
package json

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. json
  2. GeoJsonSupport
  3. CrsFormats
  4. FeatureFormats
  5. GeometryFormats
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
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Type Members

  1. sealed trait CRS extends AnyRef

  2. trait CrsFormats extends AnyRef

  3. implicit final class ExtentsToGeoJson extends AnyVal

  4. trait FeatureFormats extends AnyRef

  5. implicit class FeaturesToGeoJson[D] extends AnyRef

  6. trait GeoJsonSupport extends GeometryFormats with FeatureFormats with CrsFormats

    A trait providing automatic to and from JSON marshalling/unmarshalling using spray-json implicits.

    A trait providing automatic to and from JSON marshalling/unmarshalling using spray-json implicits. parameter for writing json and will attempt to attach it to Feature/Geometry json representations.

  7. implicit final class GeometriesToGeoJson extends AnyVal

  8. trait GeometryFormats extends AnyRef

    Implements Spray JsonFormats for Geometry objects.

    Implements Spray JsonFormats for Geometry objects. Import or extend this object directly to use them with default spray-json (un)marshaller

  9. class JsonFeatureCollection extends AnyRef

    Accumulates GeoJson from Feature class instances.

    Accumulates GeoJson from Feature class instances.

    During serialization: Each individual feature is parametrized on a class we need to accumulate geoJson per instance of an object in order to use implicit scope resolution in finding the correct format.

    Features may be added using the .add, addAll methods, they are buffered as JsValues until .toJson is called

    During deserialization: This object is instantiated with list of JsValues representing features. It may be queried using .getAll[F <: Feature[_] ] method.

    It aggregates feature objects with data member still encoded in json

  10. class JsonFeatureCollectionMap extends AnyRef

    Accumulates GeoJson from Feature class instances and implements a Map keyed on geojson feature IDs.

    Accumulates GeoJson from Feature class instances and implements a Map keyed on geojson feature IDs.

    During serialization: Each individual feature is parametrized on a class we need to accumulate geoJson per instance of an object in order to use implicit scope resolution in finding the correct format.

    Features may be added using the .add, addAll methods, they are buffered as JsValues until .toJson is called

    During deserialization: This object is instantiated with list of JsValues representing features. It may be queried using .getAll[F <: Feature[_] ] method.

    It aggregates feature objects with data member still encoded in json

  11. case class LinkedCRS(href: String, crsType: String = "") extends CRS with Product with Serializable

    A CRS object may link to CRS parameters on the Web.

    A CRS object may link to CRS parameters on the Web.


    must be a dereferenceable URI.


    must be a string that hints at the format used to represent CRS parameters at the provided URI. Suggested values are: "proj4", "ogcwkt", "esriwkt", others can be used:

  12. case class NamedCRS(name: String) extends CRS with Product with Serializable

    A CRS object may indicate a coordinate reference system by name.

    A CRS object may indicate a coordinate reference system by name.


    must be a string identifying a coordinate reference system. OGC CRS URNs such as "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" shall be preferred over legacy identifiers such as "EPSG:4326"

  13. implicit class RichFeature[D] extends AnyRef

  14. implicit final class RichGeometry extends AnyVal

  15. implicit final class RichString extends AnyVal

  16. case class WithCrs[T](t: T, crs: CRS) extends Product with Serializable

    Used as a named tuple to extract and insert CRS field in GeoJSON objects

Value Members

  1. object BlankCRS extends CRS

    No crs field will be associated with GeoJSON object

  2. object CrsFormats extends CrsFormats

  3. implicit object ExtentFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Extent]

    Definition Classes
  4. object FeatureFormats extends FeatureFormats

  5. object GeoJson

  6. object GeoJsonSupport extends GeoJsonSupport

  7. implicit object GeometryCollectionFormat extends RootJsonFormat[GeometryCollection]

    Definition Classes
  8. implicit object GeometryFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Geometry]

    Definition Classes
  9. object GeometryFormats extends GeometryFormats

  10. object JsonFeatureCollection

  11. object JsonFeatureCollectionMap

  12. implicit object LineFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Line]

    Definition Classes
  13. implicit object MultiLineFormat extends RootJsonFormat[MultiLine]

    Definition Classes
  14. implicit object MultiPointFormat extends RootJsonFormat[MultiPoint]

    Definition Classes
  15. implicit object MultiPolygonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[MultiPolygon]

    Definition Classes
  16. implicit object PointFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Point]

    Definition Classes
  17. implicit object PolygonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Polygon]

    Definition Classes
  18. implicit object crsFormat extends RootJsonFormat[CRS]

    Definition Classes
  19. implicit def crsWithFormat[T](implicit arg0: JsonFormat[T]): RootJsonFormat[WithCrs[T]]

    Definition Classes
  20. implicit object featureCollectionFormat extends RootJsonFormat[JsonFeatureCollection]

    Definition Classes
  21. implicit object featureCollectionMapFormat extends RootJsonFormat[JsonFeatureCollectionMap]

    Definition Classes
  22. implicit def featureFormat[D](implicit arg0: JsonFormat[D]): RootJsonFormat[Feature[D]]

    Definition Classes
  23. implicit def lineFeatureFormat[D](implicit arg0: JsonFormat[D]): RootJsonFormat[LineFeature[D]]

    Definition Classes
  24. implicit def multiLineFeatureFormat[D](implicit arg0: JsonFormat[D]): RootJsonFormat[MultiLineFeature[D]]

    Definition Classes
  25. implicit def multiPointFeatureFormat[D](implicit arg0: JsonFormat[D]): RootJsonFormat[MultiPointFeature[D]]

    Definition Classes
  26. implicit def multiPolygonFeatureFormat[D](implicit arg0: JsonFormat[D]): RootJsonFormat[MultiPolygonFeature[D]]

    Definition Classes
  27. implicit def pointFeatureFormat[D](implicit arg0: JsonFormat[D]): RootJsonFormat[PointFeature[D]]

    Definition Classes
  28. implicit def polygonFeatureFormat[D](implicit arg0: JsonFormat[D]): RootJsonFormat[PolygonFeature[D]]

    Definition Classes
  29. def readFeatureJson[D, G <: Geometry, F <: Feature[D]](value: JsValue)(create: (G, D) ⇒ F)(implicit arg0: JsonReader[D], arg1: JsonReader[G]): F

    Definition Classes
  30. def readFeatureJsonWithID[D, G <: Geometry, F <: Feature[D]](value: JsValue)(create: (G, D, String) ⇒ (String, F))(implicit arg0: JsonReader[D], arg1: JsonReader[G]): (String, F)

    Definition Classes
  31. def writeFeatureJson[D](obj: Feature[D])(implicit arg0: JsonWriter[D]): JsValue

    Serializes a geojson feature object

    Serializes a geojson feature object


    The GeoJson compliant spray.JsValue

    Definition Classes
  32. def writeFeatureJsonWithID[D](idFeature: (String, Feature[D]))(implicit arg0: JsonWriter[D]): JsValue

    Definition Classes

Inherited from GeoJsonSupport

Inherited from CrsFormats

Inherited from FeatureFormats

Inherited from GeometryFormats

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
