Class AbstractHandlerMapping

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.core.Ordered, org.springframework.web.context.ServletContextAware, HandlerMapping
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractHandlerMethodMapping, AbstractUrlHandlerMapping, RouterFunctionMapping

public abstract class AbstractHandlerMapping extends implements HandlerMapping, org.springframework.core.Ordered, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware
Abstract base class for HandlerMapping implementations. Supports ordering, a default handler, and handler interceptors, including handler interceptors mapped by path patterns.

Note: This base class does not support exposure of the HandlerMapping.PATH_WITHIN_HANDLER_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE. Support for this attribute is up to concrete subclasses, typically based on request URL mappings.

Juergen Hoeller, Rossen Stoyanchev, Sam Brannen
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • mappingsLogger

      protected final org.apache.commons.logging.Log mappingsLogger
      Dedicated "hidden" logger for request mappings.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractHandlerMapping

      public AbstractHandlerMapping()
  • Method Details

    • setDefaultHandler

      public void setDefaultHandler(@Nullable Object defaultHandler)
      Set the default handler for this handler mapping. This handler will be returned if no specific mapping was found.

      Default is null, indicating no default handler.

    • getDefaultHandler

      @Nullable public Object getDefaultHandler()
      Return the default handler for this handler mapping, or null if none.
    • setPatternParser

      public void setPatternParser(@Nullable org.springframework.web.util.pattern.PathPatternParser patternParser)
      Set the PathPatternParser to parse patterns with for URL path matching. Parsed patterns provide a more modern and efficient alternative to String path matching via AntPathMatcher.

      Note: This property is mutually exclusive with the below properties, all of which are not necessary for parsed patterns and are ignored when a PathPatternParser is available:

      By default, as of 6.0, this is set to a PathPatternParser instance with default settings and therefore use of parsed patterns is enabled. Set this to null to switch to String path matching via AntPathMatcher instead.

      patternParser - the parser to use
    • getPatternParser

      @Nullable public org.springframework.web.util.pattern.PathPatternParser getPatternParser()
      Return the configured PathPatternParser, or null otherwise which indicates that String pattern matching with AntPathMatcher is enabled instead.
    • setAlwaysUseFullPath

      @Deprecated(since="6.0") public void setAlwaysUseFullPath(boolean alwaysUseFullPath)
      as of 6.0, in favor of using setUrlPathHelper(UrlPathHelper)
      Shortcut to same property on the configured UrlPathHelper.

      Note: This property is mutually exclusive with and ignored when setPatternParser(PathPatternParser) is set.

      See Also:
      • UrlPathHelper.setAlwaysUseFullPath(boolean)
    • setUrlDecode

      @Deprecated(since="6.0") public void setUrlDecode(boolean urlDecode)
      as of 6.0, in favor of using setUrlPathHelper(UrlPathHelper)
      Shortcut to same property on the underlying UrlPathHelper.

      Note: This property is mutually exclusive with and ignored when setPatternParser(PathPatternParser) is set.

      See Also:
      • UrlPathHelper.setUrlDecode(boolean)
    • setRemoveSemicolonContent

      @Deprecated(since="6.0") public void setRemoveSemicolonContent(boolean removeSemicolonContent)
      as of 6.0, in favor of using setUrlPathHelper(UrlPathHelper)
      Shortcut to same property on the underlying UrlPathHelper.

      Note: This property is mutually exclusive with and ignored when setPatternParser(PathPatternParser) is set.

      See Also:
      • UrlPathHelper.setRemoveSemicolonContent(boolean)
    • setUrlPathHelper

      public void setUrlPathHelper(org.springframework.web.util.UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper)
      Configure the UrlPathHelper to use for resolution of lookup paths.

      Note: This property is mutually exclusive with and ignored when setPatternParser(PathPatternParser) is set.

    • getUrlPathHelper

      public org.springframework.web.util.UrlPathHelper getUrlPathHelper()
      Return the configured UrlPathHelper.
    • setPathMatcher

      public void setPathMatcher(org.springframework.util.PathMatcher pathMatcher)
      Configure the PathMatcher to use.

      Note: This property is mutually exclusive with and ignored when setPatternParser(PathPatternParser) is set.

      By default this is AntPathMatcher.

      See Also:
      • AntPathMatcher
    • getPathMatcher

      public org.springframework.util.PathMatcher getPathMatcher()
      Return the configured PathMatcher.
    • setInterceptors

      public void setInterceptors(Object... interceptors)
      Set the interceptors to apply for all handlers mapped by this handler mapping.

      Supported interceptor types are HandlerInterceptor, WebRequestInterceptor, and MappedInterceptor. Mapped interceptors apply only to request URLs that match its path patterns. Mapped interceptor beans are also detected by type during initialization.

      interceptors - array of handler interceptors
      See Also:
    • getAdaptedInterceptors

      @Nullable public final HandlerInterceptor[] getAdaptedInterceptors()
      Return all configured interceptors adapted to HandlerInterceptor.
      the array of configured interceptors, or null if none are configured; this method also returns null if called too early, or more specifically before ApplicationContextAware.setApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext).
    • getMappedInterceptors

      @Nullable protected final MappedInterceptor[] getMappedInterceptors()
      Return all configured MappedInterceptors as an array.
      the array of MappedInterceptors, or null if none
    • setCorsConfigurations

      public void setCorsConfigurations(Map<String,org.springframework.web.cors.CorsConfiguration> corsConfigurations)
      Set "global" CORS configuration mappings. The first matching URL pattern determines the CorsConfiguration to use which is then further combined with the CorsConfiguration for the selected handler.

      This is mutually exclusive with setCorsConfigurationSource(CorsConfigurationSource).

      See Also:
    • setCorsConfigurationSource

      public void setCorsConfigurationSource(org.springframework.web.cors.CorsConfigurationSource source)
      Set a CorsConfigurationSource for "global" CORS config. The CorsConfiguration determined by the source is combined with the CorsConfiguration for the selected handler.

      This is mutually exclusive with setCorsConfigurations(Map).

      See Also:
    • getCorsConfigurationSource

      @Nullable public org.springframework.web.cors.CorsConfigurationSource getCorsConfigurationSource()
      Return the configured CorsConfigurationSource, if any.
    • setCorsProcessor

      public void setCorsProcessor(org.springframework.web.cors.CorsProcessor corsProcessor)
      Configure a custom CorsProcessor to use to apply the matched CorsConfiguration for a request.

      By default DefaultCorsProcessor is used.

    • getCorsProcessor

      public org.springframework.web.cors.CorsProcessor getCorsProcessor()
      Return the configured CorsProcessor.
    • setOrder

      public void setOrder(int order)
      Specify the order value for this HandlerMapping bean.

      The default value is Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE, meaning non-ordered.

      See Also:
      • Ordered.getOrder()
    • getOrder

      public int getOrder()
      Specified by:
      getOrder in interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
    • setBeanName

      public void setBeanName(String name)
      Specified by:
      setBeanName in interface org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware
    • formatMappingName

      protected String formatMappingName()
    • initApplicationContext

      protected void initApplicationContext() throws org.springframework.beans.BeansException
      Initializes the interceptors.
      initApplicationContext in class
      See Also:
    • extendInterceptors

      protected void extendInterceptors(List<Object> interceptors)
      Extension hook that subclasses can override to register additional interceptors, given the configured interceptors (see setInterceptors(java.lang.Object...)).

      Will be invoked before initInterceptors() adapts the specified interceptors into HandlerInterceptor instances.

      The default implementation is empty.

      interceptors - the configured interceptor List (never null), allowing to add further interceptors before as well as after the existing interceptors
    • detectMappedInterceptors

      protected void detectMappedInterceptors(List<HandlerInterceptor> mappedInterceptors)
      Detect beans of type MappedInterceptor and add them to the list of mapped interceptors.

      This is called in addition to any MappedInterceptors that may have been provided via setInterceptors(java.lang.Object...), by default adding all beans of type MappedInterceptor from the current context and its ancestors. Subclasses can override and refine this policy.

      mappedInterceptors - an empty list to add to
    • initInterceptors

      protected void initInterceptors()
      Initialize the specified interceptors adapting WebRequestInterceptors to HandlerInterceptor.
      See Also:
    • adaptInterceptor

      protected HandlerInterceptor adaptInterceptor(Object interceptor)
      Adapt the given interceptor object to HandlerInterceptor.

      By default, the supported interceptor types are HandlerInterceptor and WebRequestInterceptor. Each given WebRequestInterceptor is wrapped with WebRequestHandlerInterceptorAdapter.

      interceptor - the interceptor
      the interceptor downcast or adapted to HandlerInterceptor
      See Also:
    • usesPathPatterns

      public boolean usesPathPatterns()
      Return "true" if this HandlerMapping has been enabled to use parsed PathPatterns.
      Specified by:
      usesPathPatterns in interface HandlerMapping
    • getHandler

      @Nullable public final HandlerExecutionChain getHandler(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception
      Look up a handler for the given request, falling back to the default handler if no specific one is found.
      Specified by:
      getHandler in interface HandlerMapping
      request - current HTTP request
      the corresponding handler instance, or the default handler
      Exception - if there is an internal error
      See Also:
    • getHandlerInternal

      @Nullable protected abstract Object getHandlerInternal(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception
      Look up a handler for the given request, returning null if no specific one is found. This method is called by getHandler(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest); a null return value will lead to the default handler, if one is set.

      On CORS pre-flight requests this method should return a match not for the pre-flight request but for the expected actual request based on the URL path, the HTTP methods from the "Access-Control-Request-Method" header, and the headers from the "Access-Control-Request-Headers" header thus allowing the CORS configuration to be obtained via getCorsConfiguration(Object, HttpServletRequest),

      Note: This method may also return a pre-built HandlerExecutionChain, combining a handler object with dynamically determined interceptors. Statically specified interceptors will get merged into such an existing chain.

      request - current HTTP request
      the corresponding handler instance, or null if none found
      Exception - if there is an internal error
    • initLookupPath

      protected String initLookupPath(HttpServletRequest request)
      Initialize the path to use for request mapping.

      When parsed patterns are enabled a parsed RequestPath is expected to have been parsed externally by the DispatcherServlet or ServletRequestPathFilter.

      Otherwise for String pattern matching via PathMatcher the path is resolved by this method.

    • getHandlerExecutionChain

      protected HandlerExecutionChain getHandlerExecutionChain(Object handler, HttpServletRequest request)
      Build a HandlerExecutionChain for the given handler, including applicable interceptors.

      The default implementation builds a standard HandlerExecutionChain with the given handler, the common interceptors of the handler mapping, and any MappedInterceptors matching to the current request URL. Interceptors are added in the order they were registered. Subclasses may override this in order to extend/rearrange the list of interceptors.

      NOTE: The passed-in handler object may be a raw handler or a pre-built HandlerExecutionChain. This method should handle those two cases explicitly, either building a new HandlerExecutionChain or extending the existing chain.

      For simply adding an interceptor in a custom subclass, consider calling super.getHandlerExecutionChain(handler, request) and invoking HandlerExecutionChain.addInterceptor(org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerInterceptor) on the returned chain object.

      handler - the resolved handler instance (never null)
      request - current HTTP request
      the HandlerExecutionChain (never null)
      See Also:
    • hasCorsConfigurationSource

      protected boolean hasCorsConfigurationSource(Object handler)
      Return true if there is a CorsConfigurationSource for this handler.
    • getCorsConfiguration

      @Nullable protected org.springframework.web.cors.CorsConfiguration getCorsConfiguration(Object handler, HttpServletRequest request)
      Retrieve the CORS configuration for the given handler.
      handler - the handler to check (never null).
      request - the current request.
      the CORS configuration for the handler, or null if none
    • getCorsHandlerExecutionChain

      protected HandlerExecutionChain getCorsHandlerExecutionChain(HttpServletRequest request, HandlerExecutionChain chain, @Nullable org.springframework.web.cors.CorsConfiguration config)
      Update the HandlerExecutionChain for CORS-related handling.

      For pre-flight requests, the default implementation replaces the selected handler with a simple HttpRequestHandler that invokes the configured setCorsProcessor(org.springframework.web.cors.CorsProcessor).

      For actual requests, the default implementation inserts a HandlerInterceptor that makes CORS-related checks and adds CORS headers.

      request - the current request
      chain - the handler chain
      config - the applicable CORS configuration (possibly null)