Class RationalReconstruction

  • public final class RationalReconstruction
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • reconstruct

        public static long[] reconstruct​(long n,
                                         long modulus,
                                         long numeratorBound,
                                         long denominatorBound)
        Performs a rational number reconstruction. If the answer is not unique, null is returned.
        n - num * den^(-1) mod modulus
        modulus - the modulus
        numeratorBound - numerator bound
        denominatorBound - denominator bound
      • reconstructFarey

        public static BigInteger[] reconstructFarey​(BigInteger n,
                                                    BigInteger modulus)
        Performs a rational number reconstruction via Farey images, that is reconstructuction with bound B = sqrt(N/2 - 1/2)
      • reconstructFareyErrorTolerant

        public static BigInteger[] reconstructFareyErrorTolerant​(BigInteger n,
                                                                 BigInteger modulus)
        Performs a error tolerant rational number reconstruction as described in Algorithm 5 of Janko Boehm, Wolfram Decker, Claus Fieker, Gerhard Pfister, "The use of Bad Primes in Rational Reconstruction",
      • reconstruct

        public static <Poly extends IUnivariatePolynomial<Poly>> Poly[] reconstruct​(Poly n,
                                                                                    Poly modulus,
                                                                                    int numeratorBound,
                                                                                    int denominatorBound)
        Performs a rational number reconstruction. If the answer is not unique, null is returned.
        n - num * den^(-1) mod modulus
        modulus - the modulus
        numeratorBound - numerator bound
        denominatorBound - denominator bound