
package comment

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class Block extends AnyRef

    A block-level element of text, such as a paragraph or code block.

  2. final case class Body(blocks: Seq[Block]) extends Product with Serializable

    A body of text.

    A body of text. A comment has a single body, which is composed of at least one block. Inside every body is exactly one summary (see

  3. final case class Bold(text: Inline) extends Inline with Product with Serializable

  4. final case class Chain(items: Seq[Inline]) extends Inline with Product with Serializable

  5. final case class Code(data: String) extends Block with Product with Serializable

  6. case class Comment(body: String, short: String, authors: List[String], see: List[String], result: Option[String], throws: Map[String, String], valueParams: Map[String, String], typeParams: Map[String, String], version: Option[String], since: Option[String], todo: List[String], deprecated: Option[String], note: List[String], example: List[String], constructor: Option[String], group: Option[String], groupDesc: Map[String, String], groupNames: Map[String, String], groupPrio: Map[String, String], hideImplicitConversions: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  7. trait CommentCleaner extends AnyRef

  8. trait CommentExpander extends AnyRef

  9. trait CommentParser extends MemberLookup

  10. final case class DefinitionList(items: SortedMap[Inline, Block]) extends Block with Product with Serializable

  11. abstract class EntityLink extends Inline

  12. final case class HorizontalRule() extends Block with Product with Serializable

  13. final case class HtmlTag(data: String) extends Inline with Product with Serializable

  14. sealed abstract class Inline extends AnyRef

    An section of text inside a block, possibly with formatting.

  15. final case class Italic(text: Inline) extends Inline with Product with Serializable

  16. final case class Link(target: String, title: Inline) extends Inline with Product with Serializable

  17. sealed trait LinkTo extends AnyRef

  18. final case class LinkToEntity(entity: Entity) extends LinkTo with Product with Serializable

    Linking directly to entities is not picklable because of cyclic references

  19. final case class LinkToExternal(name: String, url: String) extends LinkTo with Product with Serializable

  20. final case class Monospace(text: Inline) extends Inline with Product with Serializable

  21. final case class OrderedList(items: Seq[Block], style: String) extends Block with Product with Serializable

  22. final case class Paragraph(text: Inline) extends Block with Product with Serializable

  23. final case class Subscript(text: Inline) extends Inline with Product with Serializable

  24. final case class Summary(text: Inline) extends Inline with Product with Serializable

    The summary of a comment, usually its first sentence.

    The summary of a comment, usually its first sentence. There must be exactly one summary per body.

  25. final case class Superscript(text: Inline) extends Inline with Product with Serializable

  26. final case class Text(text: String) extends Inline with Product with Serializable

  27. final case class Title(text: Inline, level: Int) extends Block with Product with Serializable

  28. final case class Tooltip(name: String) extends LinkTo with Product with Serializable

  29. final case class Underline(text: Inline) extends Inline with Product with Serializable

  30. final case class UnorderedList(items: Seq[Block]) extends Block with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object BodyParsers

  2. object CommentUtils

  3. object EntityLink

  4. object Regexes
