
@deprecated("Use cats.effect.std.Queue instead", "3.0.0") object InspectableQueue
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def unbounded[F <: ([_$47] =>> Any), A](evidence$12: Concurrent[F]): F[InspectableQueue[F, A]]
Creates a queue with no size bound.
def bounded[F <: ([_$50] =>> Any), A](maxSize: Int)(evidence$13: Concurrent[F]): F[InspectableQueue[F, A]]
Creates a queue with the specified size bound.
def circularBuffer[F <: ([_$53] =>> Any), A](maxSize: Int)(evidence$14: Concurrent[F]): F[InspectableQueue[F, A]]
Creates a queue which stores the last maxSize enqueued elements and which never blocks on enqueue.
def create[F <: ([_$56] =>> Any), S, A](strategy: Strategy[A, Chunk[A], S, Int])(headOf: S => Option[A])(sizeOf: S => Int)(F: Concurrent[F]): F[InspectableQueue[F, A]]