Class CatalogXmlIRIMapper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyIRIMapper

    public class CatalogXmlIRIMapper
    extends Object
    implements org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyIRIMapper
    OWLOntologyIRIMapper using the mappings from a catalog.xml file.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      CatalogXmlIRIMapper​(File catalogFile)
      Given a catalog File, create a CatalogXmlIRIMapper that interprets any relative paths as relative to the catalog file location.
      CatalogXmlIRIMapper​(File catalogFile, File parentFolder)
      Given a catalog File and a parent folder, create a CatalogXmlIRIMapper that interprets any relative paths as relative to the parent folder.
      CatalogXmlIRIMapper​(String catalogFile)
      Given a String path to a catalog file, create a CatalogXmlIRIMapper that interprets any relative paths as relative to the catalog file location.
      CatalogXmlIRIMapper​(URL catalogURL)
      Given an URL, create a CatalogXmlIRIMapper that interprets any relative paths as relative to the catalog file location.
      CatalogXmlIRIMapper​(URL catalogURL, File parentFolder)
      Given an URL and a parent folder, create a CatalogXmlIRIMapper that interprets any relative paths as relative to the parent folder.
      CatalogXmlIRIMapper​(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI catalogIRI)
      Given an IRI, create a CatalogXmlIRIMapper that interprets any relative paths as relative to the catalog file location.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CatalogXmlIRIMapper

        public CatalogXmlIRIMapper​(String catalogFile)
                            throws IOException
        Given a String path to a catalog file, create a CatalogXmlIRIMapper that interprets any relative paths as relative to the catalog file location.
        catalogFile - the String path to the catalog file
        IOException - on any problem
      • CatalogXmlIRIMapper

        public CatalogXmlIRIMapper​(File catalogFile)
                            throws IOException
        Given a catalog File, create a CatalogXmlIRIMapper that interprets any relative paths as relative to the catalog file location.
        catalogFile - the catalog File
        IOException - on any problem
      • CatalogXmlIRIMapper

        public CatalogXmlIRIMapper​(File catalogFile,
                                   File parentFolder)
                            throws IOException
        Given a catalog File and a parent folder, create a CatalogXmlIRIMapper that interprets any relative paths as relative to the parent folder.
        catalogFile - the catalog File
        parentFolder - the File for the parent folder
        IOException - on any problem
      • CatalogXmlIRIMapper

        public CatalogXmlIRIMapper​(org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI catalogIRI)
                            throws IOException
        Given an IRI, create a CatalogXmlIRIMapper that interprets any relative paths as relative to the catalog file location.
        catalogIRI - the IRI of the catalog file
        IOException - on any problem
      • CatalogXmlIRIMapper

        public CatalogXmlIRIMapper​(URL catalogURL)
                            throws IOException
        Given an URL, create a CatalogXmlIRIMapper that interprets any relative paths as relative to the catalog file location.
        catalogURL - the URL of the catalog file
        IOException - on any problem
      • CatalogXmlIRIMapper

        public CatalogXmlIRIMapper​(URL catalogURL,
                                   File parentFolder)
                            throws IOException
        Given an URL and a parent folder, create a CatalogXmlIRIMapper that interprets any relative paths as relative to the parent folder.
        catalogURL - the URL of the catalog file
        parentFolder - the File for the parent folder
        IOException - on any problem
    • Method Detail

      • getDocumentIRI

        public org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI getDocumentIRI​(@Nonnull
                                                               org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI ontologyIRI)
        Given an IRI, return the mapped IRI.
        Specified by:
        getDocumentIRI in interface org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyIRIMapper
        ontologyIRI - the IRI that we want to look up
        the mapped IRI, usually to a local file