
Related Doc: package MatchAnalysis

trait MatchAnalyzer extends MatchApproximator

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
Type Hierarchy Learn more about scaladoc diagrams
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. MatchAnalyzer
  2. MatchApproximator
  3. TreesAndTypesDomain
  4. CheckableTreeAndTypeAnalysis
  5. PropositionalLogic
  6. TreeMakers
  7. CodegenCore
  8. TypedSubstitution
  9. MatchMonadInterface
  10. AnyRef
  11. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
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Type Members

  1. trait AbsCodegen extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  2. trait AbsVar extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  3. case class AlternativesTreeMaker(prevBinder: Global.Symbol, altss: List[List[TreeMaker]], pos: Global.Position) extends TreeMaker with NoNewBinders with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  4. final case class And(ops: Set[Prop]) extends Prop with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  5. case class BodyTreeMaker(body: Global.Tree, matchPt: Global.Type) extends TreeMaker with NoNewBinders with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  6. trait Casegen extends AbsCodegen

    Definition Classes
  7. abstract class CommonCodegen extends AbsCodegen

    Definition Classes
  8. sealed abstract class CondTreeMaker extends FunTreeMaker

    Definition Classes
  9. sealed abstract class Const extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  10. case class ConstructorExample(cls: Global.Symbol, ctorArgs: List[CounterExample]) extends CounterExample with Product with Serializable

  11. class CounterExample extends AnyRef

  12. final case class Eq(p: Var, q: Const) extends Prop with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  13. case class EqualityTestTreeMaker(prevBinder: Global.Symbol, patTree: Global.Tree, pos: Global.Position) extends CondTreeMaker with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  14. case class ExtractorTreeMaker(extractor: Global.Tree, extraCond: Option[Global.Tree], nextBinder: Global.Symbol)(subPatBinders: List[Global.Symbol], subPatRefs: List[Global.Tree], potentiallyMutableBinders: Set[Global.Symbol], extractorReturnsBoolean: Boolean, checkedLength: Option[Int], prevBinder: Global.Symbol, ignoredSubPatBinders: Set[Global.Symbol]) extends FunTreeMaker with PreserveSubPatBinders with Product with Serializable

    Make a TreeMaker that will result in an extractor call specified by extractor the next TreeMaker (here, we don't know which it'll be) is chained after this one by flatMap'ing a function with binder nextBinder over our extractor's result the function's body is determined by the next TreeMaker (furthermore, the interpretation of flatMap depends on the codegen instance we're using).

    Make a TreeMaker that will result in an extractor call specified by extractor the next TreeMaker (here, we don't know which it'll be) is chained after this one by flatMap'ing a function with binder nextBinder over our extractor's result the function's body is determined by the next TreeMaker (furthermore, the interpretation of flatMap depends on the codegen instance we're using).

    The values for the subpatterns, as computed by the extractor call in extractor, are stored in local variables that re-use the symbols in subPatBinders. This makes extractor patterns more debuggable (SI-5739).

    Definition Classes
  15. sealed abstract class FunTreeMaker extends TreeMaker

    Definition Classes
  16. case class GuardTreeMaker(guardTree: Global.Tree) extends TreeMaker with NoNewBinders with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  17. case class ListExample(ctorArgs: List[CounterExample]) extends CounterExample with Product with Serializable

  18. type Model = Map[Sym, Boolean]

    Definition Classes
  19. case class NegativeExample(eqTo: MatchAnalyzer.Const, nonTrivialNonEqualTo: List[MatchAnalyzer.Const]) extends CounterExample with Product with Serializable

  20. sealed trait NoNewBinders extends TreeMaker

    Definition Classes
  21. final case class Not(a: Prop) extends Prop with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  22. final case class Or(ops: Set[Prop]) extends Prop with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  23. sealed trait PreserveSubPatBinders extends TreeMaker

    Definition Classes
  24. case class ProductExtractorTreeMaker(prevBinder: Global.Symbol, extraCond: Option[Global.Tree])(subPatBinders: List[Global.Symbol], subPatRefs: List[Global.Tree], mutableBinders: List[Global.Symbol], binderKnownNonNull: Boolean, ignoredSubPatBinders: Set[Global.Symbol]) extends FunTreeMaker with PreserveSubPatBinders with Product with Serializable

    An optimized version of ExtractorTreeMaker for Products.

    An optimized version of ExtractorTreeMaker for Products. For now, this is hard-coded to case classes, and we simply extract the case class fields.

    The values for the subpatterns, as specified by the case class fields at the time of extraction, are stored in local variables that re-use the symbols in subPatBinders. This makes extractor patterns more debuggable (SI-5739) as well as avoiding mutation after the pattern has been matched (SI-5158, SI-6070)

    TODO: make this user-definable as follows When a companion object defines a method def unapply_1(x: T): U_1, but no def unapply or def unapplySeq, the extractor is considered to match any non-null value of type T the pattern is expected to have as many sub-patterns as there are def unapply_I(x: T): U_I methods, and the type of the I'th sub-pattern is U_I. The same exception for Seq patterns applies: if the last extractor is of type Seq[U_N], the pattern must have at least N arguments (exactly N if the last argument is annotated with : _*). The arguments starting at N (and beyond) are taken from the sequence returned by apply_N, and it is checked that that sequence has enough elements to provide values for all expected sub-patterns.

    For a case class C, the implementation is assumed to be def unapply_I(x: C) = x._I, and the extractor call is inlined under that assumption.

    Definition Classes
  25. class Prop extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  26. trait PropMap extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  27. trait PropTraverser extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  28. final case class Solution(model: Model, unassigned: List[Sym]) extends Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  29. abstract type Solvable

    Definition Classes
  30. case class SubstOnlyTreeMaker(prevBinder: Global.Symbol, nextBinder: Global.Symbol) extends TreeMaker with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  31. class Substitution extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  32. final class Sym extends Prop

    Definition Classes
  33. case class Test(prop: MatchApproximator.Prop, treeMaker: MatchApproximator.TreeMaker) extends Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  34. type Tree = Global.Tree

  35. abstract class TreeMaker extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  36. class TreeMakersToProps extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  37. class TreeMakersToPropsIgnoreNullChecks extends TreeMakersToProps

    Definition Classes
  38. case class TrivialTreeMaker(tree: Global.Tree) extends TreeMaker with NoNewBinders with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  39. case class TupleExample(ctorArgs: List[CounterExample]) extends CounterExample with Product with Serializable

  40. type Type = Global.Type

  41. sealed class TypeConst extends Const

    Definition Classes
  42. trait TypeConstExtractor extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  43. case class TypeExample(c: MatchAnalyzer.Const) extends CounterExample with Product with Serializable

  44. case class TypeTestTreeMaker(prevBinder: Global.Symbol, testedBinder: Global.Symbol, expectedTp: Global.Type, nextBinderTp: Global.Type)(pos: Global.Position, extractorArgTypeTest: Boolean = false) extends CondTreeMaker with Product with Serializable

    implements the run-time aspects of (§8.2) (typedPattern has already done the necessary type transformations)

    implements the run-time aspects of (§8.2) (typedPattern has already done the necessary type transformations)

    Type patterns consist of types, type variables, and wildcards. A type pattern T is of one of the following forms:

    • A reference to a class C, p.C, or T#C. This type pattern matches any non-null instance of the given class. Note that the prefix of the class, if it is given, is relevant for determining class instances. For instance, the pattern p.C matches only instances of classes C which were created with the path p as prefix. The bottom types scala.Nothing and scala.Null cannot be used as type patterns, because they would match nothing in any case.
    • A singleton type p.type. This type pattern matches only the value denoted by the path p (that is, a pattern match involved a comparison of the matched value with p using method eq in class AnyRef). // TODO: the actual pattern matcher uses ==, so that's what I'm using for now // "pattern matcher, still disappointing us at equality time"
    • A compound type pattern T1 with ... with Tn where each Ti is a type pat- tern. This type pattern matches all values that are matched by each of the type patterns Ti.
    • A parameterized type pattern T[a1,...,an], where the ai are type variable patterns or wildcards _. This type pattern matches all values which match T for some arbitrary instantiation of the type variables and wildcards. The bounds or alias type of these type variable are determined as described in (§8.3).
    • A parameterized type pattern scala.Array[T1], where T1 is a type pattern. // TODO This type pattern matches any non-null instance of type scala.Array[U1], where U1 is a type matched by T1.
    Definition Classes
  45. sealed class ValueConst extends Const

    Definition Classes
  46. trait ValueConstExtractor extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  47. case class ValueExample(c: MatchAnalyzer.ValueConst) extends CounterExample with Product with Serializable

  48. class Var extends AbsVar

    Definition Classes
  49. trait VarExtractor extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract val EmptyModel: Model

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract val NoModel: Model

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def codegen: AbsCodegen

    Definition Classes
  4. abstract def eqFreePropToSolvable(f: Prop): Solvable

    Definition Classes
  5. abstract def findAllModelsFor(solvable: Solvable): List[Solution]

    Definition Classes
  6. abstract def findModelFor(solvable: Solvable): Model

    Definition Classes
  7. abstract def optimizeCases(prevBinder: Global.Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Global.Type): (List[List[TreeMaker]], List[Global.Tree])

    Definition Classes
  8. abstract val typer: (analyzer)#Typer

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Test two objects for inequality.

    Test two objects for inequality.


    true if !(this == that), false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Equivalent to x.hashCode except for boxed numeric types and null.

    Equivalent to x.hashCode except for boxed numeric types and null. For numerics, it returns a hash value which is consistent with value equality: if two value type instances compare as true, then ## will produce the same hash value for each of them. For null returns a hashcode where null.hashCode throws a NullPointerException.


    a hash value consistent with ==

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def +(other: String): String

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from MatchAnalyzer to any2stringadd[MatchAnalyzer] performed by method any2stringadd in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  4. def ->[B](y: B): (MatchAnalyzer, B)

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from MatchAnalyzer to ArrowAssoc[MatchAnalyzer] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  5. def /\(props: Iterable[Prop]): Serializable with Product with Prop

    Definition Classes
  6. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    The expression x == that is equivalent to if (x eq null) that eq null else x.equals(that).

    The expression x == that is equivalent to if (x eq null) that eq null else x.equals(that).


    the object to compare against this object for equality.


    true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  7. object And extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  8. object Const

    Definition Classes
  9. object CounterExample

  10. object EmptySubstitution extends Substitution

    Definition Classes
  11. object False extends Prop with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  12. object IrrefutableExtractorTreeMaker

    Definition Classes
  13. object NoExample extends CounterExample with Product with Serializable

  14. object NullConst extends Const with Product with Serializable

  15. object Or extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  16. object Substitution

    Definition Classes
  17. object Sym

    Definition Classes
  18. object Test extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  19. object True extends Prop with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  20. object TypeConst extends TypeConstExtractor

  21. object TypeTestTreeMaker extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  22. object ValueConst extends ValueConstExtractor

  23. object Var extends VarExtractor

  24. object WildcardExample extends CounterExample with Product with Serializable

  25. def \/(props: Iterable[Prop]): Serializable with Product with Prop

    Definition Classes
  26. def analyzeCases(prevBinder: Global.Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, suppression: MatchAnalysis.Suppression): Unit

    Definition Classes
  27. def approximateMatchConservative(root: Global.Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]]): List[List[Test]]

    Definition Classes
  28. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Cast the receiver object to be of type T0.

    Cast the receiver object to be of type T0.

    Note that the success of a cast at runtime is modulo Scala's erasure semantics. Therefore the expression 1.asInstanceOf[String] will throw a ClassCastException at runtime, while the expression List(1).asInstanceOf[List[String]] will not. In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested type.


    the receiver object.

    Definition Classes
    Exceptions thrown

    ClassCastException if the receiver object is not an instance of the erasure of type T0.

  29. val budgetProp: sys.Prop[String]

    Definition Classes
  30. final def caseWithoutBodyToProp(tests: List[Test]): Prop

    Definition Classes
  31. def checkableType(tp: Global.Type): Global.Type

    Definition Classes
  32. def clone(): AnyRef

    Create a copy of the receiver object.

    Create a copy of the receiver object.

    The default implementation of the clone method is platform dependent.


    a copy of the receiver object.

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

    not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef

  33. def combineCases(scrut: Global.Tree, scrutSym: Global.Symbol, casesRaw: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Global.Type, owner: Global.Symbol, matchFailGenOverride: Option[(Global.Tree) ⇒ Global.Tree]): Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
  34. def combineCasesNoSubstOnly(scrut: Global.Tree, scrutSym: Global.Symbol, casesNoSubstOnly: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Global.Type, owner: Global.Symbol, matchFailGenOverride: Option[(Global.Tree) ⇒ Global.Tree]): Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
  35. def combineExtractors(treeMakers: List[TreeMaker])(casegen: Casegen): Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
  36. val debugInfoEmitVars: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  37. def emitSwitch(scrut: Global.Tree, scrutSym: Global.Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Global.Type, matchFailGenOverride: Option[(Global.Tree) ⇒ Global.Tree], unchecked: Boolean): Option[Global.Tree]

    Definition Classes
  38. def emitTypeSwitch(bindersAndCases: List[(Global.Symbol, List[TreeMaker])], pt: Global.Type): Option[List[Global.CaseDef]]

    Definition Classes
  39. def ensuring(cond: (MatchAnalyzer) ⇒ Boolean, msg: ⇒ Any): MatchAnalyzer

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from MatchAnalyzer to Ensuring[MatchAnalyzer] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  40. def ensuring(cond: (MatchAnalyzer) ⇒ Boolean): MatchAnalyzer

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from MatchAnalyzer to Ensuring[MatchAnalyzer] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  41. def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: ⇒ Any): MatchAnalyzer

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from MatchAnalyzer to Ensuring[MatchAnalyzer] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  42. def ensuring(cond: Boolean): MatchAnalyzer

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from MatchAnalyzer to Ensuring[MatchAnalyzer] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  43. def enumerateSubtypes(tp: Global.Type): Option[List[Global.Type]]

    Definition Classes
  44. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Tests whether the argument (arg0) is a reference to the receiver object (this).

    Tests whether the argument (arg0) is a reference to the receiver object (this).

    The eq method implements an equivalence relation on non-null instances of AnyRef, and has three additional properties:

    • It is consistent: for any non-null instances x and y of type AnyRef, multiple invocations of x.eq(y) consistently returns true or consistently returns false.
    • For any non-null instance x of type AnyRef, x.eq(null) and null.eq(x) returns false.
    • null.eq(null) returns true.

    When overriding the equals or hashCode methods, it is important to ensure that their behavior is consistent with reference equality. Therefore, if two objects are references to each other (o1 eq o2), they should be equal to each other (o1 == o2) and they should hash to the same value (o1.hashCode == o2.hashCode).


    true if the argument is a reference to the receiver object; false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  45. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    The equality method for reference types.

    The equality method for reference types. Default implementation delegates to eq.

    See also equals in scala.Any.


    true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  46. def exhaustive(prevBinder: Global.Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type): List[String]

  47. def expandModel(solution: Solution): List[Map[Var, (Seq[Const], Seq[Const])]]

    The models we get from the DPLL solver need to be mapped back to counter examples.

    The models we get from the DPLL solver need to be mapped back to counter examples. However there's no precalculated mapping model -> counter example. Even worse, not every valid model corresponds to a valid counter example. The reason is that restricting the valid models further would for example require a quadratic number of additional clauses. So to keep the optimistic case fast (i.e., all cases are covered in a pattern match), the infeasible counter examples are filtered later.

    The DPLL procedure keeps the literals that do not contribute to the solution unassigned, e.g., for (a \/ b) only {a = true} or {b = true} is required and the other variable can have any value.

    This function does a smart expansion of the model and avoids models that have conflicting mappings.

    For example for in case of the given set of symbols (taken from t7020.scala): "V2=2#16" "V2=6#19" "V2=5#18" "V2=4#17" "V2=7#20"

    One possibility would be to group the symbols by domain but this would only work for equality tests and would not be compatible with type tests. Another observation leads to a much simpler algorithm: Only one of these symbols can be set to true, since V2 can at most be equal to one of {2,6,5,4,7}.

  48. def finalize(): Unit

    Called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when there are no more references to the object.

    Called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when there are no more references to the object.

    The details of when and if the finalize method is invoked, as well as the interaction between finalize and non-local returns and exceptions, are all platform dependent.

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )

    not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef

  49. def fixerUpper(origOwner: Global.Symbol, pos: Global.Position): Global.Traverser

    Definition Classes
  50. def formatted(fmtstr: String): String

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from MatchAnalyzer to StringFormat[MatchAnalyzer] performed by method StringFormat in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  51. def freshName(prefix: String): Global.TermName

    Definition Classes
  52. def freshSym(pos: Global.Position, tp: Global.Type = NoType, prefix: String = "x"): Global.TermSymbol

    Definition Classes
  53. def gatherSymbols(p: Prop): Set[Sym]

    Definition Classes
  54. def gatherVariables(p: Prop): Set[Var]

    Definition Classes
  55. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    A representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.

    A representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.

    The nature of the representation is platform dependent.


    a representation that corresponds to the dynamic class of the receiver object.

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any

    not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef

  56. def hashCode(): Int

    The hashCode method for reference types.

    The hashCode method for reference types. See hashCode in scala.Any.


    the hash code value for this object.

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  57. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is T0.

    Test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is T0.

    Note that the result of the test is modulo Scala's erasure semantics. Therefore the expression 1.isInstanceOf[String] will return false, while the expression List(1).isInstanceOf[List[String]] will return true. In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the specified type.


    true if the receiver object is an instance of erasure of type T0; false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  58. val matchOwner: Global.Symbol

    Definition Classes
  59. def modelToCounterExample(scrutVar: Var)(varAssignment: Map[Var, (Seq[Const], Seq[Const])]): Option[CounterExample]

  60. def modelToVarAssignment(model: Model): Map[Var, (Seq[Const], Seq[Const])]

  61. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Equivalent to !(this eq that).

    Equivalent to !(this eq that).


    true if the argument is not a reference to the receiver object; false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  62. def newSynthCaseLabel(name: String): Global.MethodSymbol

    Definition Classes
  63. final def notify(): Unit

    Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    Definition Classes

    not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef

  64. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor.

    Definition Classes

    not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef

  65. def prepareNewAnalysis(): Unit

  66. def propToSolvable(p: Prop): Solvable

    Definition Classes
  67. def propagateSubstitution(treeMakers: List[TreeMaker], initial: Substitution): List[TreeMaker]

    Definition Classes
  68. def pureType(tp: Global.Type): Global.Type

    Definition Classes
  69. def removeSubstOnly(makers: List[TreeMaker]): collection.immutable.List[TreeMaker]

    Definition Classes
  70. def removeVarEq(props: List[Prop], modelNull: Boolean = false): (Prop, List[Prop])

    Definition Classes
  71. def reportMissingCases(pos: Global.Position, counterExamples: List[String]): Unit

    Definition Classes
  72. def reportUnreachable(pos: Global.Position): Unit

    Definition Classes
  73. def reportWarning(message: String): Unit

    Definition Classes
  74. def showTreeMakers(cases: List[List[TreeMaker]]): Unit

    Definition Classes
  75. def simplify(f: Prop): Prop

    Simplifies propositional formula according to the following rules: - eliminate double negation (avoids unnecessary Tseitin variables) - flatten trees of same connectives (avoids unnecessary Tseitin variables) - removes constants and connectives that are in fact constant because of their operands - eliminates duplicate operands - convert formula into NNF: all sub-expressions have a positive polarity which makes them amenable for the subsequent Plaisted transformation and increases chances to figure out that the formula is already in CNF

    Simplifies propositional formula according to the following rules: - eliminate double negation (avoids unnecessary Tseitin variables) - flatten trees of same connectives (avoids unnecessary Tseitin variables) - removes constants and connectives that are in fact constant because of their operands - eliminates duplicate operands - convert formula into NNF: all sub-expressions have a positive polarity which makes them amenable for the subsequent Plaisted transformation and increases chances to figure out that the formula is already in CNF

    Complexity: DFS over formula tree


    Definition Classes
  76. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  77. def toString(): String

    Creates a String representation of this object.

    Creates a String representation of this object. The default representation is platform dependent. On the java platform it is the concatenation of the class name, "@", and the object's hashcode in hexadecimal.


    a String representation of the object.

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  78. def uncheckableType(tp: Global.Type): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  79. def uncheckedWarning(pos: Global.Position, msg: String): Unit

  80. def unreachableCase(prevBinder: Global.Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type): Option[Int]

  81. def varAssignmentString(varAssignment: Map[Var, (Seq[Const], Seq[Const])]): String

  82. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  83. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  84. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  85. def [B](y: B): (MatchAnalyzer, B)

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from MatchAnalyzer to ArrowAssoc[MatchAnalyzer] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes

Inherited from MatchAnalysis.TreeMakers

Inherited from MatchAnalysis.CodegenCore

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Inherited by implicit conversion any2stringadd from MatchAnalyzer to any2stringadd[MatchAnalyzer]

Inherited by implicit conversion StringFormat from MatchAnalyzer to StringFormat[MatchAnalyzer]

Inherited by implicit conversion Ensuring from MatchAnalyzer to Ensuring[MatchAnalyzer]

Inherited by implicit conversion ArrowAssoc from MatchAnalyzer to ArrowAssoc[MatchAnalyzer]
