All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract FactoryBean that creates a local JPA EntityManagerFactory instance within a Spring application context.
Abstract JpaVendorAdapter implementation that defines common properties, to be translated into vendor-specific JPA properties by concrete subclasses.
Enumeration for common database platforms.
Default implementation of the JpaDialect interface.
Default implementation of the PersistenceUnitManager interface.
JpaDialect implementation for Eclipse Persistence Services (EclipseLink).
JpaVendorAdapter implementation for Eclipse Persistence Services (EclipseLink).
Base class for any class that needs to access a JPA EntityManagerFactory, usually in order to obtain a JPA EntityManager.
Metadata interface for a Spring-managed JPA EntityManagerFactory.
Helper class featuring methods for JPA EntityManager handling, allowing for reuse of EntityManager instances within transactions.
Resource holder wrapping a JPA EntityManager.
Subinterface of EntityManager to be implemented by EntityManager proxies.
Delegate for creating a variety of EntityManager proxies that follow the JPA spec's semantics for "extended" EntityManagers.
Callback interface for Hibernate code.
Convenient superclass for Hibernate-based data access objects.
PersistenceExceptionTranslator capable of translating HibernateException instances to Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy.
Hibernate-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException, for JDBC exceptions that Hibernate wrapped.
JpaDialect implementation for Hibernate.
JpaVendorAdapter implementation for Hibernate.
Hibernate-specific subclass of ObjectRetrievalFailureException.
Interface that specifies a common set of Hibernate operations as well as a general HibernateOperations.execute(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateCallback<T>) method for Session-based lambda expressions.
Hibernate-specific subclass of ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException.
Hibernate-specific subclass of InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException, thrown on invalid HQL query syntax.
Hibernate-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException, for Hibernate system errors that do not match any concrete org.springframework.dao exceptions.
Helper class that simplifies Hibernate data access code.
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single Hibernate SessionFactory.
SPI strategy that encapsulates certain functionality that standard JPA 3.0 does not offer, such as access to the underlying JDBC Connection.
JPA-specific subclass of ObjectRetrievalFailureException.
JPA-specific subclass of ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException.
JPA-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException, for JPA system errors that do not match any concrete org.springframework.dao exceptions.
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single JPA EntityManagerFactory.
SPI interface that allows to plug in vendor-specific behavior into Spring's EntityManagerFactory creators.
FactoryBean that creates a JPA EntityManagerFactory according to JPA's standard container bootstrap contract.
FactoryBean that creates a JPA EntityManagerFactory according to JPA's standard standalone bootstrap contract.
FactoryBean that creates a Hibernate SessionFactory.
A Spring-provided extension of the standard Hibernate Configuration class, adding SpringSessionContext as a default and providing convenient ways to specify a JDBC DataSource and an application class loader.
Spring's base implementation of the JPA PersistenceUnitInfo interface, used to bootstrap an EntityManagerFactory in a container.
Exception thrown on an optimistic locking violation for a mapped object.
Exception thrown if a mapped object could not be retrieved via its identifier.
Servlet Filter that binds a JPA EntityManager to the thread for the entire processing of the request.
Spring web request interceptor that binds a JPA EntityManager to the thread for the entire processing of the request.
Simple AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor implementation that binds a new Hibernate Session for each method invocation, if none bound before.
Servlet Filter that binds a Hibernate Session to the thread for the entire processing of the request.
Spring web request interceptor that binds a Hibernate Session to the thread for the entire processing of the request.
BeanPostProcessor that processes PersistenceUnit and PersistenceContext annotations, for injection of the corresponding JPA resources EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager.
Provide the list of managed persistent types that an entity manager should consider.
Interface that defines an abstraction for finding and managing JPA PersistenceUnitInfos.
Callback interface for post-processing a JPA PersistenceUnitInfo.
Helper class featuring methods for Hibernate Session handling.
Resource holder wrapping a Hibernate Session (plus an optional Transaction).
FactoryBean that exposes a shared JPA EntityManager reference for a given EntityManagerFactory.
Delegate for creating a shareable JPA EntityManager reference for a given EntityManagerFactory.
Extension of the standard JPA PersistenceUnitInfo interface, for advanced collaboration between Spring's LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean and PersistenceUnitManager implementations.
Spring's implementation of Hibernate's BeanContainer SPI, delegating to a Spring ConfigurableListableBeanFactory.
Simple synchronization adapter that propagates a flush() call to the underlying Hibernate Session.
Spring-specific subclass of Hibernate's JTASessionContext, setting FlushMode.MANUAL for read-only transactions.
Implementation of Hibernate 3.1's CurrentSessionContext interface that delegates to Spring's SessionFactoryUtils for providing a Spring-managed current Session.
Callback for resource cleanup at the end of a Spring-managed transaction for a pre-bound Hibernate Session.