasonOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.QueryCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the QueryOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReasonCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the ReasonOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReduceCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the reduceOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RelaxCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the relaxOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RemoveCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RenameCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.RepairCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the RepairOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ReportCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the reportOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.TemplateCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the TemplateOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.UnmergeCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the UnergeOperation.
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ValidateProfileCommand
main(String[]) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.VerifyCommand
Handle the command-line and file operations for the VerifyOperation.
MaterializeCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the MaterializeOperation.
MaterializeCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.MaterializeCommand
Initialize the command.
maybeCreateIRI(IOHelper, String, String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Try to create an IRI from a string input.
maybeGetCommandLine(String, Options, String[], boolean) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Parse the command line, handle help and other common options, and return null or a CommandLine.
maybeSaveOutput(CommandLine, OWLOntology) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a command line and an ontology, for each `--output` option (if any), save a copy of the ontology to the specified path.
MeasureCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the MeasureOperation.
MeasureCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.MeasureCommand
Initialze the command.
MergeCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the MergeOperation.
MergeCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.MergeCommand
Initialize the command.
MirrorCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Mirrors an ontology plus its imports closure locally.
MirrorCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.MirrorCommand
Initialize the command.
missingFileError - Static variable in interface org.obolibrary.robot.Command


org.obolibrary.robot - package org.obolibrary.robot


parseArgList(String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a single string, return a list of strings split at whitespace but allowing for quoted values, as a command-line parser does.
parseArgs(String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given a single string, return an array of strings split at whitespace but allowing for quoted values, as a command-line parser does.
PluginManager - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Pluggable commands loader.
PluginManager() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.PluginManager
printHelp() - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Print general help plus a list of available commands.
printHelp(String, Options) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Print a help message for a command.
printHelpEntry(String, String) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Print a help entry for a single command.
printHelpEntry(Map.Entry<String, Command>) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandManager
Print a help entry for a single command.
printVersion() - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Print the ROBOT version
processOption(String, ListIterator<String>) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.ExtendedPosixParser
PythonCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Starts a gateway server for Py4J to execute ROBOT operations via Python.
PythonCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.PythonCommand
Initialize the command.


QueryCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the QueryOperation.
QueryCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.QueryCommand
Initialze the command.


ReasonCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the ReasonOperation.
ReasonCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.ReasonCommand
Initialize the command.
ReduceCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the ReduceOperation.
ReduceCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.ReduceCommand
Initialize the command.
RelaxCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the RelaxOperation.
RelaxCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.RelaxCommand
Initialize the command.
RemoveCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Remove axioms from an ontology based on a series of inputs.
RemoveCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.RemoveCommand
Initialze the command.
RenameCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
RenameCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.RenameCommand
Initialze the command.
RepairCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the RepairOperation.
RepairCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.RepairCommand
Initialze the command.
ReportCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the ReportOperation.
ReportCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.ReportCommand
Initialze the command.


setCatalogPath(String) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandState
Set the catalog path.
setOntology(OWLOntology) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandState
Set the ontology.
setOntologyPath(String) - Method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandState
Set the ontology path.
splitSelects(String) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given an input string, return a list of the string split on whitespace, while ignoring any whitespace in single string quotes.


TemplateCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the TemplateOperation.
TemplateCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.TemplateCommand
Initialize the command.


UnmergeCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Handles inputs and outputs for the UnmergeOperation.
UnmergeCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.UnmergeCommand
Initialize the command.
updateInputOntology(IOHelper, CommandState, CommandLine) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given an IOHelper, a state object, and a command line, update the state with the ontology.
updateInputOntology(IOHelper, CommandState, CommandLine, boolean) - Static method in class org.obolibrary.robot.CommandLineHelper
Given an IOHelper, a state object, a command line, and a "required" flag, update the state with the ontology.


ValidateProfileCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
ValidateProfileCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.ValidateProfileCommand
Initialize the command.
VerifyCommand - Class in org.obolibrary.robot
Command that runs a sparql query expecting zero results.
VerifyCommand() - Constructor for class org.obolibrary.robot.VerifyCommand
Initialze the command.
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