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add(TemporalInterval) - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Adds the given interval to this and returns a new interval.
add(Instant) - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Adds this interval to the given instant producing a new instant.
add(LocalTime) - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Adds this interval to the given local time producing a new local time.
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
Adds an attribute with the given name and type name.
addAttribute(String, String, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
Adds an attribute with the given name and type name as well as metadata definitions.
addCollectionAttribute(String, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
Adds a collection attribute with the given name and a generic element type as well as metadata definitions.
addCollectionAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
Adds a collection attribute with the given name and element type name.
addCollectionAttribute(String, String, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
Adds a collection attribute with the given name and element type name as well as metadata definitions.
arithmetic() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperator
Returns the arithmetic operators.
ARITHMETIC - Static variable in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperator
The arithmetic operators.


BASIC - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainType.DomainTypeKind
A basic domain type.
BasicDomainType - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A basic type in the domain.
BasicDomainTypeDefinition - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A basic type definition.
build() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Builds and validates the domain model as defined via this builder.
build() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Builds and adds the domain function to the domain builder.
build() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
Builds and adds the domain entity type to the domain builder.
build() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeBuilder
Builds and adds the domain enum type to the domain builder.
build(MetadataDefinitionHolder) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.MetadataDefinition
Builds the metadata object to be attached to the runtime domain model element.


canSerialize(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.spi.DomainSerializer
Returns whether this serializer can serialize the element.
COLLECTION - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainPredicate
The collection predicates IS EMPTY/IS NOT EMPTY.
COLLECTION - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainType.DomainTypeKind
A collection domain type.
CollectionDomainType - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A collection type in the domain.
CollectionDomainTypeDefinition - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A collection type definition.
com.blazebit.domain - package com.blazebit.domain
Blaze-Domain is a toolkit for defining domain models.
com.blazebit.domain.boot.model - package com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
Blaze-Domain boot model and builders.
com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model - package com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
Blaze-Domain runtime model.
com.blazebit.domain.spi - package com.blazebit.domain.spi
Blaze-Domain SPI for implementers or extension providers.
comparable() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainPredicate
Returns the comparable predicates.
COMPARABLE - Static variable in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainPredicate
The comparable predicates.
compareTo(TemporalInterval) - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
contribute(DomainBuilder) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.spi.DomainContributor
Contribute domain elements to the given domain builder.
createBasicType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates a basic domain type with the given type name.
createBasicType(String, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates a basic domain type with the given type name and metadata definitions.
createBasicType(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates a basic domain type with the given type name and Java type.
createBasicType(String, Class<?>, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates a basic domain type with the given type name, Java type and metadata definitions.
createBuilder(DomainModel) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.spi.DomainBuilderProvider
Creates a domain builder based on an existing domain model.
createDefaultBuilder() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.spi.DomainBuilderProvider
Creates an empty domain builder and returns it after running DomainBuilder.withDefaults() on it.
createEmptyBuilder() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.spi.DomainBuilderProvider
Creates an empty domain builder.
createEntityType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates an entity domain type with the given type name.
createEntityType(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates an entity domain type with the given type name and Java type.
createEnumType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates an enum domain type with the given type name.
createEnumType(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates an enum domain type with the given type name and Java type.
createFunction(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates a builder for a domain function with the given name.


distinguishable() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainPredicate
Returns the distinguishable predicates.
DISTINGUISHABLE - Static variable in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainPredicate
The distinguishable predicates.
DIVISION - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperator
The / operator.
Domain - Class in com.blazebit.domain
Bootstrap class that is used to obtain a DomainModel.
DomainBuilder - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A builder for a domain model.
DomainBuilderProvider - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.spi
Interface implemented by the domain implementation provider.
DomainContributor - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.spi
A ServiceLoader loaded contributor that adds common domain elements to a domain builder.
DomainFunction - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A function in the domain.
DomainFunctionArgument - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
Represents the argument to a domain function.
DomainFunctionArgumentDefinition - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A function argument of a domain function definition.
DomainFunctionBuilder - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A builder for a domain function.
DomainFunctionDefinition - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A function in the domain.
DomainFunctionTypeResolver - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A domain function return type resolver.
DomainFunctionVolatility - Enum in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
The volatility of a domain function.
DomainModel - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A type checked domain model that can be used for domain introspection.
DomainOperationTypeResolver - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A domain operation type resolver.
DomainOperator - Enum in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
The domain operators that are available for domain types.
DomainPredicate - Enum in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
The domain predicates that are available for domain types.
DomainPredicateTypeResolver - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A domain predicate type resolver.
DomainSerializer<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.spi
A ServiceLoader loaded serializer that can serialize domain model elements.
DomainType - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A type in the domain.
DomainType.DomainTypeKind - Enum in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
The domain type kinds.
DomainTypeDefinition - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A type in the domain.
DomainTypeResolverException - Exception in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A domain type resolver exception.
DomainTypeResolverException() - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainTypeResolverException
Creates a new exception.
DomainTypeResolverException(String) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainTypeResolverException
Creates a new exception.
DomainTypeResolverException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainTypeResolverException
Creates a new exception.
DomainTypeResolverException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainTypeResolverException
Creates a new exception.
DomainTypeResolverException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainTypeResolverException
Creates a new exception.


ENTITY - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainType.DomainTypeKind
An entity domain type.
EntityDomainType - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
An entity type in the domain.
EntityDomainTypeAttribute - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
An entity attribute of an entity domain type.
EntityDomainTypeAttributeDefinition - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A domain entity type attribute definition.
EntityDomainTypeBuilder - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
An domain entity type builder.
EntityDomainTypeDefinition - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A domain entity type definition.
ENUM - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainType.DomainTypeKind
An enum domain type.
EnumDomainType - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
An enum type in the domain.
EnumDomainTypeBuilder - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A domain enum type builder.
EnumDomainTypeDefinition - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
EnumDomainTypeValue - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
An enum value of an enum domain type.
EnumDomainTypeValueDefinition - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A domain enum type value definition.
EQUALITY - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainPredicate
The equality predicates =/!
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Returns true if all amounts are equal to the amounts of the other interval.
extendBasicType(String, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates an basic domain type with the given type name that extends the basic type with the given type name, if it exists.
extendBasicType(String, Class<?>, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates a basic domain type with the given type name and Java type that extends the basic type with the given type name, if it exists.
extendEntityType(String, EntityDomainTypeDefinition) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates an entity domain type with the given type name that extends the entity type with the given type name.
extendEntityType(String, Class<?>, EntityDomainTypeDefinition) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates an entity domain type with the given type name and Java type.
extendEnumType(String, EnumDomainTypeDefinition) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates an enum domain type with the given type name that extends the enum type with the given type name.
extendEnumType(String, Class<?>, EnumDomainTypeDefinition) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates an enum domain type with the given type name and Java type.
extendFunction(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Creates a builder for a domain function that extends the domain function with the given name.
extendFunction(String, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Extends the domain function with the given name with the given metadata definitions, if it exists.


FIRST_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers
A domain function type resolver that always resolves to the first argument type.
FirstArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers.FirstArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver
Creates a new domain function type resolver that resolves the result type to first argument type.
FOURTH_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers
A domain function type resolver that always resolves to the fourth argument type.
FourthArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers.FourthArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver
Creates a new domain function type resolver that resolves the result type to fourth argument type.


getArgument(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunction
The domain function argument at the given index.
getArgument(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunction
The domain function argument with the given name.
getArgumentCount() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
The maximum argument count for the function.
getArgumentCount() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionDefinition
The maximum argument count for the function.
getArgumentCount() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunction
The maximum argument count for the function.
getArgumentDefinitions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
The argument definitions for this domain function.
getArgumentDefinitions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionDefinition
The argument definitions for this domain function.
getArguments() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunction
The domain function arguments.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
The attribute of the entity domain type with the given name or null.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeDefinition
The attribute of the entity domain type with the given name or null.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.EntityDomainType
Returns the attribute with the given name or null.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
The attributes of the entity domain type.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeDefinition
The attributes of the entity domain type.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.EntityDomainType
Returns the attributes of the entity domain type.
getCollectionType(DomainType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the collection domain type with the given element domain type or null.
getCollectionType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the collection domain type definition with the given element domain type name or null.
getCollectionTypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the collection type definitions of the domain builder as map indexed by their element domain type name.
getCollectionTypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the collection types of the domain model as map indexed by their element domain type.
getDays() - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Returns the days.
getDefaultProvider() - Static method in class com.blazebit.domain.Domain
Returns the first DomainBuilderProvider that is found.
getDomainSerializers() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the domain serializers.
getElementType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.CollectionDomainTypeDefinition
The element type of the collection.
getElementType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.CollectionDomainType
The domain type of the collection element or null if any type is allowed.
getEnabledOperators() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainType
The domain operators that are enabled for this domain type.
getEnabledOperators(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the enabled operators for the type with the given name.
getEnabledPredicates() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainType
The domain predicates that are enabled for this domain type.
getEnabledPredicates(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the enabled predicates for the type with the given name.
getEntityType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the entity domain type definition with the given type name or null.
getEntityType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the entity domain type with the given type name or null.
getEnumType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the enum domain type with the given type name or null.
getEnumValue(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeBuilder
The enum value of the enum domain type with the given name or null.
getEnumValue(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeDefinition
The enum value of the enum domain type with the given name or null.
getEnumValues() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeBuilder
The enum values of the enum domain type.
getEnumValues() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeDefinition
The enum values of the enum domain type.
getEnumValues() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.EnumDomainType
The enum domain type values.
getFunction(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the domain function definition with the given name or null.
getFunction(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the domain function with the given name or null.
getFunctions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the function definitions of the domain builder as map indexed by their function name.
getFunctions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the functions of the domain model as map indexed by their function name.
getFunctionTypeResolver(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the function type resolver for the function with the given name.
getFunctionTypeResolvers() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the function type resolvers of the domain model as map indexed by their function name.
getHours() - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Returns the hours.
getIndex() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionArgumentDefinition
The 0-based positional index of the function argument.
getJavaType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainTypeDefinition
The Java type of the domain type, or null if none available.
getJavaType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
The Java type of the domain type, or null if none available.
getJavaType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeBuilder
The Java type of the enum domain type, or null if none available.
getJavaType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.MetadataDefinition
The Java type of the custom metadata object.
getJavaType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainType
The Java type of the domain type or null.
getKind() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainType
The domain type kind.
getMetadata() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.MetadataHolder
Returns the metadata map.
getMetadata(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.MetadataHolder
Returns the metadata object of the given class.
getMetadataDefinitions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Returns the metadata definitions of this domain element.
getMetadataDefinitions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
Returns the metadata definitions of this domain element.
getMetadataDefinitions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeBuilder
Returns the metadata definitions of this domain element.
getMetadataDefinitions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.MetadataDefinitionHolder
Returns the metadata definitions of this domain element.
getMinArgumentCount() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
The minimum argument count for the function.
getMinArgumentCount() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionDefinition
The minimum argument count for the function.
getMinArgumentCount() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunction
The minimum argument count for the function.
getMinutes() - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Returns the minutes.
getMonths() - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Returns the months.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionArgumentDefinition
The name of the function argument or null.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
The name of the domain function.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionDefinition
The name of the domain function.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainTypeDefinition
The name of the domain type.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeAttributeDefinition
The name of the entity type attribute.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
The name of the domain type.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeBuilder
The name of the domain type.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunction
The name of the domain function.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunctionArgument
The name of the function argument or null.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainType
The name of the domain type.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.EntityDomainTypeAttribute
The name of the attribute.
getOperationTypeResolver(String, DomainOperator) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the domain operation type resolver for the given type name and domain operator.
getOperationTypeResolver(String, DomainOperator) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the operation type resolver for resolving the type of the domain operator applied to the given type name.
getOperationTypeResolvers() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the operation type resolvers of the domain model as map indexed by their type name.
getOwner() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeAttributeDefinition
The entity domain type definition that owns this attribute.
getOwner() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeValueDefinition
The enum domain type definition that owns this enum value.
getOwner() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunctionArgument
The owner domain function.
getOwner() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.EntityDomainTypeAttribute
The owner entity domain type.
getOwner() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.EnumDomainTypeValue
The owner enum domain type.
getParentDomainModel() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Return the parent domain model or null.
getPosition() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunctionArgument
The 0-based positional index of the function argument.
getPredicateDefaultResultType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
The default result type for predicates.
getPredicateTypeResolver(String, DomainPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the domain predicate type resolver for the given type name and domain predicate.
getPredicateTypeResolver(String, DomainPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the predicate type resolver for resolving the type of the domain predicate applied to the given type name.
getPredicateTypeResolvers() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the predicate type resolvers of the domain model as map indexed by their type name.
getProperties() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns all properties.
getProperties() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns all properties.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns a property value by name.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns a property value by name.
getRegisteredService(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the registered service for the given type.
getRegisteredServices() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the registered services.
getResultType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunction
The domain function result type if fixed, otherwise null.
getResultTypeName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionDefinition
The name of the domain function result type.
getSeconds() - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Returns the seconds.
getService(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.spi.ServiceProvider
Returns the resolved service for the given type.
getType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunctionArgument
The domain type of the function argument or null.
getType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.EntityDomainTypeAttribute
The domain type of the attribute.
getType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the domain type definition with the given type name or null.
getType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the domain type with the given type name or null.
getTypeName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionArgumentDefinition
The type name of the function argument or null.
getTypeName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeAttributeDefinition
Returns the type name of this attribute.
getTypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Returns the type definitions of the domain builder as map indexed by their type name.
getTypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Returns the types of the domain model as map indexed by their type name.
getValue() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeValueDefinition
The enum value.
getValue() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.EnumDomainTypeValue
The enum value.
getVolatility() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
The volatility of the domain function.
getVolatility() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionDefinition
The volatility of the domain function.
getVolatility() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunction
The volatility of the domain function.
getYears() - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Returns the years.


hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Returns the hash code based on the individual amounts.


IMMUTABLE - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunctionVolatility
The function result depends just on the arguments.
isCollection() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionArgumentDefinition
Whether the type is a collection.
isCollection() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeAttributeDefinition
Returns whether this attribute is a collection.
isResultCollection() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionDefinition
Whether the result type is a collection.


MetadataDefinition<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A definition of custom metadata.
MetadataDefinitionHolder - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.boot.model
A domain element that can hold metadata definitions.
MetadataHolder - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A domain element that can hold metadata definitions.
MINUS - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperator
The - operator.
MODULO - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperator
The % operator.
MULTIPLICATION - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperator
The * operator.


NOT - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperator
The !
nthArgument(int) - Static method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers
A domain function type resolver that always resolves to the nth argument type.
NthArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver(int) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers.NthArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver
Creates a new domain function type resolver that resolves the result type to the argument type at the given index.
NULLNESS - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainPredicate
The nullness predicates IS NULL/IS NOT NULL.


PLUS - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperator
The + operator.
priority() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.spi.DomainContributor
Returns a priority(lower means higher priority) of the contributor.


RELATIONAL - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainPredicate
The relational predicates </<=/>/>=.
resolveType(DomainModel, DomainFunction, Map<DomainFunctionArgument, DomainType>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunctionTypeResolver
Resolves the domain function return type for the given argument type assignments.
resolveType(DomainModel, DomainFunction, Map<DomainFunctionArgument, DomainType>) - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers.NthArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver
resolveType(DomainModel, List<DomainType>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperationTypeResolver
Resolves the domain type for applying an operator on the given operand domain type.
resolveType(DomainModel, List<DomainType>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainPredicateTypeResolver
Resolves the domain type for applying a predicate on the given operand domain type.
returning(String) - Static method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers
Returns a domain function type resolver that always returns the domain type with the given type name.
returning(String) - Static method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainOperationTypeResolvers
Returns a domain operation type resolver that always returns the domain type with the given type name.
returning(String) - Static method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainPredicateTypeResolvers
Returns a domain predicate type resolver that always returns the domain type with the given type name.
returning(String, String...) - Static method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainOperationTypeResolvers
Returns a domain operation type resolver that returns the domain type with the given type name.
returning(String, String...) - Static method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainPredicateTypeResolvers
Returns a domain predicate type resolver that returns the domain type with the given type name.
returning(String, String[][]) - Static method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainOperationTypeResolvers
Returns a domain operation type resolver that returns the domain type with the given type name.
returning(String, String[][]) - Static method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainPredicateTypeResolvers
Returns a domain predicate type resolver that returns the domain type with the given type name.


SECOND_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers
A domain function type resolver that always resolves to the second argument type.
SecondArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers.SecondArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver
Creates a new domain function type resolver that resolves the result type to second argument type.
serialize(DomainModel, DomainFunctionTypeResolver, Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers.NthArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver
serialize(DomainModel, DomainModel, X, Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.spi.DomainSerializer
Serializes the domain model to the given target type with the given format.
serialize(DomainModel, Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Serializes the domain model to the given target type with the given format.
serialize(DomainModel, X, Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.spi.DomainSerializer
Serializes the domain model to the given target type with the given format.
serialize(Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainModel
Serializes the domain model to the given target type with the given format.
ServiceProvider - Interface in com.blazebit.domain.spi
A provider for access to services.
setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
Sets whether attribute names are case sensitive.
setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeBuilder
Sets whether enum values are case sensitive.
setFunctionCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Sets whether function names are case sensitive.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Sets a property value by name.
STABLE - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunctionVolatility
The function result depends on the arguments and possibly other state which stays stable throughout the execution.
STATIC_RETURN_TYPE - Static variable in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers
A domain function type resolver that always resolves to the static domain function return type.
StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers - Class in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A domain function type resolver utility that caches static resolvers.
StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers.FirstArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver - Class in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A resolver that returns the first argument type as result type.
StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers.FourthArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver - Class in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A resolver that returns the fourth argument type as result type.
StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers.NthArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver - Class in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A resolver that returns the nth argument type as result type.
StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers.SecondArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver - Class in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A resolver that returns the second argument type as result type.
StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers.ThirdArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver - Class in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A resolver that returns the third argument type as result type.
StaticDomainOperationTypeResolvers - Class in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A domain operation type resolver utility that caches static resolvers.
StaticDomainPredicateTypeResolvers - Class in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A domain predicate type resolver utility that caches static resolvers.
subtract(TemporalInterval) - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Subtracts the given interval from this and returns a new interval.
subtract(Instant) - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Subtract this interval from the given instant producing a new instant.
subtract(LocalTime) - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Subtract this interval from the given local time producing a new local time.


TemporalInterval - Class in com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model
A positive temporal interval.
TemporalInterval(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
Constructs a temporal interval with the given temporal amounts.
THIRD_ARGUMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers
A domain function type resolver that always resolves to the third argument type.
ThirdArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers.ThirdArgumentDomainFunctionTypeResolver
Creates a new domain function type resolver that resolves the result type to third argument type.
toString() - Method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.TemporalInterval
The format is (Y YEARS )?


UNARY_MINUS - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperator
The unary - operator.
UNARY_PLUS - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperator
The unary + operator.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunctionVolatility
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainPredicate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainType.DomainTypeKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunctionVolatility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainPredicate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainType.DomainTypeKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VOLATILE - com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.DomainFunctionVolatility
The function result can change at any time and is not just dependent on the arguments.


widest(String...) - Static method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainFunctionTypeResolvers
Returns a domain function type resolver that returns the domain type with one of the given type names, preferring "smaller" types with lower indices.
widest(String...) - Static method in class com.blazebit.domain.runtime.model.StaticDomainOperationTypeResolvers
Returns a domain operation type resolver that returns the domain type with one of the given type names, preferring "smaller" types with lower indices.
withArgument(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Adds the argument with the given argument name as next function argument.
withArgument(String, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Adds the argument with the given argument name and metadata as next function argument.
withArgument(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Adds the argument with the given argument name and argument type name as next function argument.
withArgument(String, String, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Adds the argument with the given argument name and argument type name as well as metadata as next function argument.
withArgumentTypes(String...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Specifies that the function accepts the given type names as arguments in the given order.
withCollectionArgument(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Adds the collection argument with the given argument name as next function argument.
withCollectionArgument(String, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Adds the collection argument with the given argument name and metadata as next function argument.
withCollectionArgument(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Adds the collection argument with the given argument name and argument element type name as next function argument.
withCollectionArgument(String, String, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Adds the collection argument with the given argument name and argument element type name as well as metadata as next function argument.
withCollectionResultType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Specifies that the function returns a collection type.
withCollectionResultType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Specifies that the function returns a fixed collection type with the element type as defined by the given type name.
withDefaultPredicateResultType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Sets the given type name as default type to use for predicate results.
withDefaults() - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Loads the default settings in this domain builder.
withExactArgumentCount(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Specifies the exact argument count for the domain function.
withFunctionTypeResolver(String, DomainFunctionTypeResolver) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Adds the given function type resolver for the given function name.
withMetadata(MetadataDefinition<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Adds the given metadata definition to the function.
withMetadata(MetadataDefinition<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EntityDomainTypeBuilder
Adds the given metadata definition to the entity type.
withMetadata(MetadataDefinition<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeBuilder
Adds the given metadata definition to the enum type.
withMinArgumentCount(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Specifies the minimum argument count for the domain function.
withOperationTypeResolver(String, DomainOperator, DomainOperationTypeResolver) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Adds the given operation type resolver for the given type name and domain operator.
withOperator(String, DomainOperator) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Enables the given domain operator for the given type name.
withOperator(String, DomainOperator...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Enables the given domain operators for the given type name.
withPredicate(String, DomainPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Enables the given domain predicate for the given type name.
withPredicate(String, DomainPredicate...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Enables the given domain predicates for the given type name.
withPredicateTypeResolver(String, DomainPredicate, DomainPredicateTypeResolver) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Adds the given predicate type resolver for the given type name and domain predicate type.
withResultType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Specifies that the function returns a fixed type as defined by the given type name.
withSerializer(DomainSerializer<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Adds the given domain model serializer.
withService(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Registers the given service for the given type.
withServiceProvider(ServiceProvider) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainBuilder
Registers the given service provider.
withValue(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeBuilder
Adds the given value to the enum values.
withValue(String, MetadataDefinition<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.EnumDomainTypeBuilder
Adds the given value to the enum values with the given metadata definitions.
withVolatility(DomainFunctionVolatility) - Method in interface com.blazebit.domain.boot.model.DomainFunctionBuilder
Sets the volatility of the domain function.
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