
package core

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AlternateConstructors extends DocMiniPhase

    This DocMiniPhase adds the alternate constructors, currently defined as methods with the name <init>, to the Entity#constructors list

  2. class ContextDottydoc extends ContextDocstrings

  3. class DocASTPhase extends DotClass with Phase

  4. class DocImplicitsPhase extends MiniPhaseTransform

  5. class DocstringPhase extends DocMiniPhase with CommentParser with CommentCleaner

  6. class LinkImplicitlyAddedTypes extends DocMiniPhase with TypeLinker

  7. class LinkParamListTypes extends DocMiniPhase with TypeLinker

  8. class LinkReturnTypes extends DocMiniPhase with TypeLinker

  9. class LinkSuperTypes extends DocMiniPhase with TypeLinker

  10. class SortMembers extends DocMiniPhase

    This DocMiniPhase sorts the members of all classes, traits, objects and packages

  11. trait TypeLinker extends MemberLookup

  12. class UsecasePhase extends DocMiniPhase

Value Members

  1. object transform
