- public class LazyImmutable<T> extends java.lang.Object implements java.util.function.Supplier<T>, java.util.function.Consumer<T>, Matchable.ValueAndOptionalMatcher<T>, Functor<T>, Applicativable<T>
public static <T> Supplier<T> memoiseSupplier(Supplier<T> s){
LazyImmutable<T> lazy = LazyImmutable.def();
return () -> lazy.computeIfAbsent(s);
Has map and flatMap methods, but is not a Monad (see example usage above for why, it is the initial mutation that is valuable).Applicativable.Applicatives, Applicativable.SemigroupApplyer<T>
Matchable.AsMatchable, Matchable.AutoCloseableMatchableIterable<TYPE>, Matchable.CheckValue1<T,R>, Matchable.CheckValue2<T1,T2,R>, Matchable.CheckValue3<T1,T2,T3,R>, Matchable.CheckValue4<T1,T2,T3,T4,R>, Matchable.CheckValue5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,R>, Matchable.CheckValueOpt<T,R>, Matchable.CheckValues<T,R>, Matchable.MatchableIterable<TYPE>, Matchable.MatchableObject<TYPE>, Matchable.MatchableOptional<T>, Matchable.MatchSelf<TYPE>, Matchable.MTuple1<T1>, Matchable.MTuple2<T1,T2>, Matchable.MTuple3<T1,T2,T3>, Matchable.MTuple4<T1,T2,T3,T4>, Matchable.MTuple5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>, Matchable.MXor<T1,T2>, Matchable.ValueAndOptionalMatcher<T>
Constructor and Description |
LazyImmutable() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
accept(T t) |
<U> LazyImmutable<U> |
cast(java.lang.Class<U> type)
Cast all elements in a stream to a given type, possibly throwing a
ClassCastException . |
T |
computeIfAbsent(java.util.function.Supplier<T> lazy)
Get the current value or set if it has not been set yet
static <T> LazyImmutable<T> |
def() |
boolean |
equals(java.lang.Object obj) |
<R> LazyImmutable<? extends R> |
flatMap(java.util.function.Function<? super T,? extends LazyImmutable<? extends R>> fn)
FlatMap the value stored in Immutable Closed Value from one Value to another
If this is an unitiatilised ImmutableClosedValue, an uninitialised closed value will be returned instead
T |
get() |
int |
hashCode() |
boolean |
isSet() |
java.util.Iterator<T> |
iterator() |
<R> LazyImmutable<R> |
map(java.util.function.Function<? super T,? extends R> fn)
Map the value stored in this Immutable Closed Value from one Value to another
If this is an unitiatilised ImmutableClosedValue, an uninitialised closed value will be returned instead
static <T> LazyImmutable<T> |
of(T value)
Create a new matchable that will match on the fields of the provided Object
<R> LazyImmutable<R> |
patternMatch(java.util.function.Function<Matchable.CheckValues<T,R>,Matchable.CheckValues<T,R>> case1,
java.util.function.Supplier<? extends R> otherwise)
Transform the elements of this Stream with a Pattern Matching case and default value
LazyImmutable<T> |
peek(java.util.function.Consumer<? super T> c) |
LazyImmutable<T> |
setOnce(T val)
Set the value of this ImmutableClosedValue
If it has already been set will throw an exception
ReactiveSeq<T> |
stream() |
LazyImmutable<T> |
toLazyImmutable() |
<R> LazyImmutable<R> |
trampoline(java.util.function.Function<? super T,? extends Trampoline<? extends R>> mapper)
Performs a map operation that can call a recursive method without running out of stack space
static <T> LazyImmutable<T> |
Create an intermediate unbound (or unitialised) ImmutableClosedValue)
<T> Unit<T> |
unit(T unit) |
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
toOptional, visit
ap, ap, ap1, ap2, ap3, ap4, ap5
convertTo, convertToAsync, fold, fold, generate, getMatchable, iterate, mapReduce, mkString, newSubscriber, subscribe, test, toDequeX, toEvalAlways, toEvalLater, toEvalNow, toFutureStream, toFutureStream, toIor, toListX, toMaybe, toMutable, toPBagX, toPOrderedSetX, toPQueueX, toPSetX, toPStackX, toPVectorX, toQueueX, toSetX, toSimpleReact, toSimpleReact, toSortedSetX, toTry, toTry, toXor, unapply
foldRight, foldRight, foldRight, foldRightMapToType, join, join, join, mapReduce, print, print, printErr, printOut, reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce, reduce
from, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, from, fromCharSequence, fromIterable, fromOptional, listOfValues, ofDecomposable, otherwise, otherwise, then, then, when, when, when, when, when, when, when, when, when, when, whenGuard, whenTrue, whenValues
fromSupplier, orElse, orElseGet, orElseThrow, toAtomicReference, toCompletableFuture, toCompletableFutureAsync, toCompletableFutureAsync, toFutureW, toList, toOptionalAtomicReference, toStream
public T get()
in interface Convertable<T>
in interface java.util.function.Supplier<T>
public static <T> LazyImmutable<T> unbound()
public static <T> LazyImmutable<T> of(T value)
public static <T> LazyImmutable<T> def()
public <R> LazyImmutable<R> map(java.util.function.Function<? super T,? extends R> fn)
public <R> LazyImmutable<R> patternMatch(java.util.function.Function<Matchable.CheckValues<T,R>,Matchable.CheckValues<T,R>> case1, java.util.function.Supplier<? extends R> otherwise)
List<String> result = CollectionX.of(1,2,3,4)
c->c.valuesWhere(i->"even", (Integer i)->i%2==0 )
// CollectionX["odd","even","odd","even"]
in interface Functor<T>
- Function to generate a case (or chain of cases as a single case)otherwise
- Value if supplied case doesn't matchpublic <R> LazyImmutable<? extends R> flatMap(java.util.function.Function<? super T,? extends LazyImmutable<? extends R>> fn)
- Flat Mapper functionpublic LazyImmutable<T> setOnce(T val)
- Value to set topublic T computeIfAbsent(java.util.function.Supplier<T> lazy)
- Supplier to generate new valuepublic boolean isSet()
public ReactiveSeq<T> stream()
public java.util.Iterator<T> iterator()
in interface Matchable.MatchableOptional<T>
in interface Matchable.ValueAndOptionalMatcher<T>
in interface Convertable<T>
in interface java.lang.Iterable<T>
public LazyImmutable<T> toLazyImmutable()
in interface Value<T>
public <U> LazyImmutable<U> cast(java.lang.Class<U> type)
// ClassCastException ReactiveSeq.of(1, "a", 2, "b", 3).cast(Integer.class)public LazyImmutable<T> peek(java.util.function.Consumer<? super T> c)
public <R> LazyImmutable<R> trampoline(java.util.function.Function<? super T,? extends Trampoline<? extends R>> mapper)
.trampoline(i-> fibonacci(i))
Trampoline<Long> fibonacci(int i){
return fibonacci(i,1,0);
Trampoline<Long> fibonacci(int n, long a, long b) {
return n == 0 ? Trampoline.done(b) : Trampoline.more( ()->fibonacci(n-1, a+b, a));
.trampoline(i-> fibonacci(i))
completes successfully
in interface Functor<T>
public int hashCode()
in class java.lang.Object
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
in class java.lang.Object