
sealed abstract class Pull[+F <: ([_$1] =>> Any), +O, +R]
A purely functional data structure that describes a process. This process
may evaluate actions in an effect type F, emit any number of output values
of type O (or None), and may a) terminate with a single result of type R;
or b) terminate abnormally by raising (inside the effect F) an exception,
or c) terminate because it was cancelled by another process,
or d) not terminate.
Like types from other effect libraries, pulls are pure and immutable values.
They preserve referential transparency.
=== Chunking ===
The output values of a pull are emitted not one by one, but in chunks.
A Chunk is an immutable sequence with constant-time indexed lookup. For example,
a pull p: Pull[F, Byte, R] internally operates and emits Chunk[Byte]
values, which can wrap unboxed byte arrays -- avoiding boxing/unboxing costs.
The Pull API provides mechanisms for working at both the chunk level and
the individual element level. Generally, working at the chunk level will
result in better performance but at the cost of more complex implementations
A pull only emits non-empty chunks.
However, chunks are not merely an operational matter of efficiency. Each
pull is emitted from a chunk atomically, which is to say, any errors or
interruptions in a pull can only happen between chunks, not within a
chunk. For instance, if creating a new chunk of values fails (raises an
uncaught exception) while creating an intermediate value, then it fails
to create the entire chunk and previous values are discarded.
=== Evaluation ===
Like other functional effect types (e.g. cats.effect.IO), a pull
describes a process or computation. It is not a running process nor a
handle for the result of a spawned, running process, like scala.concurrent.Future.
A pull can be converted to a stream and then compiled to an effectful value.
For a Pull[F, O, Unit], the result of compilation is a combination, via the
monad instance of F, of all the actions in the effect F present in the pull.
The result of that F action is the result of combining the outputs emitted by
the pull, in the order it emits them, using a fold function. Depending on that
function, outputs may be collected into a list (or vector or array or ...),
combined together into a single value, or just discarded altogether (by draining
the pull).
Compilation is pull-based, rather than push-based (hence the name of the datatype).
It is the compilation process itself, that determines when the evaluation
of each single effect can proceed or is held back. Effects and outputs later
in the pull are not performed or emitted, unless and until the compilation
calls for them.
=== Resource scoping ===
The effects in a Pull may operate on resources, which must be retained during
the execution of the pull, may be shared by several pulls, and must be
properly finalised when no longer needed, regardless of whether the pull completed
successfully or not. A pull tracks its resources using '''scopes''', which register
how many pulls are actively using each resource, and finalises resources when no
longer used.
Some operations of the Pull API can be used to introduce new resource scopes,
or resource boundaries.
=== Functional typeclasses ===
The Pull data structure is a "free" implementation of Monad and has an instance
for cats.effect.kernel.Sync.
For any types F[_] and O, a Pull[F, O, *] holds the following laws:
  • pure >=> f == f
  • f >=> pure == f
  • (f >=> g) >=> h == f >=> (g >=> h)
    where f >=> g is defined as a => a flatMap f flatMap g
  • handleErrorWith(raiseError(e))(f) == f(e)
Type Params
the type of effect that can be performed by this pull.
An effect type of Nothing, also known in fs2 by the alias Pure,
indicates that this pull perform no effectful actions.
Note: Nothing is a polykinded type, so it can also be
applied as an argument to the type parameter F[_].
The outputs emitted by this Pull. An output type of Nothing means
that this pull does not emit any outputs.
The type of result returned by this Pull upon successful termination.
An output type of Nothing indicates that this pull cannot terminate
successfully: it may fail, be cancelled, or never terminate.
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def flatMap[F2 >: ([x] =>> F[x]) <: ([x] =>> Any), O2 >: O, R2](f: R => Pull[F2, O2, R2]): Pull[F2, O2, R2]
Applies the result of this pull to f and returns the result.
This method returns a new composed pull, which will do as follows:
  • If this pull succeeds with a result r of type R, the f function
    is applied to r, to build a new pull f(r), and the result pull
    starts running that new pull. The composed pull will terminate (or not)
    just as the new pull f(r) does.
  • If this pull fails or is interrupted, then the composed pull
    terminates with that same failure or interruption.
  • If evaluating f(r) to build the throws an exception, the result
    is a pull that fails with that exception.
The composed pull emits all outputs emitted by this pull,
and if successful will start emitting the outputs from the generated pull.
This operation does not modify resource scope boundaries. The generated
post pull starts running on the same scope in which this pull ended,
and the composed pull will end on the same scope in which post pull does.
def >>[F2 >: ([x] =>> F[x]) <: ([x] =>> Any), O2 >: O, S](post: => Pull[F2, O2, S]): Pull[F2, O2, S]
Lazily appends the given post pull, to be run after this pull.
  • If this pull succeeds, then its result is discarded, the post
    pull is built, and starts running. The result of post is
    the result of the composed pull.
  • If this pull raises an error or is interrupted, the post argument is
    not evaluated and the composed pull ends just as this pull did.
In both cases, the effectful actions and outputs of the appended pull
consists of those outputs and actions from the first pull, followed by
those from the post pull, in the same order as they would come out of each pull.
Since the post argument is lazy, this method can be used to build lazy
pulls, which are not built in memory until after the prefix has run.
This allows defining pulls recursively.
This operation does not add or remove any resource scope boundaries.
The post pull runs on the same scope in which this pull ended.
The composed pull ends on whatever scope the post pull does.
This is equivalent to .flatMap(_ => post)
def handleErrorWith[F2 >: ([x] =>> F[x]) <: ([x] =>> Any), O2 >: O, R2 >: R](handler: Throwable => Pull[F2, O2, R2]): Pull[F2, O2, R2]
Allows to recover from any error raised by the evaluation of this pull.
This method returns a composed pull with the following semantics:
- If an error occurs, the supplied function is used to build a new handler
pull, and it starts running it. However, the pull cannot be resumed from
the point at which the error arose.
- If no error is raised, the resulting pull just does what this pull does.
def onComplete[F2 >: ([x] =>> F[x]) <: ([x] =>> Any), O2 >: O, R2](post: => Pull[F2, O2, R2]): Pull[F2, O2, R2]
Run post after this, regardless of errors during this:
  • If this pull terminates successfully, then its result is discarded
    and the post pull is run. However the post pull ends, be it in
    success, error, interruption, is how the combined pull ends.
  • If this pull fails, the post pull is run next. If the post pull
    ends fails or is interrupted, that is how the combined pull ends.
    However, if the post pull succeeds, then the combined onComplete pull
    fails again with the error that was raised from this pull.
  • If this pull is interrupted, then the post error is never run
    and the combined pull ends with that same interruption.
def covaryAll[F2 >: ([x] =>> F[x]) <: ([x] =>> Any), O2 >: O, R2 >: R]: Pull[F2, O2, R2]
Short-hand for (this: Pull[F2, P, S]). Used to assist with type inference.
def covary[F2 >: ([x] =>> F[x]) <: ([x] =>> Any)]: Pull[F2, O, R]
Short-hand for (this: Pull[F2, O, R]). Used to assist with type inference.
def covaryOutput[O2 >: O]: Pull[F, O2, R]
Short-hand for (this: Pull[F, O2, R]). Used to assist with type inference.
def covaryResult[R2 >: R]: Pull[F, O, R2]
Short-hand for (this: Pull[F, O, R2]). Used to assist with type inference.
def attempt: Pull[F, O, Either[Throwable, R]]
Returns a pull with the result wrapped in Right,
or an error wrapped in Left if the pull has raised an error.
If this pull is interrupted, the attempted pull ends the same way.
def map[S](f: R => S): Pull[F, O, S]
Maps the result of this pull with the f mapping funciton.
If this pull ends in success with a result r, then the function f
is applied to its result r, and the image f(r) is the result of the
mapped pull. However, if the evaluation of f(r) throws an error, the
mapped pull fails with that error.
Note: for some simple cases of Pull, the map function may be eagerly
applied, or discarded, before the pull starts being run.
If this pull terminates abnormally, so does the mapped pull.
def void: Pull[F, O, Unit]
Discards the result of this pull.
If this pull ends in success, its result is discarded and the voided
pull returns the unit () value. Otherwise, the voided pull just does
the same as this pull does.
Alias for this.map(_ => () ).
def as[S](s: S): Pull[F, O, S]
Replaces the result of this pull with the given constant value.
If this pull succeeds, then its result is discarded and the resulting
pull succeeds with the s value as its result.
Otherwise, if this pull fails or is interrupted, then the result pull
ends the same way.
Alias for _.map(_ => o2).
Type Params
The type of the constant,
Value Params
The new result value of the pull