Class SumStatistic

All Implemented Interfaces:
Statistic, Serializable

public final class SumStatistic extends BaseStatistic
Takes the sum of the entries. Use StatisticFactory for construction.
Brandon Arp (brandon dot arp at inscopemetrics dot com)
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Statistic
      Accessor for the name of the statistic.
      The name of the statistic.
    • createCalculator

      public Calculator<Void> createCalculator()
      Description copied from interface: Statistic
      Create a Calculator for this statistic.
      The new Calculator instance.
    • calculate

      public Quantity calculate(List<Quantity> unorderedValues)
      Description copied from interface: Statistic
      Compute the statistic from the List of Quantity instances. By default the List of samples is not assumed to be in any particular order. However, any Statistic subclass may implement the marker interface OrderedStatistic indicating a requirement to be provided with samples that are sorted from smallest to largest. In all cases the samples are required to be unified into the same unit (or no unit).
      unorderedValues - List of samples Quantity instances.
      Computed statistic Quantity instance.
    • calculateAggregations

      public Quantity calculateAggregations(List<AggregatedData> aggregations)
      Description copied from interface: Statistic
      Compute the statistic from the List of AggregatedData instances. By default the List of samples is not assumed to be in any particular order. However, any Statistic subclass may implement the marker interface OrderedStatistic indicating a requirement to be provided with samples that are sorted from smallest to largest. In all cases the samples are required to be unified into the same unit (or no unit).
      aggregations - Aggregations to combine.
      Computed statistic value.