

package play

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait FeedMarshaller[T] extends AnyRef

  2. trait FeedSupport[T] extends Results with HeaderNames with Rendering with AcceptExtractors

    trait supporting serving of feed pages: sets correct caching headers sets ETag and Last-Modified response headers and responds with Not-Modified if needed to reduce bandwidth supports content-negotiation and responds with either JSON or XML depending on registered marshallers

  3. case class JacksonFeedMarshaller[T](contentType: String = play.api.http.MimeTypes.JSON)(implicit codec: Codec, writer: ObjectWriter) extends FeedMarshaller[T] with Product with Serializable

    A Feed marshaller backed by a Jackson marshaller

  4. case class JaxbFeedMarshaller[T](contentType: String = play.api.http.MimeTypes.XML)(implicit jaxbContext: JAXBContext) extends FeedMarshaller[T] with Product with Serializable

    A Feed marshaller backed by a Jaxb marshaller

  5. case class PlayJsonFeedMarshaller[T](contentType: String = play.api.http.MimeTypes.JSON)(implicit writes: Writes[T]) extends FeedMarshaller[T] with Product with Serializable

    A Feed marshaller backed by a play json marshaller
