



package rpc

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Type Members

  1. trait MetadataAnnotation extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation


    Annotations that extend this trait will be retained for runtime in RPCMetadata typeclass instances

  2. sealed trait MetadataParamStrategy extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation


    Base trait for annotations applied on RPC metadata parameters which tell the macro engine how to materialize their values based on real RPC trait, its methods or their parameters.

  3. sealed trait RawMethodAnnotation extends Annotation with RawRpcAnnotation

  4. sealed trait RawParamAnnotation extends Annotation with RawRpcAnnotation

  5. sealed trait RawRpcAnnotation extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation


    For annotations applied on raw RPC traits, their methods and parameters.

    For annotations applied on raw RPC traits, their methods and parameters. They specify how real methods are matched against raw methods and real parameters against raw parameters.

  6. trait RpcAnnotation extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation


    For annotations applied on real RPC traits, their methods and parameters.

  7. sealed trait RpcArity extends Annotation with RawParamAnnotation


    Base trait for RPC arity annotations, single, optional and multi.

    Base trait for RPC arity annotations, single, optional and multi. Arity annotations may be used in multiple contexts:

    - raw methods - raw parameters - metadata parameters for raw methods and raw parameters - metadata parameters that reify annotations (i.e. annotated with reifyAnnot)

    See documentation of each arity annotation for more details.

  8. sealed trait RpcEncoding extends Annotation with RawMethodAnnotation with RawParamAnnotation


    Base trait for verbatim and encoded.

    Base trait for verbatim and encoded. These annotations can be applied either on a raw method or raw parameter in order to specify how matching real method results or matching real parameter values are encoded as raw values. Currently there are two possible cases: verbatim (no encoding) and encoded (encoding using AsRaw and AsReal typeclasses). By default, method return values and multi parameters are encoded while single and optional parameters are verbatim. See documentation of verbatim and encoded for more details.

  9. trait RpcTag extends Annotation with RpcAnnotation


    Base trait for RPC tag annotations.

    Base trait for RPC tag annotations. Tagging gives more direct control over how real methods and their parameters are matched against raw methods and their parameters. For more information about method tagging, see documentation of methodTag. For more information about parameter tagging, see documentation of paramTag.

  10. final class auxiliary extends Annotation with RawParamAnnotation


    Raw parameters annotated as @auxiliary match real parameters without "consuming" them.

    Raw parameters annotated as @auxiliary match real parameters without "consuming" them. This means that real parameters matched by an auxiliary raw parameter must also be matched by some non-auxiliary raw parameter. This way these real params will be matched to more than one raw parameter and effectively duplicated. However, auxiliary raw param may use different encoding that the non-auxiliary one. This may be useful for implementors of raw RPC traits.

    When extracting real parameter values from raw calls, auxiliary parameters are completely ignored and only the matching non-auxiliary raw param value is used.

  11. final class checked extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation


    May be applied on metadata parameters with infer annotation (or just implicit metadata parameters - they have infer strategy by default).

    May be applied on metadata parameters with infer annotation (or just implicit metadata parameters - they have infer strategy by default). Metadata parameter annotated as checked makes the implicit search for that metadata parameter influence the decision about whether some metadata parameter matches real method or param or not. Without checked annotation, when implicit search for metadata parameter fails, the macro engine ignores that fact and error is only reported after macro is fully expanded.

  12. final class encoded extends Annotation with RpcEncoding


    When a raw parameter is annotated as encoded, macro generated code will translate between real parameter values and raw parameter values using implicit instances of AsRaw[Raw,Real] and AsReal[Raw,Real] typeclasses.

    When a raw parameter is annotated as encoded, macro generated code will translate between real parameter values and raw parameter values using implicit instances of AsRaw[Raw,Real] and AsReal[Raw,Real] typeclasses. This annotation may also be applied on a method, but this would be redundant since method results are encoded by default.

    Here's an example of raw RPC definition supposed to handle asynchronous (Future-based) calls that uses GenCodec in order to encode and decode arguments and results as JSON strings. It introduces its own wrapper class for JSON strings that has appropriate implicit instances of AsRaw and AsReal (or AsRawReal which serves as both AsReal and AsRaw).

    import com.avsystem.commons._
    import com.avsystem.commons.rpc._
    import com.avsystem.commons.serialization._
    import com.avsystem.commons.serialization.json._
    case class Json(jsonStr: String)
    object Json {
      private def readJson[T: GenCodec](json: Json): T =[T](json.jsonStr)
      private def writeJson[T: GenCodec](value: T): Json =
      implicit def genCodecBasedJsonEncoding[T: GenCodec]: AsRawReal[T,Json] =
        AsRawReal.create[Json,T](writeJson[T], readJson[T])
      // instead of using `mapNow`, this method can also take implicit ExecutionContext and just use `map`
      implicit def genCodecBasedFutureJsonEncoding[T: GenCodec]: AsRawReal[Future[Json],Future[T]] =
        AsRawReal.create[Future[Json],Future[T]](_.mapNow(writeJson[T]), _.mapNow(readJson[T]))
    trait AsyncRawRpc {
      def call(rpcName: String, @multi args: Map[String,Json]): Future[Json]

    If you don't want to introduce the wrapper Json class and use more raw type, e.g. plain String then you can also do it by moving implicit instances of AsReal and AsRaw (or the joined AsRawReal) into the implicits object of raw RPC companion:

    trait AsyncRawRpc {
      def call(rpcName: String, @multi args: Map[String,String]): Future[String]
    object AsyncRawRpc extends RawRpcCompanion[AsyncRawRpc] {
      private def readJson[T: GenCodec](json: String): T =[T](json)
      private def writeJson[T: GenCodec](value: T): String =
      override object implicits {
        implicit def genCodecBasedJsonEncoding[T: GenCodec]: AsRawReal[String,T] =
          AsRawReal.create[String,T](writeJson[T], readJson[T])
        implicit def genCodecBasedFutureJsonEncoding[T: GenCodec]: AsRawReal[Future[String],Future[T]] =
          AsRawReal.create[Future[String],Future[T]](_.mapNow(writeJson[T]), _.mapNow(readJson[T]))
  13. final class hasAnnot[T <: StaticAnnotation] extends Annotation with MetadataParamStrategy


    Metadata parameter typed as Boolean can be annotated with @hasAnnot[SomeAnnotation].

    Metadata parameter typed as Boolean can be annotated with @hasAnnot[SomeAnnotation]. Boolean value will then hold information about whether RPC trait, method or parameter for which metadata is materialized is annotated with SomeAnnotation (or any subtype) or not.

  14. final class infer extends Annotation with MetadataParamStrategy


    When a metadata parameter is annotated as @infer, RPC macro engine will materialize that parameter by searching for an implicit value of that parameter's type.

    When a metadata parameter is annotated as @infer, RPC macro engine will materialize that parameter by searching for an implicit value of that parameter's type. @infer is the default strategy assumed for implicit parameters of metadata classes, so using this annotation explicitly is only needed when you want an implicit search done for non-implicit parameter. This may be useful if, e.g. you want an inferred parameter to be a case class field.

    NOTE: By default, implicit search for @infer parameter does NOT affect the decision about whether some real method or real parameter matches a metadata parameter. For example, if an implicit for @infer parameter cannot be found, you will only know about it *after* the metadata materializing macro has already been expanded. This behaviour can be changed with checked annotation.

  15. final class methodTag[BaseTag <: RpcTag, DefaultTag <: BaseTag] extends Annotation with RawRpcAnnotation


    Method tagging lets you have more explicit control over which raw methods can match which real methods.

    Method tagging lets you have more explicit control over which raw methods can match which real methods. Example:

    sealed trait RestMethod extends RpcTag
    class GET extends RestMethod
    class POST extends RestMethod
    trait RestRawRpc {
      @tagged[GET] def get(name: String, @multi args: Map[String,Json]): Future[Json]
      @tagged[POST] def post(name: String, @multi args: Map[String,Json]): Future[Json]

    In the example above, we created a hierarchy of annotations rooted at RestMethod which can be used on real methods in order to explicitly tell the RPC macro which raw methods can match it. We also specify GET as the default tag that will be assumed for real methods without any tag annotation. Then, using @tagged we specify that the raw get method may only match real methods annotated as GET while post raw method may only match real methods annotated as POST. Raw methods not annotated with @tagged have no limitations and may still match any real methods.

    NOTE: The example above assumes there is a Json type defined with appropriate encodings - see encoded for more details on parameter and method result encoding.

    An example of real RPC for RestRawRpc:

    trait SomeRestApi {
      def getUser(id: UserId): Future[User]
      @POST def saveUser(user: User): Future[Unit]
    object SomeRestApi {
      implicit val AsRawReal: AsRawReal[RestRawRpc,SomeRestApi] = AsRawReal.materializeForRpc

    base type for tags that can be used on real RPC methods


    the default tag type used for real methods not explicitly tagged - if you don't want to introduce any specific default tag, just use the same type as for BaseTag

  16. final class multi extends Annotation with RpcArity


    When applied on raw method, specifies that this raw method may be matched by many, arbitrarily named real methods.

    When applied on raw method, specifies that this raw method may be matched by many, arbitrarily named real methods. In order to distinguish between real methods, multi raw method must take real method's RPC name (a String) as its first parameter and the only parameter in its first parameter list. By default, result type of multi raw method is encoded and the macro engine searches for appropriate AsRaw or AsReal conversion between real method result type and raw method result type.

    When applied on raw parameter, specifies that this raw parameter may be matched by arbitrary number of real parameters whose values are typically encoded and collected into (or extracted from) raw parameter value. The way real parameter values are collected and extracted depends on the type of raw parameter which must be either:

    - an Iterable[R] or any subtype (e.g. List[R]) - a PartialFunction[String,R] or any subtype (e.g. Map[String,R])

    R denotes the type used to represent each real parameter value. Be default (unless verbatim is used) it means that each real value will be encoded as R and decoded from R - see encoded for more information about how parameters are encoded and decoded.

    If raw parameter is a Coll <: Iterable[Raw] then in order to collect real values into raw value, the macro engine will search for an instance of CanBuildFrom[Nothing,R,Coll] and use it to build the raw value. In order to extract real values from raw value, macro generated code will obtain an Iterator[R] from the raw value and pull and possibly decode all the values. If the iterator is exhausted before all real values could be obtained then default parameter values specified on real parameters (if any) will be used as fallback values instead of failing.

    If raw parameter is an IndexedSeq[Raw] then extraction is optimized - instead of using an iterator, values are extracted by index (potentially also falling back to default values of real parameters).

    Finally, when raw parameter is a Mapping <: PartialFunction[String,R] then not only values but also parameter names are collected - the macro engine will search for an instance of CanBuildFrom[Nothing,(String,R),Mapping] in order to collect the mapping. Parameter names may be adjusted with rpcName but must be unique in the scope of a single raw parameter. In order to extract real values from mapping, macro generated code will call applyOrElse on the raw value giving it the name of each real parameter and also falling back to possible default parameter values, in case they are missing in the raw call.

    Note that when raw parameter is a name-value mapping, you can freely reorder real parameter without fear of breaking backwards compatibility. You can also safely add new real parameters as long as you provide default values for them.

    Just like single and optional, multi can also be applied on metadata parameters corresponding to raw methods and raw parameters. The type of multi metadata parameter must be a collection, in the same way as it's required for multi raw parameters. Metadata classes materialized for raw methods and raw parameters must extend TypedMetadata[T] where T will be matched against each real method result type or each real parameter type.

    Ultimately, multi may be specified on metadata parameter that reifies annotations from real trait/method/param (see reifyAnnot). Such metadata parameter must be a collection: any subtype of Iterable[A] where A is the type of annotation being reified. The macro will then reify all matching annotations from real symbol, including inherited ones.

  17. final class optional extends Annotation with RpcArity


    When applied on raw method, it works almost the same way as single except that it is not required that matching real method exists in real RPC trait.

    When applied on raw method, it works almost the same way as single except that it is not required that matching real method exists in real RPC trait. If there is no matching real method, macro-materialized AsRaw implementation will implement the raw method with a code that throws an exception.

    When applied on raw parameter, specifies that this raw parameter may be matched by a real parameter but this is not required. Whether a real parameter matches an optional raw parameter is determined by its type and/or tag (see paramTag for more information on param tagging).

    Raw parameters marked as optional must be typed as Option[T] (or Opt[T], OptArg[T] or whatever type that has an instance of OptionLike). By default, optional raw parameters are verbatim which means that the option-wrapped type T must match exactly the type of real parameter.

    In the macro generated code that translates a raw call into a real call, when the raw parameter value is absent (the Option[T] is empty) then real parameter's default value will be used as fallback. This allows introducing new parameters into RPC interfaces without breaking backwards compatibility.

    optional may also be used on method metadata parameters or parameter metadata parameters. It works the same way as with single except that metadata class must be wrapped in an OptionLike type (Option, Opt, etc.).

    Finally, optional may also be used for metadata parameters that hold reified annotations (see reifyAnnot). In that case it is not required that the annotation being reified is actually present on the real trait/method/param. For that to work, metadata param must be typed as Option[A], Opt[A], etc. where A is the type of annotation being reified.

  18. final class paramTag[BaseTag <: RpcTag, DefaultTag <: BaseTag] extends Annotation with RawMethodAnnotation


    Parameter tagging lets you have more explicit control over which raw parameters can match which real parameters.

    Parameter tagging lets you have more explicit control over which raw parameters can match which real parameters. This way you can have some of the parameters annotated in order to treat them differently, e.g. they may be verbatim, encoded in a different way or collected to a different raw container (e.g. Map[String,Raw] vs List[Raw] - see multi for more details).


    sealed trait RestParam extends RpcTag
    class Body extends RestParam
    class Url extends RestParam
    class Path extends RestParam
    trait RestRawRpc {
      def get(name: String,
        @multi @verbatim @tagged[Path] pathParams: List[String],
        @multi @verbatim @tagged[Url] urlParams: Map[String,String],
        @multi @tagged[Body] bodyParams: Map[String,Json]
      ): Future[Json]

    NOTE: The example above assumes there is a Json type defined with appropriate encodings - see encoded for more details on parameter and method result encoding.

    The example above configures parameter tag type for the entire trait, but you can also do it for each raw method, e.g.

    trait RestRawRpc {
      def get(...)

    base type for tags that can be used on real RPC parameters


    the default tag type used for real parameters not explicitly tagged - if you don't want to introduce any specific default tag, just use the same type as for BaseTag

  19. final class reifyAnnot extends Annotation with MetadataParamStrategy


    Metadata parameter annotated as @reifyAnnot is intended to hold annotation(s) that must or may be present on the real RPC trait, method or parameter.

    Metadata parameter annotated as @reifyAnnot is intended to hold annotation(s) that must or may be present on the real RPC trait, method or parameter. @reifyAnnot parameters may have arity, which means that they may be annotated as single (the default), optional or multi. Arity annotation determines what parameter type the macro engine expects:

    - for single, metadata parameter type must extend StaticAnnotation and an annotation of that type must be present on the real symbol or compilation error will be raised - for optional, metadata parameter type must be an Option/Opt/etc. that wraps some StaticAnnotation. If that annotation is present on the real symbol, it will be reified as metadata value. - for multi, metadata parameter type must be a subtype of Iterable[StaticAnnotation], e.g. List[SomeAnnot]. The macro will then reify all annotations of that particular type present on the real symbol as metadata value.

    NOTE: all annotations are inherited from super/overridden symbols, i.e. - for RPC traits, annotations are inherited from all superclasses and supertraits - for RPC methods, annotations are inherited from all overridden or implemented abstract methods - for RPC parameters, annotations are inherited from all corresponding parameters (by index, not name) from all methods overridden or implemented by method containing the parameter for which metadata is being reified.

  20. final class reifyFlags extends Annotation with MetadataParamStrategy


    Metadata parameter annotated with this annotation must be of type ParamFlags - a class that holds parameter flags information - see scaladoc for ParamFlags for more details.

  21. final class reifyName extends Annotation with MetadataParamStrategy


    This annotation may only be applied on metadata parameters of type String and instructs the macro engine to reify the name of real RPC trait/method/parameter.

    This annotation may only be applied on metadata parameters of type String and instructs the macro engine to reify the name of real RPC trait/method/parameter. Depending on the value of rpcName flag, the macro will either take into account or ignore potential rpcName annotation.

  22. final class reifyPosition extends Annotation with MetadataParamStrategy


    Metadata parameter annotated with this annotation must be of type ParamPosition - a class that holds parameter index information - see scaladoc for ParamPosition for more details.

  23. class rpcName extends Annotation with RpcAnnotation


    You can use this annotation on overloaded RPC methods to give them unique identifiers for RPC serialization.

    You can use this annotation on overloaded RPC methods to give them unique identifiers for RPC serialization. You can also subclass this annotation provided that you always override the name parameter with another constructor parameter.

  24. final class single extends Annotation with RpcArity


    The default arity annotation.

    The default arity annotation. Usually there is no need to use this annotation explicitly.

    When applied on raw method, there must be exactly one real method matching this raw method and it must have the same name (or rpcName) as raw method's name.

    When applied on raw parameter, specifies that this raw parameter must be matched by exactly one real parameter, on the position that matches raw parameter's position. Names are ignored because - unlike methods - parameters are identified by their position in parameter list(s) rather than their name.

    By default, single raw methods and parameters are verbatim which means that the real method must have exactly the same return type as raw method and real parameter must have exactly the same type as raw parameter.

    When applied on method metadata parameter or parameter metadata parameter, the rules above apply in the same way except that real method/parameter type is matched against the type passed as T to TypedMetadata[T] by metadata class. For example, if method metadata class extends TypedMetadata[Unit] then Unit is assumed to be the result type of raw method that this metadata class represents. Similarly, when parameter metadata class extends TypedMetadata[Int] then raw parameter represented by this metadata class is assumed to be of type Int.

    Finally, when applied on metadata parameter with reifyAnnot, that parameter is supposed to hold exactly one instance of an annotation of given type from real trait/method/param. If there is no such annotation available, compilation error will be raised.

  25. final class tagged[Tag <: RpcTag] extends Annotation with RawMethodAnnotation with RawParamAnnotation


    Annotation applied on raw methods or raw parameters that limits matching real methods or real parameters to only these annotated as Tag.

    Annotation applied on raw methods or raw parameters that limits matching real methods or real parameters to only these annotated as Tag. See methodTag and paramTag for more explanation. NOTE: Tag may also be some common supertype of multiple tags which are accepted by this raw method or param.


    annotation type required to be present on real method or parameter

  26. final class verbatim extends Annotation with RpcEncoding


    Turns off raw value encoding as specified by encoded.

    Turns off raw value encoding as specified by encoded. By default, single and optional raw parameters are already verbatim, so using verbatim only makes sense on multi raw parameters or raw methods themselves, which means turning off encoding of method's result.

    When encoding is turned off, raw and real types must be exactly the same types. For example, the following raw RPC definition will match only raw RPC traits whose methods take Ints as parameters and return Doubles as values:

    trait VerbatimRawRpc {
      @verbatim def call(rpcName: String, @multi @verbatim args: Map[String,Int]): Double
