Class HttpBodyRequest


public class HttpBodyRequest
extends HttpRequest
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    HttpBodyRequest​(HttpMethod _method, java.lang.String _queryUrl, Headers _headers, java.lang.String _body)
    Create a request with explicit body
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String getBody()
    Body for the http request

    Methods inherited from class com.bandwidth.http.request.HttpRequest

    getHeaders, getHttpMethod, getParameters, getQueryUrl

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • HttpBodyRequest

      public HttpBodyRequest​(HttpMethod _method, java.lang.String _queryUrl, Headers _headers, java.lang.String _body)
      Create a request with explicit body
      _method - The HTTP method to use. Can be PUT, POST, DELETE and PATCH
      _queryUrl - The http url to create the HTTP Request. Expect a fully qualified absolute Url
      _headers - The key-value map of all http headers to be sent
      _body - The object to be sent as body after serialization
  • Method Details

    • getBody

      public java.lang.String getBody()
      Body for the http request