Class SqlUtils


public class SqlUtils extends Object
Utility class to extract information from SQL queries.
Christian Beikov
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • applyTableNameRemapping

      public static void applyTableNameRemapping(StringBuilder sb, ExtendedQuerySupport.SqlFromInfo sqlFromInfo, String newCteName, String aliasExtension, String newSqlAlias, boolean useApply)
    • applyTableNameRemapping

      public static void applyTableNameRemapping(StringBuilder sb, String sqlAlias, String newCteName, String aliasExtension, String newSqlAlias, boolean useApply)
    • remapColumnExpressions

      public static void remapColumnExpressions(StringBuilder sqlSb, Map<String,String> columnExpressionRemappings)
    • remapColumnExpressions

      public static int remapColumnExpressions(StringBuilder sqlSb, Map<String,String> columnExpressionRemappings, int startIndex, int endIndex)
    • rtrimBackwardsToFirstWhitespace

      public static int[] rtrimBackwardsToFirstWhitespace(CharSequence sb, int startIndex)
    • isIdentifierStart

      public static boolean isIdentifierStart(char c)
    • isIdentifier

      public static boolean isIdentifier(char c)
    • getSelectItemAliases

      public static String[] getSelectItemAliases(CharSequence sql, int start)
      Extracts the select item aliases of an arbitrary SELECT query.
      sql - The SQL query
      start - The start index from which to look for select items
      The select item aliases
    • getSelectItemExpressions

      public static String[] getSelectItemExpressions(CharSequence sql, int start)
    • getSelectItemColumns

      public static String[] getSelectItemColumns(CharSequence sql, int start)
    • getSelectItems

      public static String[] getSelectItems(CharSequence sql, int start, SqlUtils.SelectItemExtractor extractor)
    • getExpressionItems

      public static List<String> getExpressionItems(CharSequence sql)
    • getExpressionItems

      public static List<String> getExpressionItems(CharSequence sql, int i, int end)
    • getExpressionItems

      public static List<String> getExpressionItems(CharSequence sql, int i, int end, SqlUtils.SelectItemExtractor extractor)
    • buildAliasMappingForTopLevelSelects

      public static void buildAliasMappingForTopLevelSelects(CharSequence sql, String alias, Map<String,String> aliasMapping)
    • indexOfSelect

      public static int indexOfSelect(CharSequence sql)
      Finds the toplevel SELECT keyword in an arbitrary SELECT query.
      sql - The SQL query
      The index of the SELECT keyword if found, or -1
    • indexOfSet

      public static int indexOfSet(CharSequence sql)
    • indexOfFrom

      public static int indexOfFrom(CharSequence sql)
    • indexOfFrom

      public static int indexOfFrom(CharSequence sql, int start)
    • indexOfWhere

      public static int indexOfWhere(CharSequence sql)
      Finds the toplevel WHERE keyword in an arbitrary query.
      sql - The SQL query
      The index of the SELECT keyword if found, or -1
    • indexOfWhere

      public static int indexOfWhere(CharSequence sql, int start)
    • indexOfGroupBy

      public static int indexOfGroupBy(CharSequence sql, int start)
    • indexOfHaving

      public static int indexOfHaving(CharSequence sql, int start)
    • indexOfOrderBy

      public static int indexOfOrderBy(CharSequence sql)
      Finds the toplevel ORDER BY keyword in an arbitrary query.
      sql - The SQL query
      The index of the ORDER BY keyword if found, or -1
    • indexOfOrderBy

      public static int indexOfOrderBy(CharSequence sql, int start)
    • indexOfLimit

      public static int indexOfLimit(CharSequence sql)
      Finds the toplevel LIMIT keyword in an arbitrary query.
      sql - The SQL query
      The index of the LIMIT keyword if found, or -1
    • indexOfLimit

      public static int indexOfLimit(CharSequence sql, int start)
    • indexOfFetchFirst

      public static int indexOfFetchFirst(CharSequence sql, int start)
    • indexOfOn

      public static int indexOfOn(CharSequence sql, int start)
    • indexOfFinalTableSubquery

      public static int[] indexOfFinalTableSubquery(CharSequence sql, int selectIndex)
      Finds the final table clause in an arbitrary SELECT query.
      sql - The SQL query
      selectIndex - The start index or the index of the toplevel SELECT keyword in the query
      The start and end index of the final table subquery if found, or 0 and the length of the query
    • indexOfTableName

      public static int indexOfTableName(CharSequence sql, String tableName)
      Finds the table name within a FROM clause of an arbitrary SELECT query.
      sql - The SQL query
      tableName - The table name to look for
      The index of the table name or -1 if it couldn't be found
    • indexOfJoinTableAlias

      public static int indexOfJoinTableAlias(CharSequence sql, String tableAlias)
    • indexOfFullJoin

      public static int[] indexOfFullJoin(CharSequence sql, String tableAlias)
    • indexOfFullJoin

      public static int[] indexOfFullJoin(CharSequence sql, String tableAlias, int whereIndex)
    • indexOfFullJoin

      public static int[] indexOfFullJoin(CharSequence sql, String tableAlias, int aliasIndex, int whereIndex)
    • findJoinStartIndex

      public static int findJoinStartIndex(CharSequence sqlSb, int aliasIndex)
    • findJoinStartIndex

      public static int findJoinStartIndex(CharSequence sqlSb, int tokenEnd, Set<com.blazebit.persistence.impl.util.SqlUtils.JoinToken> allowedTokens)
    • findEndOfOnClause

      public static int findEndOfOnClause(CharSequence sqlSb, int predicateStartIndex, int whereIndex)
    • extractAlias

      public static String extractAlias(StringBuilder sb)
      Extracts the alias part of a select item expression.
      sb - The string builder containing the select item expression
      The alias of the select item expression
    • extractAlias

      public static String extractAlias(CharSequence sb, int index)
      Extracts the next alias from the given expression starting the given index.
      sb - The char sequence containing the alias
      index - The start index
      The next alias of the char sequence