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AbstractExpression - Class in com.blazebit.expression
A base implementation for expressions.
AbstractExpression(DomainType) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.AbstractExpression
Constructs an abstract expression producing the given domain type as result type.
AbstractPredicate - Class in com.blazebit.expression
A base implementation for predicates.
AbstractPredicate(DomainType) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.AbstractPredicate
Constructs an abstract predicate producing the given domain type as result type.
AbstractPredicate(DomainType, boolean) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.AbstractPredicate
Constructs an abstract predicate producing the given domain type as result type and negated as given by the boolean.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticFactor
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.BetweenPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ChainingArithmeticExpression
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.CollectionLiteral
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.CompoundPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.EntityLiteral
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.EnumLiteral
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.FunctionInvocation
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.InPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.IsEmptyPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.IsNullPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Literal
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.ResultVisitor<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Path
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticFactor
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.BetweenPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ChainingArithmeticExpression
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.CollectionLiteral
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.CompoundPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.EntityLiteral
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.EnumLiteral
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.FunctionInvocation
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.InPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.IsEmptyPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.IsNullPredicate
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Literal
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
accept(Expression.Visitor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Path
Dynamic dispatch to one of the visit methods of the visitor, based on the runtime type.
ArithmeticExpression - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
The base interface for arithmetic expressions.
ArithmeticFactor - Class in com.blazebit.expression
An arithmetic factor capturing the signum of an arithmetic expression.
ArithmeticFactor(DomainType, ArithmeticExpression, boolean) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticFactor
Creates a new arithmetic factor expression for the given arithmetic expression with the given signum returning a result of the given domain type.
ArithmeticOperatorType - Enum in com.blazebit.expression
The arithmetic operators.
assignedArguments() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.DomainFunctionArguments
Returns the amount of assigned arguments.
AttributeAccessor - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
An interpreter for dereferencing entity attributes on a value that is registered as metadata on a domain type.


BetweenPredicate - Class in com.blazebit.expression
The between predicate which is semantically equivalent to left >= lower AND left <= upper.
BetweenPredicate(DomainType, ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.BetweenPredicate
Constructs a new between predicate for the given arithmetic expressions returning a result of the given domain type.
BetweenPredicate(DomainType, ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression, boolean) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.BetweenPredicate
Constructs a new between predicate for the given arithmetic expressions returning a result of the given domain type.
BooleanLiteralResolver - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
A literal resolver for boolean values.
build() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Builds and validates the expression service factory as defined via this builder.
build(MetadataDefinitionHolder) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition


canSerialize(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ExpressionServiceSerializer
Returns whether this serializer can serialize the element.
ChainingArithmeticExpression - Class in com.blazebit.expression
An arithmetic expression connecting two arithmetic expression operands with an arithmetic operator.
ChainingArithmeticExpression(DomainType, ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticOperatorType) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.ChainingArithmeticExpression
Creates a new expression from the given operands and the given operator returning a result of the given domain type.
CollectionLiteral - Class in com.blazebit.expression
A collection literal expression.
CollectionLiteral(Collection<? extends Literal>, ResolvedLiteral) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.CollectionLiteral
Creates a new collection literal expression from the given collection values and resolved literal.
CollectionLiteralResolver - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
A literal resolver for collection values.
com.blazebit.expression - package com.blazebit.expression
Blaze-Expression is a toolkit that allows to model expressions with domain models that can be evaluated and serialized.
com.blazebit.expression.spi - package com.blazebit.expression.spi
SPI for implementers of the Blaze-Expression API of extension providers.
ComparisonOperator - Enum in com.blazebit.expression
The comparison operators.
ComparisonOperatorInterpreter - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
An interpreter for comparison operators that is registered as metadata on a domain type.
ComparisonPredicate - Class in com.blazebit.expression
A predicate for doing relational or equality comparisons between arithmetic expressions.
ComparisonPredicate(DomainType, ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression, ComparisonOperator) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonPredicate
Creates a new comparison predicate from the given operands and the given operator returning a result of the given domain type.
ComparisonPredicate(DomainType, ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression, ComparisonOperator, boolean) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonPredicate
Creates a new comparison predicate from the given operands and the given operator returning a result of the given domain type.
CompoundPredicate - Class in com.blazebit.expression
An conjunction or disjunction of multiple predicates.
CompoundPredicate(DomainType, List<Predicate>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.CompoundPredicate
Creates a new compound predicate from the given predicates as conjunction or disjunction returning a result of the given domain type.
CompoundPredicate(DomainType, List<Predicate>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.CompoundPredicate
Creates a new possibly negated compound predicate from the given predicates as conjunction or disjunction returning a result of the given domain type.
contribute(ExpressionServiceBuilder) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ExpressionServiceContributor
Contribute expression service configuration to the given expression service builder.
create(ExpressionService) - Static method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreterContext
Creates a new expression interpreter context for the given expression service, using the this object as context.
createBuilder(ExpressionService) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ExpressionServiceBuilderProvider
Creates a expression service builder based on an existing expression service.
createBuilder(ExpressionService, DomainModel) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ExpressionServiceBuilderProvider
Creates a expression service builder based on an existing expression service and extended domain model.
createCompiler() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Creates and returns an expression compiler to parse and type check expression strings.
createContext(Map<String, DomainType>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionCompiler
Creates a compile context based on the given root variable domain type mapping.
createDefaultBuilder(DomainModel) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ExpressionServiceBuilderProvider
Creates an empty expression service builder and returns it after running ExpressionServiceBuilder.withDefaults() on it.
createEmptyBuilder(DomainModel) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ExpressionServiceBuilderProvider
Creates an empty expression service builder.
createExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionCompiler
Creates and compiles the given expression string with an empty compile context.
createExpression(String, ExpressionCompiler.Context) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionCompiler
Creates and compiles the given expression string with the given compile context.
createExpressionOrPredicate(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionCompiler
Creates and compiles the given expression string with an empty compile context.
createExpressionOrPredicate(String, ExpressionCompiler.Context) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionCompiler
Creates and compiles the given expression string with the given compile context.
createInterpreter() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Creates and returns an expression interpreter to interpret a compiled expression.
createPredicate(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionCompiler
Creates and compiles the given predicate string with an empty compile context.
createPredicate(String, ExpressionCompiler.Context) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionCompiler
Creates and compiles the given predicate string with the given compile context.
createSerializer() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Creates and returns an expression serializer that produces an expression, which can be compiled again.
createSerializer(ExpressionService) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ExpressionSerializerFactory
Returns a new serializer for the given expression service.
createSerializer(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Creates and returns an expression serializer to serialize a compiled expression.
createSerializer(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Creates and returns an expression serializer to serialize a compiled expression.
createTemplateExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionCompiler
Creates and compiles the given template expression string with an empty compile context.
createTemplateExpression(String, ExpressionCompiler.Context) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionCompiler
Creates and compiles the given template expression string with the given compile context.
createTemplateSerializer() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Creates and returns an expression serializer that produces a template expression, which can be compiled again.


DEFAULT_BASE_NAME - Static variable in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
The default base name for resource bundle properties files.
DefaultResolvedLiteral - Class in com.blazebit.expression.spi
DefaultResolvedLiteral(DomainType, Object) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.spi.DefaultResolvedLiteral
Creates a new resolved literal.
DIVIDE - com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticOperatorType
The / operator.
DocumentationMetadataDefinition - Class in com.blazebit.expression
A metadata definition for a language element documentation.
DocumentationMetadataDefinition(String) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
Creates a new documentation metadata definition.
DomainFunctionArguments - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
An interface that gives access to the domain function argument values.
DomainModelException - Exception in com.blazebit.expression
An exception thrown during expression parsing and validation.
DomainModelException() - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.DomainModelException
Creates a new exception.
DomainModelException(String) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.DomainModelException
Creates a new exception.
DomainModelException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.DomainModelException
Creates a new exception.
DomainModelException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.DomainModelException
Creates a new exception.
DomainOperatorInterpreter - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
An interpreter for domain operators that is registered as metadata on a domain type.


EMPTY - Static variable in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.DomainFunctionArguments
Empty arguments.
EntityLiteral - Class in com.blazebit.expression
An entity literal expression.
EntityLiteral(Map<EntityDomainTypeAttribute, ? extends Literal>, ResolvedLiteral) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.EntityLiteral
Creates a new entity literal expression from the given entity attributes values and resolved literal.
EntityLiteralResolver - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
A literal resolver for entity values.
EnumLiteral - Class in com.blazebit.expression
An enum literal expression.
EnumLiteral(EnumDomainTypeValue, ResolvedLiteral) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.EnumLiteral
Creates a new enum literal expression from the given enum value and resolved literal.
EnumLiteralResolver - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
A literal resolver for enum values.
EQUAL - com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonOperator
The = operator.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.AbstractExpression
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.AbstractPredicate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticFactor
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.BetweenPredicate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ChainingArithmeticExpression
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonPredicate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.CompoundPredicate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionPredicate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.FunctionInvocation
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.InPredicate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.IsEmptyPredicate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.IsNullPredicate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Literal
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Path
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.spi.DefaultResolvedLiteral
evaluate(Expression) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreter
Evaluates the given expression to the call site defined type with an empty interpreter context.
evaluate(Expression, ExpressionInterpreter.Context) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreter
Evaluates the given expression to the call site defined type based on the given interpreter context.
evaluate(Predicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreter
Evaluates the given predicate with an empty interpreter context.
evaluate(Predicate, ExpressionInterpreter.Context) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreter
Evaluates the given predicate based on the given interpreter context.
evaluateAsModelType(Expression) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreter
Evaluates the given expression to the call site defined type with an empty interpreter context and converts it using the TypeAdapter defined for the returned attribute.
evaluateAsModelType(Expression, ExpressionInterpreter.Context) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreter
Evaluates the given expression to the call site defined type based on the given interpreter context and converts it using the TypeAdapter defined for the returned attribute.
Expression - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
The base interface for an expression.
Expression.ResultVisitor<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
A visitor for an expression that produces a result as part of the visitation.
Expression.Visitor - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
A visitor for an expression.
ExpressionCompiler - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
A compiler for expression strings based on a domain model.
ExpressionCompiler.Context - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
A compiler context that returns the domain type for available root variables.
ExpressionException - Exception in com.blazebit.expression
An exception thrown during expression parsing.
ExpressionException() - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionException
Creates a new exception.
ExpressionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionException
Creates a new exception.
ExpressionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionException
Creates a new exception.
ExpressionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionException
Creates a new exception.
ExpressionInterpreter - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
An interpreter for expressions based on a set of root variable object assignments.
ExpressionInterpreter.Context - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
An interpreter context that gives access to root variable domain type mappings, root variable object assignments and configuration properties.
ExpressionInterpreterContext<T> - Class in com.blazebit.expression
A simple implementation of a context for the ExpressionInterpreter.
ExpressionInterpreterContext(ExpressionService, T) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreterContext
Creates a new expression interpreter context for the given expression service and root object provider context.
ExpressionPredicate - Class in com.blazebit.expression
The predicate wrapper for boolean expressions.
ExpressionPredicate(DomainType, Expression) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionPredicate
Constructs a new possibly negated predicate wrapper for the given expression returning a result of the given domain type.
ExpressionPredicate(DomainType, Expression, boolean) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionPredicate
Constructs a new possibly negated predicate wrapper for the given expression returning a result of the given domain type.
Expressions - Class in com.blazebit.expression
Bootstrap class that is used to obtain a ExpressionService.
ExpressionSerializer<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
A serializer for expressions that serializes to a serialization target.
ExpressionSerializer.Context - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
A serialization context that gives access to context parameters.
ExpressionSerializerFactory<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
A factory for custom expression serializers.
ExpressionService - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
A factory for expression related functionality based on a domain model.
ExpressionServiceBuilder - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
A builder for an expression service based on a domain model.
ExpressionServiceBuilderProvider - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
Interface implemented by the expression implementation provider.
ExpressionServiceContributor - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
A ServiceLoader loaded contributor that adds common domain elements to a domain builder.
ExpressionServiceSerializer<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
A ServiceLoader loaded serializer that can serialize expression service elements.


forModel(DomainModel) - Static method in class com.blazebit.expression.Expressions
Creates a ExpressionService based on the given model with the Expressions.getDefaultProvider().
FunctionInvocation - Class in com.blazebit.expression
A function invocation expression.
FunctionInvocation(DomainFunction, Map<DomainFunctionArgument, Expression>, DomainType) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.FunctionInvocation
Creates a new function invocation expression from the given domain function and function argument assignments returning a result of the given domain type.
FunctionInvoker - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
An interpreter for invoking domain functions that is registered as metadata on a domain function.


getAlias() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Path
Returns the root alias.
getArguments() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.FunctionInvocation
Returns the function argument assignments.
getAttribute(ExpressionInterpreter.Context, Object, EntityDomainTypeAttribute) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.AttributeAccessor
Interprets the entity attribute dereference operation as applied on the given value.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Path
Returns the entity attribute dereference chain.
getAttributeValues() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.EntityLiteral
Returns the entity attribute value.
getBase() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Path
Returns the base expression.
getBooleanLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Returns the boolean literal resolver.
getBooleanLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Returns the boolean literal resolver.
getCollectionLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Returns the collection literal resolver.
getCollectionLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Returns the collection literal resolver.
getContextParameter(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionSerializer.Context
Returns the context parameter value for the given context parameter name or null.
getDefaultProvider() - Static method in class com.blazebit.expression.Expressions
Returns the first ExpressionServiceBuilderProvider that is found.
getDomainModel() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
The domain model that is used for the expression services.
getDomainModel() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
The associated domain model.
getDomainOperator() - Method in enum com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticOperatorType
Returns the corresponding domain operator.
getDomainPredicate() - Method in enum com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonOperator
Returns the corresponding domain predicate type.
getEntityLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Returns the entity literal resolver.
getEntityLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Returns the entity literal resolver.
getEnumLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Returns the enum literal resolver.
getEnumLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Returns the enum literal resolver.
getEnumValue() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.EnumLiteral
Returns the enum value.
getExpression() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticFactor
Returns the arithmetic expression.
getExpression() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionPredicate
Returns the boolean expression.
getExpressionSerializerFactories() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
The expression serializer factories.
getExpressionService() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionCompiler.Context
Returns the expression service.
getExpressionService() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreter.Context
Returns the expression service.
getExpressionService() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreterContext
getExpressionService() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionSerializer.Context
Returns the expression service.
getExpressionServiceSerializers() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
The expression service serializers.
getFunction() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.FunctionInvocation
Returns the domain function.
getInItems() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.InPredicate
Returns the in item expressions.
getJavaType() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
getLeft() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.BetweenPredicate
Returns the left or reference expression.
getLeft() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ChainingArithmeticExpression
Returns the left operand.
getLeft() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonPredicate
Returns the left operand.
getLeft() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.InPredicate
Returns the left or reference expression.
getLeft() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.IsEmptyPredicate
Returns the left or reference expression.
getLeft() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.IsNullPredicate
Returns the left or reference expression.
getLower() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.BetweenPredicate
Returns the lower bound expression.
getNumericLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Returns the numeric literal resolver.
getNumericLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Returns the numeric literal resolver.
getOperator() - Method in enum com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticOperatorType
Returns the string representation of the operator.
getOperator() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ChainingArithmeticExpression
Returns the arithmetic operator.
getOperator() - Method in enum com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonOperator
Returns the string representation of the operator.
getOperator() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonPredicate
Returns the comparison operator.
getPredicates() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.CompoundPredicate
Returns the predicates that are part of this compound predicate.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreter.Context
Returns the property value for the given key or null.
getProperty(String) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreterContext
getResolvedLiteral() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Literal
Returns the resolved literal.
getRight() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ChainingArithmeticExpression
Returns the right operand.
getRight() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonPredicate
Returns the right operand.
getRoot(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreter.Context
Returns the object assignment of the root variable with the given name or null.
getRoot(String) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreterContext
getRootDomainType(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionCompiler.Context
Returns the domain type of the root variable with the given name or null.
getRootProviders() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreterContext
Returns the root object provider.
getRoots() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreterContext
Returns the alias mappings from root alias to root objects.
getSerializationFormat() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ExpressionSerializerFactory
Returns the supported serialization format.
getSerializationTargetType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ExpressionSerializerFactory
Returns the serialization target type class.
getStringLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Returns the string literal resolver.
getStringLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Returns the string literal resolver.
getTemporalLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Returns the temporal literal resolver.
getTemporalLiteralResolver() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Returns the temporal literal resolver.
getType() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.AbstractExpression
Returns the domain type of this expression.
getType() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.CollectionLiteral
Returns the domain type of this expression.
getType() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.EntityLiteral
Returns the domain type of this expression.
getType() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.EnumLiteral
Returns the domain type of this expression.
getType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression
Returns the domain type of this expression.
getType() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Literal
Returns the domain type of this expression.
getType() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.spi.DefaultResolvedLiteral
getType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ResolvedLiteral
The domain type of this resolved literal.
getType(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.DomainFunctionArguments
Returns the actual type of the argument at the given position.
getType(DomainFunctionArgument) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.DomainFunctionArguments
Returns the actual of the argument at the position of the given argument.
getUpper() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.BetweenPredicate
Returns the upper bound expression.
getUsedPaths() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression
Returns the paths that are used in this expression.
getValue() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Literal
Returns the resolved literal value.
getValue() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.spi.DefaultResolvedLiteral
getValue() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ResolvedLiteral
The value of the literal.
getValue(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.DomainFunctionArguments
Returns the value of the argument at the given position.
getValue(DomainFunctionArgument) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.DomainFunctionArguments
Returns the value of the argument at the position of the given argument.
getValues() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.CollectionLiteral
Returns the collection values.
GREATER - com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonOperator
The > operator.
GREATER_OR_EQUAL - com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonOperator
The >= operator.


hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.AbstractExpression
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.AbstractPredicate
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticFactor
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.BetweenPredicate
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ChainingArithmeticExpression
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonPredicate
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.CompoundPredicate
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionPredicate
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.FunctionInvocation
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.InPredicate
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.IsEmptyPredicate
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.IsNullPredicate
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Literal
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.Path
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.spi.DefaultResolvedLiteral


InPredicate - Class in com.blazebit.expression
The in predicate which is semantically equivalent to left = item1 OR ...
InPredicate(DomainType, ArithmeticExpression, List<ArithmeticExpression>) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.InPredicate
Constructs a new possibly negated in predicate for the given expressions returning a result of the given domain type.
InPredicate(DomainType, ArithmeticExpression, List<ArithmeticExpression>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.InPredicate
Constructs a new possibly negated in predicate for the given expressions returning a result of the given domain type.
interpret(ExpressionInterpreter.Context, DomainType, DomainType, DomainType, Object, Object, DomainOperator) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.DomainOperatorInterpreter
Interprets the domain operator as applied on the given values of the given domain types to the given target type.
interpret(ExpressionInterpreter.Context, DomainType, DomainType, Object, Object, ComparisonOperator) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ComparisonOperatorInterpreter
Interprets the comparison operator as applied on the given values of the given domain types to a Boolean.
invoke(ExpressionInterpreter.Context, DomainFunction, DomainFunctionArguments) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.FunctionInvoker
Interprets the domain function as applied on the given arguments for the given interpreter context.
isConjunction() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.CompoundPredicate
Returns true if this is a conjunction, false otherwise.
IsEmptyPredicate - Class in com.blazebit.expression
The emptyness predicate that checks if the expression evaluates to an empty value.
IsEmptyPredicate(DomainType, Expression) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.IsEmptyPredicate
Constructs a new possibly negated nullness predicate for the given expressions returning a result of the given domain type.
IsEmptyPredicate(DomainType, Expression, boolean) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.IsEmptyPredicate
Constructs a new possibly negated nullness predicate for the given expressions returning a result of the given domain type.
isInvertSignum() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticFactor
Returns whether the signum is inverted or not.
isNegated() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.AbstractPredicate
Returns whether the predicate is negated.
isNegated() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Predicate
Returns whether the predicate is negated.
IsNullPredicate - Class in com.blazebit.expression
The nullness predicate that checks if the expression evaluates to null.
IsNullPredicate(DomainType, Expression) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.IsNullPredicate
Constructs a new possibly negated nullness predicate for the given expressions returning a result of the given domain type.
IsNullPredicate(DomainType, Expression, boolean) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.IsNullPredicate
Constructs a new possibly negated nullness predicate for the given expressions returning a result of the given domain type.


Literal - Class in com.blazebit.expression
A literal expression.
Literal(ResolvedLiteral) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.Literal
Creates a new literal expression from the given resolved literal.
LiteralRenderer - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
A StringBuilder serializer for domain literals that is registered as metadata on a domain type.
LOCALE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
The property name that can be used in the properties map of DomainModel.serialize(Class, String, Map) that represent the locale in which to render the documentation.
localized(String) - Static method in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
Creates a new documentation metadata definition.
localized(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
Creates a new documentation metadata definition.
localized(String, String) - Static method in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
Creates a new documentation metadata definition.
localized(String, String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
Creates a new documentation metadata definition.
localized(String, Locale) - Static method in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
Creates a new documentation metadata definition.
localized(String, Locale, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
Creates a new documentation metadata definition.
localized(String, Locale, String) - Static method in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
Creates a new documentation metadata definition.
localized(String, Locale, String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
Creates a new documentation metadata definition.
LOWER - com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonOperator
The < operator.
LOWER_OR_EQUAL - com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonOperator
The <= operator.


MINUS - com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticOperatorType
The - operator.
MODULO - com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticOperatorType
The % operator.
MULTIPLY - com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticOperatorType
The * operator.


negated() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.BetweenPredicate
Returns a copy of this predicate, negated.
negated() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonPredicate
Returns a copy of this predicate, negated.
negated() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.CompoundPredicate
Returns a copy of this predicate, negated.
negated() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionPredicate
Returns a copy of this predicate, negated.
negated() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.InPredicate
Returns a copy of this predicate, negated.
negated() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.IsEmptyPredicate
Returns a copy of this predicate, negated.
negated() - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.IsNullPredicate
Returns a copy of this predicate, negated.
negated() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Predicate
Returns a copy of this predicate, negated.
NOT_EQUAL - com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonOperator
The !
NumericLiteralResolver - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
A literal resolver for numeric values.


Path - Class in com.blazebit.expression
A path expression dereferencing entity attributes of an entity type.
Path(ArithmeticExpression, List<EntityDomainTypeAttribute>, DomainType) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.Path
Creates a new path expression from the given root alias and attribute dereference chain returning a result of the given domain type.
Path(String, List<EntityDomainTypeAttribute>, DomainType) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.Path
Creates a new path expression from the given root alias and attribute dereference chain returning a result of the given domain type.
PathCollectingVisitor - Class in com.blazebit.expression
A visitor that collects paths.
PathCollectingVisitor(Collection<Path>) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.PathCollectingVisitor
Creates a new path collecting visitor.
PLUS - com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticOperatorType
The + operator.
Predicate - Interface in com.blazebit.expression
The base interface for predicates.
priority() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ExpressionServiceContributor
Returns a priority(lower means higher priority) of the contributor.


render(ExpressionSerializer.Context, Object, StringBuilder) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.LiteralRenderer
Serializes the given resolved literal value to the given StringBuilder.
ResolvedLiteral - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
A resolved domain model literal.
resolveIntervalLiteral(ExpressionCompiler.Context, TemporalInterval) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.TemporalLiteralResolver
Resolves the given interval value to a resolved domain literal.
resolveLiteral(ExpressionCompiler.Context, boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.BooleanLiteralResolver
Resolves the given boolean value to a resolved domain literal.
resolveLiteral(ExpressionCompiler.Context, CollectionDomainType, Collection<? extends Literal>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.CollectionLiteralResolver
Resolves the given collection value to a resolved domain literal.
resolveLiteral(ExpressionCompiler.Context, EntityDomainType, Map<EntityDomainTypeAttribute, ? extends Literal>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.EntityLiteralResolver
Resolves the given attribute values to a resolved domain literal.
resolveLiteral(ExpressionCompiler.Context, EnumDomainTypeValue) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.EnumLiteralResolver
Resolves the given enum value to a resolved domain literal.
resolveLiteral(ExpressionCompiler.Context, Number) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.NumericLiteralResolver
Resolves the given numeric value to a resolved domain literal.
resolveLiteral(ExpressionCompiler.Context, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.StringLiteralResolver
Resolves the given string value to a resolved domain literal.
resolveTimestampLiteral(ExpressionCompiler.Context, Instant) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.TemporalLiteralResolver
Resolves the given instant value to a resolved domain literal.


serialize(DomainModel, DocumentationMetadataDefinition, Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.DocumentationMetadataDefinition
serialize(Expression) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Serializes the given compiled expression to a string.
serialize(Expression, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Serializes the given compiled expression to a string.
serialize(ExpressionService, ExpressionService, X, Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ExpressionServiceSerializer
Serializes the expression service to the given target type with the given format.
serialize(ExpressionService, Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Serializes the expression service to the given target type with the given format.
serialize(ExpressionService, X, Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.ExpressionServiceSerializer
Serializes the expression service to the given target type with the given format.
serialize(Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Serializes the expression service to the given target type with the given format.
serializeTo(Expression, T) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionSerializer
Serializes the given expression without a serialization context to the given target.
serializeTo(ExpressionSerializer.Context, Expression, T) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionSerializer
Serializes the given expression based on the given serialization context to the given target.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreter.Context
Sets the given property value for the given key.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreterContext
StringLiteralResolver - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
A literal resolver for string values.
SyntaxErrorException - Exception in com.blazebit.expression
An exception thrown during expression parsing and validation.
SyntaxErrorException() - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.SyntaxErrorException
Creates a new exception.
SyntaxErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.SyntaxErrorException
Creates a new exception.
SyntaxErrorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.SyntaxErrorException
Creates a new exception.
SyntaxErrorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.SyntaxErrorException
Creates a new exception.


TemporalLiteralResolver - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
A literal resolver for temporal values.
toInternalType(ExpressionInterpreter.Context, X, DomainType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.TypeAdapter
Converts the given value in model representation of the given domain type to the internal representation.
toModelType(ExpressionInterpreter.Context, Y, DomainType) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.spi.TypeAdapter
Converts the given value in internal representation of the given domain type to the model representation.
TypeAdapter<X,​Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.expression.spi
An adapter for converting between a model and the internal expression type.
TypeErrorException - Exception in com.blazebit.expression
An exception thrown during expression parsing and validation.
TypeErrorException() - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.TypeErrorException
Creates a new exception.
TypeErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.TypeErrorException
Creates a new exception.
TypeErrorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.TypeErrorException
Creates a new exception.
TypeErrorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.expression.TypeErrorException
Creates a new exception.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticOperatorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOfOperator(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticOperatorType
Interprets the given string representation as operator and returns it.
valueOfOperator(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonOperator
Interprets the given string representation as operator and returns it.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.expression.ArithmeticOperatorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.expression.ComparisonOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
visit(ArithmeticFactor) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(ArithmeticFactor) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(ArithmeticFactor) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(BetweenPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(BetweenPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(BetweenPredicate) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(ChainingArithmeticExpression) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(ChainingArithmeticExpression) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(ChainingArithmeticExpression) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(CollectionLiteral) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(CollectionLiteral) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(CollectionLiteral) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(ComparisonPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(ComparisonPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(ComparisonPredicate) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(CompoundPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(CompoundPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(CompoundPredicate) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(EntityLiteral) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(EntityLiteral) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(EntityLiteral) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(EnumLiteral) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(EnumLiteral) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(EnumLiteral) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(ExpressionPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(ExpressionPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(ExpressionPredicate) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(FunctionInvocation) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(FunctionInvocation) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(FunctionInvocation) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(InPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(InPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(InPredicate) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(IsEmptyPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(IsEmptyPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(IsEmptyPredicate) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(IsNullPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(IsNullPredicate) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(IsNullPredicate) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(Literal) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(Literal) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(Literal) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
visit(Path) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.ResultVisitor
Visits the given expression and returns a result.
visit(Path) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.Expression.Visitor
Visits the given expression.
visit(Path) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.PathCollectingVisitor
visit(Path) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter
VisitorAdapter - Class in com.blazebit.expression
An abstract visitor adapter that visits all nodes.
VisitorAdapter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.expression.VisitorAdapter


withBooleanLiteralResolver(BooleanLiteralResolver) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Adds the given boolean literal resolver.
withCollectionLiteralResolver(CollectionLiteralResolver) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Adds the given collection literal resolver.
withContributors() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Runs the discovered contributors on this expression service builder.
withDefaults() - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Loads the default settings in this expression service builder.
withEntityLiteralResolver(EntityLiteralResolver) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Adds the given entity literal resolver.
withEnumLiteralResolver(EnumLiteralResolver) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Adds the given enum literal resolver.
withNumericLiteralResolver(NumericLiteralResolver) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Adds the given numeric literal resolver.
withRoot(String, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreterContext
Maps the given root alias to the object.
withRootProvider(String, Function<T, Object>) - Method in class com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionInterpreterContext
Maps the given root alias to the given object provider.
withSerializer(ExpressionServiceSerializer<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Adds the given expression service serializer.
withSerializerFactory(ExpressionSerializerFactory<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Adds the given expression serializer factory.
withStringLiteralResolver(StringLiteralResolver) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Adds the given string literal resolver.
withSubDomainModel(DomainModel) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionService
Creates a new expression service for the given sub domain model.
withTemporalLiteralResolver(TemporalLiteralResolver) - Method in interface com.blazebit.expression.ExpressionServiceBuilder
Adds the given temporal literal resolver.
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