

package b3

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. b3
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait B3FieldConstructor extends AnyRef

    Custom FieldConstructor for the library.

  2. trait B3FieldConstructorSpecific extends B3FieldConstructor

  3. case class B3FieldInfo(field: Field, withFeedback: Boolean, withLabelFor: Boolean, args: Seq[(Symbol, Any)], messages: Messages) extends Product with Serializable

    Class with relevant variables for a field to pass it to the helper and field constructor - withFeedbak: indicates if the feedback icons are allowed - withLabelFor: indicates if the label's "for" attribute should be shown - args: list of available arguments for the helper and field constructor

  4. case class B3MultifieldInfo(fields: Seq[Field], args: Seq[(Symbol, Any)], messages: Messages) extends Product with Serializable

    Class with relevant variables for the global information of a multifield - fields: list of Fields - args: list of available arguments for the helper and the form-group

Value Members

  1. object Args

  2. object ArgsMap

  3. object B3FieldInfo extends Serializable

    Companion object for class B3FieldInfo

  4. object b3FieldConstructorCommon extends b3FieldConstructorCommon

  5. object b3FieldConstructorCommon_Scope0

  6. object b3FormGroupCommon extends b3FormGroupCommon

  7. object b3FormGroupCommon_Scope0

  8. def button(args: (Symbol, Any)*)(text: ⇒ Html)(implicit fc: B3FieldConstructor): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  9. object buttonType extends buttonType

  10. object buttonType_Scope0

  11. object checkbox extends checkbox

  12. object checkbox_Scope0

  13. package clear

  14. def color(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  15. def date(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  16. def datetime(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  17. def datetimeLocal(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  18. def email(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  19. def file(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  20. object form extends form

  21. object form_Scope0

  22. def free(args: (Symbol, Any)*)(content: ⇒ Html)(implicit fc: B3FieldConstructor): Html

  23. def freeFormGroup(extraClasses: Option[String], args: Seq[(Symbol, Any)])(contentDef: (Map[Symbol, Any]) ⇒ Html)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor): Html

    Renders a form-group using the B3FieldConstructor.

    Renders a form-group using the B3FieldConstructor. - args: list of available arguments for the helper and the form-group - contentDef: function that returns a Html from a map of arguments

  24. object hidden extends hidden

  25. object hidden_Scope0

  26. object hiddens extends hiddens

  27. object hiddens_Scope0

  28. package horizontal

  29. package inline

  30. def inputFormGroup(field: Field, withFeedback: Boolean, withLabelFor: Boolean, args: Seq[(Symbol, Any)])(inputDef: (B3FieldInfo) ⇒ Html)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): Html

    Renders an input form-group using the B3FieldConstructor.

    Renders an input form-group using the B3FieldConstructor. - withFeedbak: indicates if the feedback icons are allowed - withLabelFor: indicates if the label's "for" attribute should be shown - args: list of available arguments for the helper and field constructor - inputDef: function that returns a Html from a B3FieldInfo that contains all the information about the field

  31. def inputType(inputType: String, field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  32. def inputTypeWithoutFormControl(inputType: String, field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  33. def inputWrapped(inputType: String, field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(inputGroup: (Html) ⇒ Html)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

    ********************************************************************************************************************************** SHORTCUT HELPERS *********************************************************************************************************************************

  34. object inputWrappedWithoutFormControl extends inputWrappedWithoutFormControl

  35. object inputWrappedWithoutFormControl_Scope0

  36. def month(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  37. object multifield extends multifield

  38. object multifield_Scope0

  39. def number(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  40. def password(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  41. def radio(field: Field, options: Seq[(String, Any)], args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  42. def radio(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(content: ((Boolean, Boolean, String, String, Option[String], Map[Symbol, Any])) ⇒ Html)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  43. object radioOption extends radioOption

  44. object radioOption_Scope0

  45. object radioWithContent extends radioWithContent

  46. object radioWithContent_Scope0

  47. object radioWithOptions extends radioWithOptions

  48. object radioWithOptions_Scope0

  49. def range(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  50. def reset(args: (Symbol, Any)*)(text: ⇒ Html)(implicit fc: B3FieldConstructor): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  51. def search(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  52. def select(field: Field, options: Seq[(String, String)], args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  53. def select(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(content: (Set[String]) ⇒ Html)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  54. object selectOption extends selectOption

  55. object selectOption_Scope0

  56. object selectWithContent extends selectWithContent

  57. object selectWithContent_Scope0

  58. object selectWithOptions extends selectWithOptions

  59. object selectWithOptions_Scope0

  60. def static(label: Html, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(text: ⇒ Html)(implicit fc: B3FieldConstructor): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  61. def static(label: String, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(text: ⇒ Html)(implicit fc: B3FieldConstructor): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  62. def static(args: (Symbol, Any)*)(text: ⇒ Html)(implicit fc: B3FieldConstructor): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  63. object staticBasic extends staticBasic

  64. object staticBasic_Scope0

  65. def submit(args: (Symbol, Any)*)(text: ⇒ Html)(implicit fc: B3FieldConstructor): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  66. def tel(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  67. def text(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  68. object textarea extends textarea

  69. object textarea_Scope0

  70. def time(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  71. def url(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

  72. package vertical

  73. def week(field: Field, args: (Symbol, Any)*)(implicit handler: B3FieldConstructor, messages: Messages): play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
