Synthetic method implementations for case classes, case objects,
and value classes.
Selectively added to case classes/objects, unless a non-default
implementation already exists:
def equals(other: Any): Boolean
def hashCode(): Int
def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean
def toString(): String
def productArity: Int
def productPrefix: String
Special handling:
protected def readResolve(): AnyRef
Selectively added to value classes, unless a non-default
implementation already exists:
def equals(other: Any): Boolean
def hashCode(): Int
Synthetic method implementations for case classes, case objects, and value classes. Selectively added to case classes/objects, unless a non-default implementation already exists: def equals(other: Any): Boolean def hashCode(): Int def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean def toString(): String def productArity: Int def productPrefix: String Special handling: protected def readResolve(): AnyRef
Selectively added to value classes, unless a non-default implementation already exists:
def equals(other: Any): Boolean def hashCode(): Int