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$$_addReadOnlyParent(DirtyTracker, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableStateTrackable
Adds the given parent at the given parent index to the interleaved read only parents list.
$$_copyDirty(T[], T[]) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.DirtyTracker
Copies elements from the source to the target array for the dirty attribute indexes.
$$_getDirty() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.DirtyTracker
Returns the dirty bit masks as long array.
$$_getEntityViewClass() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.EntityViewProxy
Returns the entity view type of this object.
$$_getId() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.EntityViewProxy
Returns the identifier object of this entity view if it has one, otherwise null.
$$_getInitialState() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.DirtyStateTrackable
Returns the initial state as array.
$$_getJpaManagedBaseClass() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.EntityViewProxy
Returns the base JPA managed type for which this entity view object is a projection.
$$_getJpaManagedClass() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.EntityViewProxy
Returns the JPA managed type for which this entity view object is a projection.
$$_getMutableState() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableStateTrackable
Returns the mutable state as array.
$$_getParent() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableStateTrackable
Returns the parent object at which this object is registered.
$$_getParentIndex() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableStateTrackable
Returns the attribute index at which this object is registered on the parent.
$$_getReadOnlyParents() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableStateTrackable
Returns an interleaved list of read only parent objects and parent indexes.
$$_getSimpleDirty() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.DirtyTracker
Returns the dirty bit mask as long.
$$_getVersion() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.EntityViewProxy
Returns the version object of this entity view if it has one, otherwise null.
$$_hasParent() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicDirtyTracker
Whether this dirty tracked object has a parent dirty tracker.
$$_isDirty() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicDirtyTracker
Whether a mutating action was invoked that could have possibly altered the state.
$$_isDirty(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.DirtyTracker
Returns true if the attribute at the given index is dirty, false otherwise.
$$_isNew() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.EntityViewProxy
Whether the instance was created via EntityViewManager.create(Class) and will cause an entity to be persisted during an update.
$$_isReference() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.EntityViewProxy
Whether the instance was created via EntityViewManager.getReference(Class, Object).
$$_markDirty(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicDirtyTracker
Marks the attribute with the given index as dirty.
$$_removeReadOnlyParent(DirtyTracker, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableStateTrackable
Removes the given parent from the given parent index from the interleaved read only parents list.
$$_replaceAttribute(Object, int, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.DirtyTracker
Replaces the attribute at the given index with the given new object if it matches the old object.
$$_resetDirty() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.DirtyTracker
Returns and resets the dirty bit masks as long array.
$$_setDirty(long[]) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.DirtyTracker
Sets the dirty state of the object.
$$_setId(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableStateTrackable
Sets the id of the object to the given value.
$$_setIsNew(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableStateTrackable
Sets whether the object should be new.
$$_setParent(BasicDirtyTracker, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicDirtyTracker
Sets the mutable parent of the object.
$$_setVersion(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableStateTrackable
Sets the version of the object to the given value.
$$_unmarkDirty() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicDirtyTracker
Unmarks this object as dirty usually done after flushing.
$$_unsetParent() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicDirtyTracker
Unsets the parent of the dirty tracked object.


AbstractMutableBasicUserType<X> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
A base class for implementing basic user types for non-entity mutable types.
AbstractMutableBasicUserType() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
addAttributeFilter(AttributeFilterMapping<T, FilterValue>, FilterValue) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the attribute's default attribute filter to the attribute filters of this setting or overwrites the filter value of an existing default attribute filter.
addAttributeFilter(AttributeFilterMappingPath<T, FilterValue>, FilterValue) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the attribute's default attribute filter to the attribute filters of this setting or overwrites the filter value of an existing default attribute filter.
addAttributeFilter(String, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the attribute's default attribute filter to the attribute filters of this setting or overwrites the filter value of an existing default attribute filter.
addAttributeFilter(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the attribute's attribute filter with the given name to the attribute filters of this setting or overwrites the filter value of an existing attribute filter with the same attribute name and filter name.
addAttributeFilters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the given attribute filters to the attribute filters of this setting.
addAttributeSorter(AttributePath<T, ?>, Sorter) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the given attribute sorter to the attribute sorters of this setting.
addAttributeSorter(MethodAttribute<T, ?>, Sorter) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the given attribute sorter to the attribute sorters of this setting.
addAttributeSorter(String, Sorter) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the given attribute sorter to the attribute sorters of this setting.
addAttributeSorters(Map<String, Sorter>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the given attribute sorters to the attribute sorters of this setting.
addEntityView(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Adds the given class to the set of known entity views.
addEntityViewListener(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Registers the given entity view listener class.
addEntityViewListener(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Registers the given entity view listener class for the given entity view class.
addEntityViewListener(Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Registers the given entity view listener class for the given entity view and entity class.
addOptionalParameter(String, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the given optional parameter to the optional parameters of this setting.
addOptionalParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the given optional parameters to the optional parameters of this setting.
addOptionalParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Add the given optional parameters to the optional parameters of the configuration.
addProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Add the given properties to the properties of the configuration.
addViewFilter(String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Enables and adds the view filter with the given name in this setting.
AllowUpdatableEntityViews - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Specifies that the annotated attribute is allowed to use an updatable entity view type even if it is an owned *ToOne relation.
apply(RestrictionBuilder<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.AttributeFilterProvider
Applies a restriction on the given restriction builder.
apply(T) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewFilterProvider
Applies restrictions on the given where builder.
apply(T, String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.AttributeFilterProvider
Applies restrictions for the given attributeExpression on the given where builder.
apply(T, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.Sorter
Applies an order by on the given sortable for the given expression.
apply(T, String, String, SubqueryProvider) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.AttributeFilterProvider
Applies restrictions for the given subquery on the given where builder.
applyCorrelation(CorrelationBuilder, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.CorrelationProvider
Applies a correlation to a query builder.
applyCtes(CTEBuilder<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.CTEProvider
Binds a CTE.
applySetting(EntityViewSetting<T, Q>, CriteriaBuilder<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Applies the entity view setting to the given criteria builder.
applySetting(EntityViewSetting<T, Q>, CriteriaBuilder<?>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
applySetting(EntityViewSetting<T, Q>, CriteriaBuilder<?>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Applies the entity view setting to the given entity view root of the criteria builder.
applySetting(EntityViewSetting<T, Q>, CriteriaBuilder<?>, String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
ascending() - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.Sorters
Like Sorters.ascending(boolean) but with nullsFirst set to false.
ascending(boolean) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.Sorters
Like Sorters.sorter(boolean, boolean) but with ascending set to true.
Attribute<X,​Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents an attribute of a view type.
Attribute.AttributeType - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
The different attribute types.
Attribute.MappingType - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
The different attribute mapping types.
Attribute.MemberType - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
The different attribute types.
AttributeFilter - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Adds a named filter to an entity view attribute.
AttributeFilterMapping<X,​FilterValue> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents the mapping of a named filter on an entity view attribute.
AttributeFilterMappingPath<X,​FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
A filter mapping for an attribute path.
AttributeFilterMappingPath(AttributePath<X, ?>, AttributeFilterMapping<?, FilterValue>) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributeFilterMappingPath
Creates a new attribute filter mapping path.
AttributeFilterMappingPath(AttributePath<X, ?>, String) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributeFilterMappingPath
Creates a new attribute filter mapping path.
AttributeFilterProvider<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
An attribute filter provider is an object that applies restrictions on a WhereBuilder.
AttributeFilterProvider() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.AttributeFilterProvider
AttributeFilters - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Adds multiple AttributeFilter.
AttributePath<X,​Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
A chain of attribute de-references.
AttributePaths - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
A util class for creating attribute paths.
AttributePathWrapper<X,​Y> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
A wrapper for an attribute path.
AttributePathWrapper(AttributePath<X, Y>) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePathWrapper
Creates a new wrapper.
AUTO - com.blazebit.persistence.view.CascadeType
Defines that CascadeType.PERSIST and/or CascadeType.UPDATE cascading should be applied based on the element type and the availability of a setter.
AUTO - com.blazebit.persistence.view.LockMode
The automatic lock mode will use optimistic locking if possible or no locking.


BASIC - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.MappingType
Basic attribute mapping type.
BASIC - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Type.MappingType
Basic type.
BasicDirtyTracker - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
A dirty tracker records the fact that an object was possibly altered and allows to query this information.
BasicType<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents the metamodel of a basic type.
BasicUserType<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
A contract for defining a custom basic type to use with entity views.
BasicUserTypeStringSupport<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
A contract for defining string support for a custom basic type to use with entity views.
BatchFetch - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
If FetchStrategy.SELECT is used on a property, this annotation configures the default batching.
between(T, T) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.Range
Creates a range for the values between the given lower and upper bound, the given values inclusive.
betweenExclusive(T, T) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.Range
Creates a range for the values between the given lower and upper bound, the given values exclusive.
BetweenFilter<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements a between filter.
BetweenFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.BetweenFilter
build() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilder
Builds the entity view and returns it.
build() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewNestedBuilder
Finishes this builder, associates the built object with the parent object and returns the next builder.


call(T) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewListener
A callback that is invoked for a view.
call(T, ViewTransition) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewTransitionListener
A callback that is invoked for a view.
call(T, E) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewAndEntityListener
A callback that is invoked for a view and entity.
cascade() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.UpdatableMapping
The actions that should cascade for the runtime type of objects assigned to the annotated attribute.
CascadeType - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The cascade types for updatable entity views.
ChangeModel<E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.change
An interface for accessing the change model of an object.
ChangeModel.ChangeKind - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view.change
The kind of a change model.
COLLECTION - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType
Collection-valued attribute.
CollectionAttribute<X,​E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Instances of the type CollectionAttribute represent Collection-valued attributes.
CollectionEntityViewBuilderListener - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener that adds the built entity view to a collection.
CollectionEntityViewBuilderListener(Collection<Object>) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.CollectionEntityViewBuilderListener
Creates a listener.
CollectionInstantiator<C extends Collection<?>,​R extends Collection<?> & RecordingContainer<? extends C>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
An instantiator for normal, recording and JPA collections for an entity view attribute.
CollectionMapping - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Specifies the comparator that should be used for sorting.
com.blazebit.persistence.view - package com.blazebit.persistence.view
Entity-View extension for the Blaze-Persistence API.
com.blazebit.persistence.view.change - package com.blazebit.persistence.view.change
Change model interfaces for querying changes of Updatable Entity-Views.
com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter - package com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
Entity-View extension default attribute filters.
com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel - package com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Entity-View extension metamodel.
com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi - package com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
SPI for implementers of the Blaze-Persistence Entity-View extension.
com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type - package com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
Type SPI for Blaze-Persistence Entity-View.
comparator() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.CollectionMapping
The comparator that should be used for sorting of the collection.
ConfigurationProperties - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Configuration properties that can be specified via EntityViewConfiguration.setProperty(String, String).
ContainsFilter<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements a contains filter.
ContainsFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.ContainsFilter
ContainsIgnoreCaseFilter<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements a contains filter that is not case sensitive.
ContainsIgnoreCaseFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.ContainsIgnoreCaseFilter
convert() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConvertOperationBuilder
Converts the source object as defined and returns the result.
convert(Object, Class<T>, ConvertOption...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a new instance of the entity view class, copies the values of matching attributes of the source object and returns the instance.
convert(Object, Class<T>, ConvertOption...) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
convert(Object, Class<T>, String, ConvertOption...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a new instance of the entity view class, copies the values of matching attributes of the source object and returns the instance.
convert(Object, Class<T>, String, ConvertOption...) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
convert(Object, Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>, ConvertOption...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a new instance of the entity view class, copies the values of matching attributes of the source object and returns the instance.
convert(Object, Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>, ConvertOption...) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
convert(Object, Class<T>, Map<String, Object>, ConvertOption...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a new instance of the entity view class, copies the values of matching attributes of the source object and returns the instance.
convert(Object, Class<T>, Map<String, Object>, ConvertOption...) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
convertAttribute(String, Class<?>, ConvertOption...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConvertOperationBuilder
Specifies that the attribute object should use the given view type class and convert options.
convertAttribute(String, Class<?>, String, ConvertOption...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConvertOperationBuilder
Specifies that the attribute object should use the given view type class and convert options.
ConvertOperationBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A builder for defining flush related configuration.
ConvertOption - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The available options that can be enabled when converting entity view types via EntityViewManager.convert(Object, Class, ConvertOption...).
convertToUnderlyingType(Y) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.TypeConverter
Converts the object from entity view model type to the underlying type.
convertToViewType(X) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.TypeConverter
Converts the object from underlying type to the entity view model type.
convertWith(Object, Class<T>, ConvertOption...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a new instance of the entity view class, copies the values of matching attributes of the source object and returns the instance.
convertWith(Object, Class<T>, ConvertOption...) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
convertWith(Object, Class<T>, String, ConvertOption...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a new instance of the entity view class, copies the values of matching attributes of the source object and returns the instance.
convertWith(Object, Class<T>, String, ConvertOption...) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
convertWith(Object, Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>, ConvertOption...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a new instance of the entity view class, copies the values of matching attributes of the source object and returns the instance.
convertWith(Object, Class<T>, String, Map<String, Object>, ConvertOption...) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
convertWith(Object, Class<T>, Map<String, Object>, ConvertOption...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a new instance of the entity view class, copies the values of matching attributes of the source object and returns the instance.
convertWith(Object, Class<T>, Map<String, Object>, ConvertOption...) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
correlate(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.CorrelationBuilder
Correlates a basis with the given entity class.
correlate(EntityType<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.CorrelationBuilder
Correlates a basis with the given entity type.
correlated() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingCorrelatedSimple
The entity class which is correlated.
CORRELATED - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.MappingType
Correlated attribute mapping type.
CorrelatedAttribute<X,​Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Instances of the type CorrelatedAttribute represents single-valued properties or fields.
correlationBasis() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingCorrelated
The expression which is the basis for correlation.
correlationBasis() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingCorrelatedSimple
The expression which is the basis for correlation.
CorrelationBuilder - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A builder for correlating a basis with an entity class.
correlationExpression() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingCorrelatedSimple
The expression to use for correlating the entity type to the correlation basis.
correlationKeyAlias() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingCorrelatedSimple
The alias to use for the correlation key in the correlation expression.
CorrelationProvider - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Provides correlation functionality for entity views.
CorrelationProviderFactory - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A factory for creating a CorrelationProvider.
correlationResult() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingCorrelated
The expression for the result mapping of the correlation relative to the correlated alias.
correlationResult() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingCorrelatedSimple
The expression for the result mapping of the correlated entity type.
correlator() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingCorrelated
The class which provides the correlation provider.
CreatableEntityView - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Specifies that the class is a creatable entity view.
create(ParameterHolder<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.CorrelationProviderFactory
Creates and returns a new correlation provider for the given parameters.
create(ParameterHolder<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.SubqueryProviderFactory
Creates and returns a new subquery provider for the given parameters.
create(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a new instance of the entity view class and returns it.
create(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Like EntityViewSetting.create(java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) but with the viewConstructorName set to null.
create(Class<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
create(Class<T>, int, int) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Like EntityViewSetting.create(java.lang.Class, int, int, java.lang.String) but with the viewConstructorName set to null.
create(Class<T>, int, int, String) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Creates a new EntityViewSetting that can be applied on criteria builders.
create(Class<T>, Object, int) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
create(Class<T>, Object, int, String) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Creates a new EntityViewSetting that can be applied on criteria builders.
create(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Creates a new EntityViewSetting that can be applied on criteria builders.
create(Class<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a new instance of the entity view class and returns it.
create(Class<T>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
CREATE_EMPTY_FLAT_VIEWS - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag that allows to specify if empty flat views should be created by default if not specified via EmptyFlatViewCreation.
CREATE_NEW - com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConvertOption
Option to specify that the newly created object should be considered "new" i.e. is persisted when flushed.
createBuilder(Class<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a builder for the entity view of the given class type.
createBuilder(Class<X>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
createBuilder(Class<X>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a builder for the entity view of the given class type.
createBuilder(Class<X>, String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
createBuilder(Class<X>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a builder for the entity view of the given class type.
createBuilder(Class<X>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
createBuilder(Class<X>, Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a builder for the entity view of the given class type.
createBuilder(Class<X>, Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
createBuilder(X) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Copies the state from the given view into a builder for the same entity view type.
createBuilder(X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
createBuilder(X, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Copies the state from the given view into a builder for the same entity view type.
createBuilder(X, String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
createBuilder(X, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Copies the state from the given view into a builder for the same entity view type.
createBuilder(X, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
createBuilder(X, Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Copies the state from the given view into a builder for the same entity view type.
createBuilder(X, Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
createCollection(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.CollectionInstantiator
Creates a plain collection.
createConfiguration() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfigurationProvider
Creates a new EntityViewConfiguration and returns it.
createDefaultConfiguration() - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViews
createEntityViewManager(CriteriaBuilderFactory) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Creates a new entity view manager from this configuration.
createEntityViewManager(CriteriaBuilderFactory, EntityManagerFactory) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
createEntityViewMapping(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Creates an entity view mapping based on the given annotated class that can be further refined and finally added.
createMap(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.MapInstantiator
Creates a plain map.
createRecordingCollection(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.CollectionInstantiator
Creates a recording collection.
createRecordingMap(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.MapInstantiator
Creates a recording map.
createSubquery(SubqueryInitiator<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.SubqueryProvider
Applies a subquery to the given SubqueryInitiator.
createTransactionAccess(EntityManager) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.TransactionAccessFactory
Creates a transaction access object.
CTEProvider - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Provides CTE bindings to a CTEBuilder.


deepClone(X) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserType
Clones the given object if the type is mutable to be able to detect mutations.
deepClone(X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
deepClone(X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableBasicUserType
DEFAULT - com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping.ContainerBehavior
The default behavior doesn't mandate a deterministic ordering.
DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
An integer value that defines the default batch size for entity view attributes.
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.AttributeFilter
DELETE - com.blazebit.persistence.view.CascadeType
Defines that when the declaring type of an attribute is deleted, elements of the attribute are deleted as well.
descending() - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.Sorters
Like Sorters.descending(boolean) but with nullsFirst set to false.
descending(boolean) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.Sorters
Like Sorters.sorter(boolean, boolean) but with ascending set to false.
DIRTY_MARKER - Static variable in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserType
The object to return from BasicUserType.getDirtyProperties(Object) when unsure what properties are dirty.
DirtyStateTrackable - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
A dirty tracker that exposes the captured initial state.
DirtyTracker - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
A dirty tracker that gives detailed dirty information about attributes.


EmbeddingViewJpqlMacro - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
Interface implemented by the entity view provider.
EmptyFlatViewCreation - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Specifies whether an empty flat view i.e. a view without an id where all members are null should be created or if null should be assigned.
EndsWithFilter<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements an ends with filter.
EndsWithFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.EndsWithFilter
EndsWithIgnoreCaseFilter<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements a ends with filter that is not case sensitive.
EndsWithIgnoreCaseFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.EndsWithIgnoreCaseFilter
entity() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewListener
The entity class for which to register this listener.
ENTITY - com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushStrategy
Flushes changes by loading the entity graph and applying changes on the managed objects.
entityView() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewListener
The entity view class for which to register this listener.
EntityView - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Specifies that the class is an entity view.
EntityViewAttributeMapping - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
Mapping of an entity view attribute.
EntityViewAttributeMapping.ContainerBehavior - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
The behavior of a plural attribute container.
EntityViewBuilder<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A builder for defining flush related configuration.
EntityViewBuilderBase<T,​X extends EntityViewBuilderBase<T,​X>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A builder for creating an entity view.
EntityViewBuilderListener - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener that is invoked after an entity view was built.
EntityViewConfiguration - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
This class is used to configure the entity view manager that it creates.
EntityViewConfigurationProvider - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
Interface implemented by the entity view provider.
EntityViewConstructorMapping - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
Mapping of an entity view constructor.
EntityViewInheritance - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Specifies that the entity view should consider subtypes of the entity view when queried.
EntityViewInheritanceMapping - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Defines the inheritance selection for the entity view when a super type is queried.
EntityViewListener - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to declare an entity view listener that should be registered for the given entity view type.
EntityViewListeners - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to register an entity view listener for multiple entity view types.
EntityViewManager - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
An interface that gives access to the metamodel and object builders.
EntityViewMapping - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
A mapping for an entity view type.
EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
Mapping of an entity view method attribute.
EntityViewNestedBuilder<T,​X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A builder for creating nested entity views.
EntityViewParameterMapping - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
Mapping of an entity view constructor parameter attribute.
EntityViewProxy - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
Every entity view object implements this interface to give access to known attributes and metamodel information.
EntityViews - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Bootstrap class that is used to obtain a EntityViewConfiguration instance within Java SE environments.
EntityViewSetting<T,​Q extends com.blazebit.persistence.FullQueryBuilder<T,​Q>> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A EntityViewSetting is a set of filters and sorters that can be applied to a CriteriaBuilder.
EntityViewSetting.AttributeFilterActivation - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The activation of a filter.
EqualFilter<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements an equal filter.
EqualFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.EqualFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting.AttributeFilterActivation
equals(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.OrderByItem
EVM_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
exclude() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.OptimisticLock
Whether a change of the annotated attribute should cause an optimistic lock.
excludeAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConvertOperationBuilder
Specifies that the given attribute should not be converted into the target view.
excludeAttributes(String...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConvertOperationBuilder
Specifies that the given attributes should not be converted into the target view.
excludedEntityAttributes() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.CreatableEntityView
A set of entity attributes that should be excluded from the persistability validation.
EXPECT_BATCH_CORRELATION_VALUES - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean specifying if correlation value batching is expected or view root batching.
EXPECT_BATCH_MODE - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A mode specifying if correlation value, view root or embedded view batching is expected.
expression() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingSubquery
The expression around the subquery.
EXPRESSION_VALIDATION_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag to make it possible to disable the expression validation.


fetch() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.Mapping
The fetch strategy to use for the attribute.
fetch() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingCorrelated
The fetch strategy to use for correlation.
fetch() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingCorrelatedSimple
The fetch strategy to use for correlation.
fetch(MethodPluralAttribute<T, ?, X>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
fetch(MethodPluralAttribute<T, ?, X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.SubGraph
Adds a fetch for the given attribute and returns the SubGraph for it.
fetch(MethodSingularAttribute<T, X>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
fetch(MethodSingularAttribute<T, X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.SubGraph
Adds a fetch for the given attribute and returns the SubGraph for it.
fetch(String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
fetch(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.SubGraph
Adds a fetch for the given path and returns the SubGraph for it.
fetches() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.Mapping
The associations of the entity that should be fetched.
fetches() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingCorrelated
The associations of the entity that should be fetched.
fetches() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingCorrelatedSimple
The associations of the entity that should be fetched.
FetchStrategy - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The fetch strategy for an entity view attribute.
FilterMapping<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents the mapping of a named filter.
find(EntityManager, EntityViewSetting<T, CriteriaBuilder<T>>, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Loads and returns an entity view as determined by the given type EntityViewSetting having the given entity id.
find(EntityManager, EntityViewSetting<T, CriteriaBuilder<T>>, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
find(EntityManager, Class<T>, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Loads and returns an entity view of the given type having the given entity id.
find(EntityManager, Class<T>, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
FLAT_VIEW - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Type.MappingType
Flat view type.
flatView(Class<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewMetamodel
Returns the metamodel embeddable entity view type representing the embeddable entity view specified by the given class or null.
FlatViewType<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents the metamodel of a flat entity view.
flush() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Invoked the flush operation.
FlushMode - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The flush mode for an updatable entity view.
FlushOperationBuilder - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A builder for defining flush related configuration.
FlushStrategy - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The flush mode for an updatable entity view.
forceUnique() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.CollectionMapping
Specifies whether the elements should be forcefully deduplicated if the collection allows duplicates or not.
forSubtype(Class<X>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Creates a copy of this EntityViewSetting for the given entity view subtype.
fromString(CharSequence) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
fromString(CharSequence) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserTypeStringSupport
Creates an instance of the type from the given string representation.
fromString(CharSequence) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
fromString(CharSequence) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableBasicUserType
FULL - com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushMode
All updatable attributes are flushed.


ge(T) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.Range
Creates a range for the values greater or equal than the given value.
get(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Returns the value for the given constructor parameter.
get(AttributePath<Y, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePath
Returns a new attribute path that additionally de-references the given path.
get(AttributePath<Y, E>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePathWrapper
get(MapAttribute<E, K, V>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.SingularChangeModel
get(MapAttribute<V, K, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
get(MethodMapAttribute<E, K, V>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.SingularChangeModel
Returns the change model for the attribute.
get(MethodMapAttribute<V, K, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
Returns the change models for the elements attribute.
get(MethodPluralAttribute<E, C, V>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.SingularChangeModel
Returns the change model for the attribute.
get(MethodPluralAttribute<V, C, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
Returns the change models for the elements attribute.
get(MethodPluralAttribute<Y, ?, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePath
Returns a new attribute path that additionally de-references the given attribute.
get(MethodPluralAttribute<Y, ?, E>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePathWrapper
get(MethodSingularAttribute<E, X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.SingularChangeModel
Returns the change model for the attribute.
get(MethodSingularAttribute<V, X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
Returns the change models for the elements attribute.
get(MethodSingularAttribute<Y, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePath
Returns a new attribute path that additionally de-references the given attribute.
get(MethodSingularAttribute<Y, E>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePathWrapper
get(PluralAttribute<E, C, V>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.SingularChangeModel
get(PluralAttribute<T, C, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Returns the value for the given attribute.
get(PluralAttribute<V, C, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
get(SingularAttribute<E, X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.SingularChangeModel
get(SingularAttribute<T, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Returns the value for the given attribute.
get(SingularAttribute<V, X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
get(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
Returns the change models for the elements attribute.
get(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.SingularChangeModel
Returns the change model for the attribute.
get(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Returns the value for the given attribute.
get(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePath
Returns a new attribute path that additionally de-references the given path.
get(String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePathWrapper
getAddedElements() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
Returns the change models of all added elements.
getAddedKeys() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns the change models of all added keys.
getAddedObjects() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns the change models of all added keys and elements.
getAll(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.SingularChangeModel
Returns the change model for the attribute.
getAllowedSubtypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns the subtypes that are allowed to be assigned to this attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the attribute of the entity view specified by the given name.
getAttributeFilterActivations() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns a copy of the attribute filters that have been added.
getAttributeFilterName() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting.AttributeFilterActivation
getAttributeFilterProviders() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping
Returns the attribute filter providers.
getAttributeFilters() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns a copy of the attribute filters that have been added.
getAttributeNames() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePath
Returns the de-referenced attribute names in order.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePathWrapper
getAttributePath() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributeFilterMappingPath
Returns the attribute path.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePath
Returns the de-referenced attributes in order.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePathWrapper
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the attributes of the entity view.
getAttributes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the attribute mappings defined for this entity view mapping.
getAttributeSorters() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns a copy of the attribute sorters that have been added.
getAttributeType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns the type of the attribute.
getBasicUserTypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns the currently registered basic user types.
getBatchSize() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns the default batch size of the attribute.
getCascadeTypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping
Returns the cascade types that are configured for this attribute.
getChangeModel(T) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Gives access to the change model of the entity view instance.
getChangeModel(T) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
getCollectionInstantiator() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.CollectionAttribute
Returns the collection instantiator for this attribute.
getCollectionInstantiator() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ListAttribute
Returns the collection instantiator for this attribute.
getCollectionInstantiator() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.SetAttribute
Returns the collection instantiator for this attribute.
getCollectionType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute
Returns the collection type.
getComparator() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute
Returns the comparator that should be used for sorting.
getComparatorClass() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute
Returns the comparator class that should be used for sorting.
getComparatorClass() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Returns the comparator class, or null if there none.
getConstructor() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConstructorMapping
Returns the constructor object of the declaring view java type represented by this mapping.
getConstructor(Class<?>...) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the mapping constructor of the entity view specified by the given parameter types.
getConstructor(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the constructor of the entity view specified by the given name.
getConstructorNames() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the names of the constructors of the entity view.
getConstructors() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the mapping constructors of the entity view.
getConstructors() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the constructor mappings defined for this entity view mapping.
getContainerBehavior() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Returns the behavior of a plural attribute container if the attribute is plural, or null otherwise.
getConvertedJavaType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns the java type of the converted attribute type or the attribute type.
getConvertedType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Type
The declared type that is converted by the converter, or null if no converter exists.
getConverter() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Type
The converter for converting objects between the converted type and the actual entity view model type.
getCorrelationAlias() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.CorrelationBuilder
Generates a meaningful alias that can be used for the correlation.
getCorrelationBasis() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.CorrelatedAttribute
Returns the correlation basis of the attribute.
getCorrelationFromProvider() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.CorrelationBuilder
Returns the correlation from provider.
getCorrelationProvider() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.CorrelatedAttribute
Returns the correlation provider of the attribute.
getCorrelationProviderFactory() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.CorrelatedAttribute
Returns the correlation provider factory of the attribute.
getCorrelationResult() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.CorrelatedAttribute
Returns the correlation result of the attribute.
getCreateEmptyFlatViews() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Returns whether to create empty flat views or not.
getCteProviders() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the set of CTEProvider defined in the view using the With annotation.
getCurrentState() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.ChangeModel
Returns the current state of the change model.
getDeclaredElementType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
The attribute's element type, or null if the attribute type is not a subtype of Collection or Map.
getDeclaredKeyType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
The attribute's key type, or null if the attribute type is not a subtype of Map.
getDeclaredType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Returns the attribute type.
getDeclaringAttribute() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributeFilterMapping
Returns the declaring attribute.
getDeclaringConstructor() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ParameterAttribute
Returns the declaring constructor.
getDeclaringConstructor() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewParameterMapping
Returns the mapping of the constructor declaring this attribute.
getDeclaringType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns the declaring view type.
getDeclaringType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MappingConstructor
Returns the declaring managed view type.
getDeclaringType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewFilterMapping
Returns the declaring view type.
getDeclaringView() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Returns the mapping of the view declaring this attribute.
getDeclaringView() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConstructorMapping
Returns the mapping of the view declaring this constructor.
getDefaultBatchSize() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the default batch size for the attributes of this view type.
getDefaultBatchSize() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Returns the default batch size to use for batched FetchStrategy.SELECT fetching.
getDefaultProvider() - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViews
Returns the first EntityViewConfigurationProvider that is found.
getDelegate() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.RecordingContainer
Returns the delegate collection.
getDirtyChanges() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.SingularChangeModel
Returns the change models of the dirty nested attributes.
getDirtyProperties(X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
getDirtyProperties(X) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserType
Returns the nested properties of the object that are known to be dirty.
getDirtyProperties(X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
getElementChanges() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
Returns the change models of all added, removed or mutated elements.
getElementInheritanceSubtypeMappings() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute
Returns the inheritance subtypes that should be considered for the elements of this plural attribute.
getElementType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute
Returns the type representing the element type of the collection.
getEmbeddingViewPath() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EmbeddingViewJpqlMacro
Returns the current embedding view path.
getEntityClass() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the entity class that the entity view uses.
getEntityClass() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
The JPA managed type class for which this entity view mapping is defined.
getEntityId() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
The id of the entity which should be located on the page returned result.
getEntityReference(EntityManager, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates an entity reference for the given entity view and returns it.
getEntityReference(EntityManager, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
getEntityView() - Method in exception com.blazebit.persistence.view.OptimisticLockException
Returns the entity view object that caused this exception.
getEntityViewClass() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns the entity view class.
getEntityViewClass() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
The type represented by this entity view mapping.
getEntityViewListeners() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns the global entity view listener classes.
getEntityViewListeners(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns the entity view listener classes registered for the given entity view class.
getEntityViewListeners(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns the entity view listener classes registered for the given entity view and entity class.
getEntityViewMappings() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns the currently registered entity view mappings.
getEntityViews() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns the currently known entity views.
getExpression() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.OrderByItem
Returns the order expression.
getFetches() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns the attributes that should be fetched or an empty collection if all should be fetched.
getFetches() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
The associations that should be fetched along with the entity mapped by this attribute.
getFetchStrategy() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns the fetch strategy of the attribute.
getFilter() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributeFilterMappingPath
Returns the filter mapping.
getFilter(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns the attribute filter mapping of this attribute with the given name.
getFilterClass() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.FilterMapping
Returns the filter class.
getFilterName() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributeFilterMappingPath
Returns the filter name.
getFilters() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns the attribute filter mappings of this attribute.
getFilterValue() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting.AttributeFilterActivation
getFirstResult() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
The first result that the criteria builder should return.
getFlatViews() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewMetamodel
Returns the metamodel embeddableentity views.
getFlushMode() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
The flush mode to use for the entity view or null if not updatable.
getFlushMode() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the flush mode to use for updates or null if the entity view should not be updatable.
getFlushStrategy() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
The flush strategy to use for the entity view or null if not updatable.
getFlushStrategy() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the flush strategy to use for updates or null if the entity view should not be updatable.
getIdAttribute() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewType
Returns the id attribute of the entity view.
getIdAttribute() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the id attribute mapping of this entity view mapping or null if there is none.
getIndex() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ParameterAttribute
Returns the index of the parameter within the constructor.
getIndex() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewParameterMapping
Returns the 0-based index of the parameter represented by this parameter mapping.
getInheritanceMapping() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the inheritance mapping that should be used for inheritance subtype selection.
getInheritanceSubtypeMappings() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.SingularAttribute
Returns the inheritance subtype mappings that should be considered for this attribute.
getInheritanceSubtypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the transitive closure of all subtypes that should be considered for inheritance selection.
getInitialState() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.ChangeModel
Returns the initial state of the change model.
getInverseRemoveStrategy() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns the inverse remove strategy if this is an inverse mapped attribute.
getInverseRemoveStrategy() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping
Returns the inverse remove strategy to use if this is an inverse mapping.
getJavaConstructor() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MappingConstructor
Returns the java constructor for this mapping constructor.
getJavaMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns the getter java method of this attribute.
getJavaType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns the java type of the attribute.
getJavaType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Type
Returns the java class of the type.
getKeyChanges() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns the change models of all added, removed or mutated keys.
getKeyInheritanceSubtypeMappings() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MapAttribute
Returns the inheritance subtypes that should be considered for the keys of this map attribute.
getKeysetPage() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns the key set of this setting.
getKeyType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MapAttribute
Returns the java type of the key.
getKind() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.ChangeModel
Returns the kind of the change done to the attribute.
getLimitExpression() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns the limit expression.
getLimitExpression() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Returns the limit expression.
getLockMode() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewType
Returns the lock mode that is used for this entity view, or null.
getLockMode() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the lock mode to use for doing updates or null if the entity view should not be updatable.
getLockOwner() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewType
Returns path to the lock owner relative from the view types entity class if there is any, or null.
getLockOwner() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the lock owner mapping relative to the JPA managed type of this entity view to use for updates or null if the entity view should not be updatable.
getLowerBound() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.Range
Returns the lower bound, or null if unbounded.
getManagedViews() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewMetamodel
Returns the metamodel managed entity views.
getMapInstantiator() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MapAttribute
Returns the map instantiator for this attribute.
getMappedBy() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns the path by which the target type is mapped by.
getMappedBy() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping
Returns the mapping to the inverse attribute relative to the element type or null if there is none.
getMapping() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MappingAttribute
Returns the mapping of the attribute.
getMappingType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns the type of the attribute mapping.
getMappingType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Type
Returns the mapping type.
getMaxResults() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
The maximum number of results that the criteria builder should return.
getMemberType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns the type of the attribute member.
getMetamodel() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Returns the metamodel for this entity view manager.
getMetamodel() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
getMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping
Returns the getter method represented by this attribute mapping.
getMutatedElements() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
Returns the change models of all mutated elements.
getMutatedKeys() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns the change models of all mutated keys.
getMutatedObjects() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns the change models of all mutated keys and elements.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.FilterMapping
Returns the name of the filter.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MappingConstructor
Returns the name of the constructor.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns the name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConstructorMapping
Returns the name of the view constructor.
getName() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping
Returns the name of this attribute.
getObjectChanges() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns the change models of all added, removed or mutated keys and elements.
getOffsetExpression() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns the offset expression.
getOffsetExpression() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Returns the offset expression.
getOptionalParameter(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns the optional parameter value by name.
getOptionalParameters() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Returns the globally configured optional parameters.
getOptionalParameters() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns a copy of the optional parameters that have been added.
getOptionalParameters() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
getOptionalParameters() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns all globally configured optional parameters.
getOrderByItems() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns the order by items for the limit expression.
getOrderByItems() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Returns the order by item expressions.
getOrphanRemoval() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping
Returns whether the elements that are removed from the attribute should be deleted.
getParameterAttribute(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MappingConstructor
Returns the parameter attribute of this mapping constructor at the given index if it exists, otherwise null.
getParameterAttributes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MappingConstructor
Returns the parameter attributes of this mapping constructor.
getParameters() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConstructorMapping
Returns the parameter mappings of this constructor mapping.
getParentRequiringCreateSubtypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns the creatable subtypes that need a parent to be assignable.
getParentRequiringUpdateSubtypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns the updatable subtypes that need a parent to be assignable.
getPath() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePath
Returns the path as dot separated string.
getPath() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePathWrapper
getPersistabilityValidationExcludedEntityAttributes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
The entity attributes that are excluded from the persistability validation, never null.
getPersistCascadeAllowedSubtypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns the subtypes that are allowed to be used when cascading CascadeType.PERSIST events.
getPostCommitMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the post commit method or null if there is none.
getPostCommitMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the post commit method or null if there is none.
getPostCommitTransitions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the post commit transitions.
getPostCommitTransitions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the post commit view transitions or null if there is none.
getPostConvertMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the method to be invoked after conversion to this entity view type via EntityViewManager.convert(Object, Class, ConvertOption...).
getPostConvertMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the post convert method or null if there is none.
getPostCreateMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the method to be invoked after creating an entity view via EntityViewManager.create(Class).
getPostCreateMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the post create method or null if there is none.
getPostLoadMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the method to be invoked after loading an entity view.
getPostLoadMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the post load method or null if there is none.
getPostPersistMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the post persist method or null if there is none.
getPostPersistMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the post persist method or null if there is none.
getPostRemoveMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the post remove method or null if there is none.
getPostRemoveMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the post remove method or null if there is none.
getPostRollbackMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the post rollback method or null if there is none.
getPostRollbackMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the post rollback method or null if there is none.
getPostRollbackTransitions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the post rollback transitions.
getPostRollbackTransitions() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the post rollback view transitions or null if there is none.
getPostUpdateMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the post update method or null if there is none.
getPostUpdateMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the post update method or null if there is none.
getPrePersistMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the pre persist method or null if there is none.
getPrePersistMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the pre persist method or null if there is none.
getPreRemoveMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the pre remove method or null if there is none.
getPreRemoveMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the pre remove method or null if there is none.
getPreUpdateMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns the pre update method or null if there is none.
getPreUpdateMethod() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the pre update method or null if there is none.
getPriority() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.TransactionAccessFactory
Returns a priority value that is used to select among multiple implementations.
getProperties() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Get the properties and hints and associated values that are in effect for the entity view setting.
getProperties() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns all properties.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns a property value by name.
getReadOnlyAllowedSubtypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns the read-only subtypes that are allowed to be assigned to this attribute.
getReference(Class<T>, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Creates a reference instance of the entity view class for the given id and returns it.
getReference(Class<T>, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
getRemovedElements() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
Returns the change models of all removed elements.
getRemovedKeys() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns the change models of all removed keys.
getRemovedObjects() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns the change models of all removed keys and elements.
getService(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.CorrelationBuilder
Returns the service or null if none is available.
getService(Class<T>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
getSubqueryAlias() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.SubqueryAttribute
Returns the subquery alias of the attribute.
getSubqueryExpression() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.SubqueryAttribute
Returns the subquery expression of the attribute.
getSubqueryProvider() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.SubqueryAttribute
Returns the subquery provider of the attribute.
getSubqueryProviderFactory() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.SubqueryAttribute
Returns the subquery provider factory of the attribute.
getTransactionSupport() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns the configured transaction support.
getType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.SingularAttribute
Returns the type representing the type of the attribute.
getTypeConverters() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns the currently registered type converters.
getTypeConverters(Class<Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns the currently registered type converters for the given view model type.
getTypeTestValues() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Returns all type test values that should be used for checking the equals/hashCode implementation of JPA types.
getUnderlyingType(Class<?>, Type) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.TypeConverter
Extract the underlying type from the declared type.
getUpdatable() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping
Returns whether the attribute is updatable i.e. the JPA attribute to which the attribute is mapped via the mapping is updatable.
getUpdateCascadeAllowedSubtypes() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns the subtypes that are allowed to be used when cascading CascadeType.UPDATE events.
getUpperBound() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.Range
Returns the upper bound, or null if unbounded.
getUserType() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.BasicType
The user type implementation for this basic type.
getVersionAttribute() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewType
Returns the version attribute of the entity view if there is any, or null.
getVersionAttribute() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns the version attribute mapping of this entity view mapping or null if ther is none.
getViewConstructorName() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns the entity view constructor name.
getViewFilter(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewType
Returns the view filter mapping of the entity view with the given name.
getViewFilters() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns a copy of the named filters for the view that have been added.
getViewFilters() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewType
Returns the view filter mappings of the entity view.
getViewPath() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.ViewJpqlMacro
Returns the current view path.
getViewRoot() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.ViewRootJpqlMacro
Returns the view root alias or null if not an alias.
getViews() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewMetamodel
Returns the metamodel entity views.
getWrapped() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePathWrapper
Returns the wrapped path.
GreaterOrEqualFilter<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements a greater or equal filter.
GreaterOrEqualFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.GreaterOrEqualFilter
GreaterThanFilter<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements a greater than filter.
GreaterThanFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.GreaterThanFilter
gt(T) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.Range
Creates a range for the values greater than the given value.


hasAttributeFilters() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns true if filters have been added, otherwise false.
hasAttributeSorters() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns true if sorters have been added, otherwise false.
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting.AttributeFilterActivation
hashCode() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.OrderByItem
hashCode(X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
hashCode(X) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserType
Returns the hash code of the object for lookups in hash based collections.
hashCode(X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
hashCode(X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableBasicUserType
hasOptionalParameters() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns true if optional parameters have been added, otherwise false.
hasViewFilters() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns true if named filters for the view have been added, otherwise false.


IdMapping - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Maps the annotated element to the id attribute of the entity.
IGNORE - com.blazebit.persistence.view.InverseRemoveStrategy
Ignores the fact that elements were removed from the inverse relation.
IGNORE_MISSING_ATTRIBUTES - com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConvertOption
Option to ignore rather than throw an exception when the target type has an attribute that is missing a matching attribute in the source type.
ignoreIndex() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.CollectionMapping
Specifies whether the index of the indexed collection should be ignored or not.
ImmutableBasicUserType<X> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
The default basic user type implementation for immutable types.
ImmutableBasicUserType() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
INDEXED - com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping.ContainerBehavior
Specifies that the elements of the container are indexed upon which the iteration order is based on.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableBasicUserType
InverseRemoveStrategy - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The strategy to use when an element was removed from the inverse relation.
isActive() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.TransactionAccess
Returns whether the current transaction is active.
isAscending() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.OrderByItem
Returns whether the ordering should be ascending.
isChanged(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
Returns whether the target attribute path was changed by updating or mutating it, but still has the same identity regarding parent objects it is contained in.
isChanged(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.SingularChangeModel
Returns whether the target attribute path was changed by updating or mutating it, but still has the same identity regarding parent objects it is contained in.
isCollection() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns true if this attribute is a collection, otherwise false.
isCollection() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Returns whether this attribute is of the plural type.
isCorrelated() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns true if this attribute is correlated, otherwise false.
isCreatable() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns whether the entity view is creatable.
isCreatable() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns whether the entity view should be creatable i.e. support persist via EntityViewManager.save(EntityManager, Object).
isCreateEmptyFlatView() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.SingularAttribute
Returns true if an empty flat view should be created for this attribute, otherwise false.
isDeepEqual(X, X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
isDeepEqual(X, X) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserType
Returns true if the given objects are equal regarding their values.
isDeepEqual(X, X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
isDeepEqual(X, X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableBasicUserType
isDeleteCascaded() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns whether delete cascading for referenced objects should be done.
isDirty() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.ChangeModel
Returns whether the object is dirty/was modified.
isDirty(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.PluralChangeModel
Returns whether the change model for the attribute is dirty.
isDirty(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.SingularChangeModel
Returns whether the change model for the attribute is dirty.
isDisallowOwnedUpdatableSubview() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Specifies whether an updatable entity view type is disallowed for owned *ToOne relationships or not.
isEqual(X, X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
isEqual(X, X) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserType
Returns true if the given objects are equal regarding their identity.
isEqual(X, X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
isEqual(X, X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableBasicUserType
isForcedUnique() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute
Returns whether this collection is forcefully deduplicated on load or not.
isForceUniqueness() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Specifies whether elements should be forcefully deduplicated if the collection allows duplicates or not.
isId() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.SingularAttribute
Returns true if this attribute maps to the entity id, otherwise false.
isInclusive() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.Range
Returns whether the bounds are inclusive.
isIndexed() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute
Returns whether this collection is indexed or not.
isKeyChanged(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns whether the target attribute path was changed by updating or mutating it, but still has the same identity regarding parent objects it is contained in.
isKeyDirty(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns whether the change model for the keys attribute is dirty.
isKeysetPaginated() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns true if this setting is key set paginated.
isKeySubview() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MapAttribute
Returns true if the key of this map attribute is a subview, otherwise false.
isMutable() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns whether the attribute is mutable.
isMutable() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
isMutable() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserType
Returns true if the type is mutable, false otherwise.
isMutable() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
isNullsFirst() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.OrderByItem
Returns whether nulls should be ordered first.
isOptimisticLockProtected() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns whether the attribute is protected by optimistic locking.
isOrdered() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute
Returns whether this collection is ordered or not.
isOrphanRemoval() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns whether orphaned objects should be deleted during an update.
isPaginated() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Returns true if this entiy view setting applies pagination, false otherwise.
isParameterized() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.CorrelationProviderFactory
Returns whether the CorrelationProvider is parameterized or not.
isParameterized() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.SubqueryProviderFactory
Returns whether the SubqueryProvider is parameterized or not.
isPersistabilityValidationEnabled() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns whether the persistability validation is enabled for this entity view.
isPersistCascaded() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns whether the persisting of referenced objects is allowed.
isQueryParameter() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.SingularAttribute
Returns true if this attribute maps to a query parameter, otherwise false.
isSelfParameter() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ParameterAttribute
Returns whether the parameter is a "self" parameter i.e. annotated with Self.
isSorted() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute
Returns whether this collection is sorted or not.
isSubquery() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns true if this attribute maps to a subquery provider, otherwise false.
isSubview() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute
Returns true if this attribute is a subview, otherwise false.
isUpdatable() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ManagedViewType
Returns whether the entity view is updatable.
isUpdatable() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns whether the attribute is updatable.
isUpdatable() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns whether the entity view should be updatable i.e. support updates via EntityViewManager.save(EntityManager, Object).
isUpdateCascaded() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MethodAttribute
Returns whether the updating of referenced objects is allowed.
isValidatePersistability() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Returns whether the persistability of an entity view should be validated i.e. check if an entity could be successfully persisted based on the settable attributes.
isViewFilter() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.FilterMapping
Returns true if this is a ViewFilterMapping, false if this is a AttributeFilterMapping.


JOIN - com.blazebit.persistence.view.FetchStrategy
A strategy that defines that the target elements are joined and fetched along in the source query.


keyGet(MapAttribute<K, K1, V1>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
keyGet(MethodMapAttribute<K, K1, V1>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns the change models for the keys attribute.
keyGet(MethodPluralAttribute<K, C, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns the change models for the keys attribute.
keyGet(MethodSingularAttribute<K, X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns the change models for the keys attribute.
keyGet(PluralAttribute<K, C, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
keyGet(SingularAttribute<K, X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
keyGet(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.MapChangeModel
Returns the change models for the keys attribute.


LAZY - com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushMode
If a dirty attribute is encountered will behave like FlushMode.FULL, otherwise will only trigger cascades.
le(T) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.Range
Creates a range for the values smaller or equal than the given value.
LessOrEqualFilter<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements a less or equal filter.
LessOrEqualFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.LessOrEqualFilter
LessThanFilter<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements a less than filter.
LessThanFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.LessThanFilter
limit() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.Limit
The maximum amount of elements to fetch for the annotated attribute.
Limit - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Limits the amount of elements to fetch for the annotated attribute.
LIST - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType
List-valued attribute.
ListAttribute<X,​E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Instances of the type ListAttribute represent List-valued attributes.
ListEntityViewBuilderListener - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener that adds the built entity view to a list.
ListEntityViewBuilderListener(List<Object>, int) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ListEntityViewBuilderListener
Creates the listener.
lockMode() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.UpdatableEntityView
The lock mode to use for the updatable entity view.
LockMode - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The lock mode types for updatable entity views.
LockOwner - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to specify the owner of a lock that should be used for locking.
lt(T) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.Range
Creates a range for the values smaller than the given value.


MANAGED_TYPE_VALIDATION_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag to make it possible to disable the managed type validation.
managedView(Class<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewMetamodel
Returns the metamodel managed entity view type representing the managed entity view specified by the given class or null.
ManagedViewType<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents the metamodel of an managed entity view type which is either an entity view or an embeddable entity view.
MAP - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType
Map-valued attribute.
MapAttribute<X,​K,​V> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Instances of the type MapAttribute represent persistent Map-valued attributes.
MapChangeModel<K,​V> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.change
An interface for accessing the dirty state of an object.
MapEntityViewBuilderListener - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener that adds the built entity view to a map.
MapEntityViewBuilderListener(Map<Object, Object>, Object) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.MapEntityViewBuilderListener
Creates a listener.
MapInstantiator<C extends Map<?,​?>,​R extends Map<?,​?> & RecordingContainer<? extends C>> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
An instantiator for normal, recording and JPA maps for an entity view attribute.
MapKeyEntityViewBuilderListener - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener that adds the built entity view to a map.
MapKeyEntityViewBuilderListener(Map<Object, Object>) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.MapKeyEntityViewBuilderListener
Creates the listener.
mappedBy() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingInverse
The path of the target type by which this attribute is mapped.
mapping() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingInheritanceSubtype
The selection predicate which is used to test whether the entity view type denoted by MappingInheritanceSubtype.value() should be used as target type for an entity.
Mapping - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A mapping to a JPQL expression which contains references to fields of the entity.
MappingAttribute<X,​Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents an attribute that has a mapping expression.
MappingConstructor<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents a constructor of a view type.
MappingCorrelated - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Maps the annotated attribute as correlation attribute.
MappingCorrelatedSimple - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Maps the annotated attribute as correlation attribute with a simple declarative mapping of the correlation.
MappingInheritance - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Defines the subtype mappings for a subview attribute.
MappingInheritanceMapKey - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Defines the subtype mappings for a map attribute with a subview key.
MappingInheritanceSubtype - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Defines a possible subtype that should be materialized when the selection predicate is satisfied.
MappingInverse - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Defines the inverse mapping to use for persisting or updating elements.
MappingParameter - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A mapping to a parameter which is passed into a query when querying an entity view.
MappingSingular - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Specifies that the annotated attribute should be singular.
MappingSubquery - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Maps the annotated attribute as subquery.
markRollbackOnly() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.TransactionAccess
Mark the current transaction as rollback only.
mergeProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Adds the given properties to the properties of the configuration, without overriding existing values.
METHOD - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.MemberType
Method member type.
MethodAttribute<X,​Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents an attribute of a view type specified by a getter.
MethodCollectionAttribute<X,​E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
A collection attribute that is also a method attribute.
MethodListAttribute<X,​E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
A list attribute that is also a method attribute.
MethodMapAttribute<X,​K,​V> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
A map attribute that is also a method attribute.
MethodPluralAttribute<X,​C,​E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
A plural attribute that is also a method attribute.
MethodSetAttribute<X,​E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
A set attribute that is also a method attribute.
MethodSingularAttribute<X,​Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
A singular attribute that is also a method attribute.
mode() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.UpdatableEntityView
Specifies the flush mode to use for the updatable entity view.
MULTISET - com.blazebit.persistence.view.FetchStrategy
A strategy that defines that the target elements are joined and fetched along in the source query as multiset.
MutableBasicUserType<X> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
The default basic user type implementation for unknown types.
MutableBasicUserType() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableBasicUserType
MutableStateTrackable - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
A dirty tracker that exposes the mutable state.
MUTATED - com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.ChangeModel.ChangeKind
Indicates a nested change.


name() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.AttributeFilter
Returns the name of the filter.
name() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewFilter
Returns the name of the filter.
nextValue(X) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.VersionBasicUserType
Returns the next version value based on the given current version value.
NONE - com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.ChangeModel.ChangeKind
Indicates nothing changed.
NONE - com.blazebit.persistence.view.LockMode
No locking at any point is done.
NullFilter - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements a is null and is not null filter.
NullFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.NullFilter


of(MethodPluralAttribute<X, ?, E>) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePaths
Creates an attribute path for the given attribute.
of(MethodSingularAttribute<X, E>) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePaths
Creates an attribute path for the given attribute.
of(String) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePaths
Creates an attribute path for the given path string.
offset() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.Limit
The amount of elements to skip for the annotated attribute.
onBuildComplete(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.CollectionEntityViewBuilderListener
onBuildComplete(Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderListener
The callback that is called after an entity view is built.
onBuildComplete(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ListEntityViewBuilderListener
onBuildComplete(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.MapEntityViewBuilderListener
onBuildComplete(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.MapKeyEntityViewBuilderListener
onBuildComplete(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SingularIndexEntityViewBuilderListener
onBuildComplete(Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SingularNameEntityViewBuilderListener
onlySubtypes() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingInheritance
Specifies that the base type is not considered in the inheritance subtype selection, but only it's subtypes.
onlySubtypes() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingInheritanceMapKey
Specifies that the base type is not considered in the inheritance subtype selection, but only it's subtypes.
onPostCommit(PostCommitListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Class<T>, PostCommitListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Class<T>, ViewTransitionListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Class<T>, Class<E>, PostCommitListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewTransitionListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Class<T>, Class<E>, Set<ViewTransition>, PostCommitListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Class<T>, Class<E>, Set<ViewTransition>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Class<T>, Class<E>, Set<ViewTransition>, ViewTransitionListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Class<T>, Set<ViewTransition>, PostCommitListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Class<T>, Set<ViewTransition>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Class<T>, Set<ViewTransition>, ViewTransitionListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommit(Set<ViewTransition>, PostCommitListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostCommitPersist(PostCommitListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.PERSIST.
onPostCommitPersist(Class<T>, PostCommitListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.PERSIST.
onPostCommitPersist(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.PERSIST.
onPostCommitPersist(Class<T>, Class<E>, PostCommitListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.PERSIST.
onPostCommitPersist(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.PERSIST.
onPostCommitRemove(PostCommitListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.REMOVE.
onPostCommitRemove(Class<T>, PostCommitListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.REMOVE.
onPostCommitRemove(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.REMOVE.
onPostCommitRemove(Class<T>, Class<E>, PostCommitListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.REMOVE.
onPostCommitRemove(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.REMOVE.
onPostCommitUpdate(PostCommitListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.UPDATE.
onPostCommitUpdate(Class<T>, PostCommitListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.UPDATE.
onPostCommitUpdate(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.UPDATE.
onPostCommitUpdate(Class<T>, Class<E>, PostCommitListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.UPDATE.
onPostCommitUpdate(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.UPDATE.
onPostPersist(PostPersistEntityListener<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostPersist(PostPersistListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostPersist(Class<T>, PostPersistEntityListener<T, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostPersist(Class<T>, PostPersistListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostPersist(Class<T>, ViewAndEntityListener<T, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostPersist(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostPersist(Class<T>, Class<E>, PostPersistEntityListener<T, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostPersist(Class<T>, Class<E>, PostPersistListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostPersist(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewAndEntityListener<T, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostPersist(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRemove(PostRemoveListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRemove(Class<T>, PostRemoveListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRemove(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRemove(Class<T>, Class<E>, PostRemoveListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRemove(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(PostRollbackListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Class<T>, PostRollbackListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Class<T>, ViewTransitionListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Class<T>, Class<E>, PostRollbackListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewTransitionListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Class<T>, Class<E>, Set<ViewTransition>, PostRollbackListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Class<T>, Class<E>, Set<ViewTransition>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Class<T>, Class<E>, Set<ViewTransition>, ViewTransitionListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Class<T>, Set<ViewTransition>, PostRollbackListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Class<T>, Set<ViewTransition>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Class<T>, Set<ViewTransition>, ViewTransitionListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollback(Set<ViewTransition>, PostRollbackListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostRollbackPersist(PostRollbackListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.PERSIST.
onPostRollbackPersist(Class<T>, PostRollbackListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.PERSIST.
onPostRollbackPersist(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.PERSIST.
onPostRollbackPersist(Class<T>, Class<E>, PostRollbackListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.PERSIST.
onPostRollbackPersist(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.PERSIST.
onPostRollbackRemove(PostRollbackListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.REMOVE.
onPostRollbackRemove(Class<T>, PostRollbackListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.REMOVE.
onPostRollbackRemove(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.REMOVE.
onPostRollbackRemove(Class<T>, Class<E>, PostRollbackListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.REMOVE.
onPostRollbackRemove(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.REMOVE.
onPostRollbackUpdate(PostRollbackListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.UPDATE.
onPostRollbackUpdate(Class<T>, PostRollbackListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.UPDATE.
onPostRollbackUpdate(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.UPDATE.
onPostRollbackUpdate(Class<T>, Class<E>, PostRollbackListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.UPDATE.
onPostRollbackUpdate(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation for the ViewTransition.UPDATE.
onPostUpdate(PostUpdateListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostUpdate(Class<T>, PostUpdateListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostUpdate(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostUpdate(Class<T>, Class<E>, PostUpdateListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPostUpdate(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPrePersist(PrePersistEntityListener<?, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPrePersist(PrePersistListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPrePersist(Class<T>, PrePersistEntityListener<T, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPrePersist(Class<T>, PrePersistListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPrePersist(Class<T>, ViewAndEntityListener<T, ?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPrePersist(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPrePersist(Class<T>, Class<E>, PrePersistEntityListener<T, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPrePersist(Class<T>, Class<E>, PrePersistListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPrePersist(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewAndEntityListener<T, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPrePersist(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPreRemove(PreRemoveListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPreRemove(Class<T>, PreRemoveListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPreRemove(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPreRemove(Class<T>, Class<E>, PreRemoveListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPreRemove(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPreUpdate(PreUpdateListener<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPreUpdate(Class<T>, PreUpdateListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPreUpdate(Class<T>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPreUpdate(Class<T>, Class<E>, PreUpdateListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
onPreUpdate(Class<T>, Class<E>, ViewListener<T>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushOperationBuilder
Registers the given listener to the current flush operation.
OPTIMISTIC - com.blazebit.persistence.view.LockMode
The optimistic locking mode will use the version attribute of an entity to for optimistic locking.
OptimisticLock - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to specify whether a change of the annotated attribute will cause optimistic locking.
OptimisticLockException - Exception in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Thrown when an optimistic lock conflict has been detected.
OptimisticLockException(Object, Object) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.persistence.view.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException with given entity and entity view objects.
OptimisticLockException(String, Object, Object) - Constructor for exception com.blazebit.persistence.view.OptimisticLockException
Constructs a new OptimisticLockException with given entity and entity view objects.
order() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.Limit
The order to use for the elements for the limit.
OrderByItem - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
An order by item.
OrderByItem(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.OrderByItem
Creates a new order by item.
ordered() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.CollectionMapping
Specifies whether entries in the collection should be ordered.
ORDERED - com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping.ContainerBehavior
Specifies that the container's iteration order must match the element insertion order.
orphanRemoval() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.UpdatableMapping
Specifies whether an element should be deleted when it is removed/replaced in the attribute value.


PAGINATION_BOUNDED_COUNT - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
The maximum value up to which the count query should count i.e. see PaginatedCriteriaBuilder.withBoundedCount(long).
PAGINATION_DISABLE_COUNT_QUERY - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag that allows to disable a count query for a paginated criteria builder.
PAGINATION_EXTRACT_ALL_KEYSETS - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag that allows to enable the extraction of all keysets for a paginated criteria builder.
PAGINATION_FORCE_USE_KEYSET - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag that allows to force the use of the keyset for a paginated criteria builder rather than relying on firstResult/maxResults.
PAGINATION_HIGHEST_KEYSET_OFFSET - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
The offset from the maxResults at which to find the highest keyset i.e. the highest keyset will be at position Math.min(size, maxResults - offset).
PARAMETER - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.MappingType
Parameter attribute mapping type.
PARAMETER - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.MemberType
Parameter member type.
ParameterAttribute<X,​Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents an attribute of a view type specified by a constructor parameter.
PARTIAL - com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushMode
Only dirty attributes are flushed.
PERSIST - com.blazebit.persistence.view.CascadeType
Defines that new elements should be persisted.
PERSIST - com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewTransition
The transition for entity views that were persisted.
persistSubtypes() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.UpdatableMapping
Subtypes of the attribute element type that are allowed to receive CascadeType.PERSIST cascade events.
PESSIMISTIC_READ - com.blazebit.persistence.view.LockMode
The pessimistic read locking mode will acquire a LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_READ for the entity when reading the entity view.
PESSIMISTIC_WRITE - com.blazebit.persistence.view.LockMode
The pessimistic write locking mode will acquire a LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE for the entity when reading the entity view.
PLURAL - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.AttributeType
Plural attribute type.
PluralAttribute<X,​C,​E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Instances of the type PluralAttribute represent collection-valued attributes.
PluralAttribute.CollectionType - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
The different collection types.
PluralChangeModel<C,​V> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.change
An interface for accessing the dirty state of an object.
postCommit(EntityViewManager, EntityManager, T, ViewTransition) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.PostCommitListener
A callback that is invoked after the flush for given view was committed.
PostCommit - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to mark a method to be executed after a transaction that flushes the type containing this method was successfully committed.
PostCommitListener<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback after committing a flush for an entity view.
PostConvert - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to mark a method to be executed after a call to EntityViewManager.convert(Object, Class, ConvertOption...).
PostCreate - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to mark a method to be executed after a call to EntityViewManager.create(Class).
PostLoad - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to mark a method to be executed after the loading of an entity view.
postPersist(EntityViewManager, EntityManager, T) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.PostPersistListener
A callback that is invoked after the given view is persisted.
postPersist(EntityViewManager, EntityManager, T, E) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.PostPersistEntityListener
A callback that is invoked after the given view is persisted.
PostPersist - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to mark a method to be executed after a call to EntityManager.persist(Object) when flushing the creatable entity view containing this method via EntityViewManager.save(EntityManager, Object).
PostPersistEntityListener<T,​E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback after persisting a creatable view.
PostPersistListener<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback after persisting a creatable view.
postRemove(EntityViewManager, EntityManager, T) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.PostRemoveListener
A callback that is invoked after the given view is removed.
PostRemove - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to mark a method to be executed after removing an entity view due to orphan removal, delete cascading or removal.
PostRemoveListener<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback after a view is removed.
postRollback(EntityViewManager, EntityManager, T, ViewTransition) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.PostRollbackListener
A callback that is invoked after the flush for given view was rolled back.
PostRollback - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to mark a method to be executed after a transaction that flushes the type containing this method was rolled back.
PostRollbackListener<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback after rolling back a flush for an entity view.
postUpdate(EntityViewManager, EntityManager, T) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.PostUpdateListener
A callback that is invoked after the given view is updated.
PostUpdate - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to mark a method to be executed after updating an entity view.
PostUpdateListener<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback after updating an updatable view.
prePersist(EntityViewManager, EntityManager, T) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.PrePersistListener
A callback that is invoked before the given view is persisted.
prePersist(EntityViewManager, EntityManager, T, E) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.PrePersistEntityListener
A callback that is invoked before the given view is persisted.
PrePersist - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to mark a method to be executed before a call to EntityManager.persist(Object) when flushing the creatable entity view containing this method via EntityViewManager.save(EntityManager, Object).
PrePersistEntityListener<T,​E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback before persisting a creatable view.
PrePersistListener<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback before persisting a creatable view.
preRemove(EntityViewManager, EntityManager, T) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.PreRemoveListener
A callback that is invoked before the given view is removed.
PreRemove - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to mark a method to be executed before removing an entity view due to orphan removal, delete cascading or removal.
PreRemoveListener<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback before a view is removed.
preUpdate(EntityViewManager, EntityManager, T) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.PreUpdateListener
A callback that is invoked before the given view is updated.
PreUpdate - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Annotation to mark a method to be executed before updating an entity view.
PreUpdateListener<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback before updating an updatable view.
PROXY_EAGER_LOADING - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag to make it possible to use the generated proxies with serialization.
PROXY_UNSAFE_ALLOWED - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag to make it possible to disable unsafe proxy generation.


QUERY - com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushStrategy
Will flush changes via DML statements if possible, otherwise fallback to FlushStrategy.ENTITY strategy.


Range<T> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A range for the value type.
RecordingContainer<C> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A recording collection.
registerBasicUserType(Class<X>, BasicUserType<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Registers the given user type for the given class.
registerSynchronization(Synchronization) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.TransactionAccess
Registers the given synchronization in the current transaction.
registerTypeConverter(Class<X>, Class<Y>, TypeConverter<X, Y>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Registers the given converter for the given types.
remove(EntityManager, Class<?>, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Removes the entity represented by the entity type defiend for the given view and the given entity id.
remove(EntityManager, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
remove(EntityManager, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Removes the entity represented by the given view.
remove(EntityManager, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
REMOVE - com.blazebit.persistence.view.InverseRemoveStrategy
Actually deletes the removed elements.
REMOVE - com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewTransition
The transition for entity views that were removed.
removeStrategy() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingInverse
The strategy to use for elements that were removed from this relation.
removeWith(EntityManager, Class<?>, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Removes the entity represented by the entity type defiend for the given view and the given entity id.
removeWith(EntityManager, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
removeWith(EntityManager, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Removes the entity represented by the given view.
removeWith(EntityManager, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
renderCorrelationBasis(String, ServiceProvider, StringBuilder) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.CorrelatedAttribute
Renders the correlation basis expression for the given parent expression to the given string builder.
renderCorrelationResult(String, ServiceProvider, StringBuilder) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.CorrelatedAttribute
Renders the correlation result expression for the given parent expression to the given string builder.
renderMapping(String, ServiceProvider, StringBuilder) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.MappingAttribute
Renders the mapping for the given parent expression to the given string builder.
renderSubqueryExpression(String, ServiceProvider, StringBuilder) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.SubqueryAttribute
Renders the subquery expression for the given parent expression to the given string builder.
renderSubqueryExpression(String, String, String, ServiceProvider, StringBuilder) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.SubqueryAttribute
Renders the given subquery expression for the given parent expression to the given string builder.
resolve(ManagedViewType<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePath
Resolves this attribute path on the given base type and returns the last attribute.
resolve(ManagedViewType<X>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePathWrapper
resolveAll(ManagedViewType<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePath
Resolves this attribute path on the given base type and returns all attributes in order.
resolveAll(ManagedViewType<X>) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.AttributePathWrapper


save(EntityManager, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Saves the entity which the given entity view maps to.
save(EntityManager, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
saveFull(EntityManager, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Fully saves the entity which the given entity view maps to.
saveFull(EntityManager, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
saveFullTo(EntityManager, Object, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Fully saves the entity view state onto the given entity.
saveFullTo(EntityManager, Object, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
saveFullWith(EntityManager, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Fully saves the entity which the given entity view maps to.
saveFullWith(EntityManager, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
saveFullWithTo(EntityManager, Object, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Fully saves the entity view state onto the given entity.
saveFullWithTo(EntityManager, Object, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
saveTo(EntityManager, Object, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Saves the entity view state onto the given entity.
saveTo(EntityManager, Object, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
saveWith(EntityManager, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Saves the entity which the given entity view maps to.
saveWith(EntityManager, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
saveWithTo(EntityManager, Object, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Saves the entity view state onto the given entity.
saveWithTo(EntityManager, Object, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
SELECT - com.blazebit.persistence.view.FetchStrategy
A strategy that defines that the target elements are selected in separate queries.
Self - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A marker annotation for annotating the "self"-instance which can be injected into a constructor to access state in a safe way.
SERIALIZABLE_EVM_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
SerializableEntityViewManager - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A serializable entity view manager implementation that accesses the actual entity view manager through a static field in the entity view implementation class.
SerializableEntityViewManager(Class<?>, EntityViewManager) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
Creates a new serializable entity view manager.
SET - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType
Set-valued attribute.
SET_NULL - com.blazebit.persistence.view.InverseRemoveStrategy
Sets the mapped by attribute of removed elements to null.
SetAttribute<X,​E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Instances of the type SetAttribute represent Set-valued attributes.
setAttributeFilterProviders(Map<String, Class<? extends AttributeFilterProvider<?>>>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping
Sets the attribute filter providers.
setContainerDefault() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
setContainerIndexed() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
setContainerOrdered() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
setContainerSorted(Class<? extends Comparator<?>>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Sets the container behavior to EntityViewAttributeMapping.ContainerBehavior.SORTED using the given comparator class, if given, for sorting.
setCreatable(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Set whether the entity view should be creatable.
setCreateEmptyFlatViews(Boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Sets whether to create empty flat views.
setDefaultBatchSize(Integer) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Sets the default batch size to use for batched FetchStrategy.SELECT fetching.
setDisallowOwnedUpdatableSubview(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Sets whether an updatable entity view type is disallowed for owned *ToOne relationships or not.
setEmbeddingViewPath(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EmbeddingViewJpqlMacro
Sets the current embedding view path.
setEntityClass(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Set the JPA managed type class for this entity view mapping.
setFlushMode(FlushMode) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Set the flush mode to use for updates.
setFlushStrategy(FlushStrategy) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Set the flush strategy to use for updates.
setForceUniqueness(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Sets whether elements should be forcefully deduplicated if the collection allows duplicates or not.
setIdAttribute(EntityViewAttributeMapping) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Set the id attribute mapping of this entity view mapping.
setInverseRemoveStrategy(InverseRemoveStrategy) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping
Sets the inverse remove strategy.
setLimit(String, String, List<String>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping
Sets the limit expression along with the order by expressions.
setLockMode(LockMode) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Set the lock mode to use for updates.
setLockOwner(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Set the lock owner mapping relative to the JPA managed type of this entity view.
setMappedBy(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping
Set the mapping to the inverse attribute.
setOptionalParameter(String, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Set the optional parameter with the given name to the given value.
setOptionalParameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Replace the optional parameters of the configuration with the given optional parameters.
setPostCommitMethod(Method) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the post commit method.
setPostCommitTransitions(ViewTransition[]) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the post commit view transitions.
setPostConvertMethod(Method) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the post convert method.
setPostCreateMethod(Method) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the post create method.
setPostLoadMethod(Method) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the post load method.
setPostPersistMethod(Method) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the post persist method.
setPostRemoveMethod(Method) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the post remove method.
setPostRollbackMethod(Method) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the post rollback method.
setPostRollbackTransitions(ViewTransition[]) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the post rollback view transitions.
setPostUpdateMethod(Method) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the post update method.
setPrePersistMethod(Method) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the pre persist method.
setPreRemoveMethod(Method) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the pre remove method.
setPreUpdateMethod(Method) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Sets the pre update method.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Replace the properties of the configuration with the given properties.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Set a entity view property or hint.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Set a property value by name.
setTransactionSupport(TransactionSupport) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Sets the given transaction support.
setTypeTestValue(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewConfiguration
Sets the given value as type test value for the given type.
setUpdatable(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Set whether the entity view should be updatable.
setUpdatable(boolean, boolean, CascadeType[], Class<?>[], Class<?>[], Class<?>[]) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMethodAttributeMapping
Set whether the attribute is updatable along with cascading configuration and the allowed subtypes.
setValidatePersistability(boolean) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Set whether the entity view should be validated regarding it's persistability.
setVersionAttribute(EntityViewAttributeMapping) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewMapping
Set the version attribute mapping of this entity view mapping.
setViewPath(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.ViewJpqlMacro
Sets the current view path.
shouldPersist(X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
shouldPersist(X) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserType
Returns true if the given entity object should be persisted.
shouldPersist(X) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
SINGULAR - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.AttributeType
Singular attribute type.
SingularAttribute<X,​Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Instances of the type SingularAttribute represents single-valued properties or fields.
SingularChangeModel<E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.change
An interface for accessing the dirty state of an object.
SingularIndexEntityViewBuilderListener - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener that sets the built entity view on the given builder for the given parameter index.
SingularIndexEntityViewBuilderListener(EntityViewBuilderBase<?, ?>, int) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SingularIndexEntityViewBuilderListener
Creates a new listener.
SingularNameEntityViewBuilderListener - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener that sets the built entity view on the given builder for the given attribute name.
SingularNameEntityViewBuilderListener(EntityViewBuilderBase<?, ?>, String) - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SingularNameEntityViewBuilderListener
Creates a new listener.
size() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.BatchFetch
The size of the batch.
SORTED - com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping.ContainerBehavior
Specifies that the container's iteration order must match the sort order as defined by a comparator or a comparable element type.
sorter(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.Sorters
Creates and returns a new Sorter.
Sorter - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A sorter is an object that applies an order by on a OrderByBuilder for a specific expression.
Sorters - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A utility class that provides methods to create standard sorters.
StartsWithFilter<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements a starts with filter.
StartsWithFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.StartsWithFilter
StartsWithIgnoreCaseFilter<FilterValue> - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter
A placeholder for a filter implementation that implements a starts with filter that is not case sensitive.
StartsWithIgnoreCaseFilter() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.filter.StartsWithIgnoreCaseFilter
STATIC_BUILDER_SCANNING_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag to make it possible to disable the scanning for static builders annotated with StaticBuilder.
STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION_SCANNING_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag to make it possible to disable the scanning for static implementations annotated with StaticImplementation.
STATIC_METAMODEL_SCANNING_DISABLED - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag to make it possible to disable the scanning for static metmodels annotated with StaticMetamodel.
StaticBuilder - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The StaticBuilder annotation specifies that the class is the builder class for the entity view class designated by the value element.
StaticImplementation - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The StaticImplementation annotation specifies that the class is the implementation class for the entity view class designated by the value element.
StaticMetamodel - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The StaticMetamodel annotation specifies that the class is the metamodel class for the entity view class designated by the value element.
StaticRelation - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The StaticRelation annotation specifies that the class is the relation class for the entity view class designated by the value element.
strategy() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.UpdatableEntityView
The strategy to use for flushing changes to the JPA model.
SubGraph<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Represents a fetch graph node for entity views.
SUBQUERY - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.MappingType
Subquery attribute mapping type.
subqueryAlias() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingSubquery
The subquery alias.
SubqueryAttribute<X,​Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Instances of the type SubqueryAttribute represents single-valued properties or fields.
SubqueryProvider - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Provides a subquery to a SubqueryInitiator.
SubqueryProviderFactory - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A factory for creating a SubqueryProvider.
SUBSELECT - com.blazebit.persistence.view.FetchStrategy
A strategy that defines that the target elements are selected in a single query containing the source query as subquery.
subtypes() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.UpdatableMapping
Subtypes of the attribute element type that are allowed to be receive CascadeType.PERSIST and CascadeType.UPDATE cascade events.
supportsDeepCloning() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
supportsDeepCloning() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserType
Returns true if the type supports creating deep clones, false otherwise.
supportsDeepCloning() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
supportsDeepCloning() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableBasicUserType
supportsDeepEqualChecking() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
supportsDeepEqualChecking() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserType
Returns true if the type supports checking deep equality, false otherwise.
supportsDeepEqualChecking() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
supportsDeepEqualChecking() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableBasicUserType
supportsDirtyChecking() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
supportsDirtyChecking() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserType
Returns true if the type supports dirty checking, false otherwise.
supportsDirtyChecking() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
supportsDirtyTracking() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
supportsDirtyTracking() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserType
Returns true if the type supports dirty tracking, false otherwise.
supportsDirtyTracking() - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType


TEMPLATE_EAGER_LOADING - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag to make it possible to prepare all view template caches on startup.
toStringExpression(String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.AbstractMutableBasicUserType
toStringExpression(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.BasicUserTypeStringSupport
Wraps the given JPQL.Next expression such that it is converted to the internal string representation that can be read by BasicUserTypeStringSupport.fromString(CharSequence).
toStringExpression(String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.ImmutableBasicUserType
toStringExpression(String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type.MutableBasicUserType
TransactionAccess - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
A transaction control abstraction that allows to be independent of the concrete transaction technology.
TransactionAccessFactory - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
A factory for creating a TransactionAccess.
transactional(Runnable) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.TransactionSupport
Starts a new transaction, possibly suspending an existing one, and runs the given runnable within.
TransactionSupport - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
A transaction control abstraction that allows to be independent of the concrete transaction technology.
transitions() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.PostCommit
The view transitions to handle by this listener.
transitions() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.PostRollback
The view transitions to handle by this listener.
Type<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents the mapping type of a view or attribute.
Type.MappingType - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
The different mapping types.
TypeConverter<X,​Y> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
A contract for a converter to convert between an entity view model type and an underlying type.


updatable() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.UpdatableMapping
Specifies whether the relation for the attribute is updatable.
UpdatableEntityView - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Specifies that the class is an updatable entity view.
UpdatableMapping - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Specifies the update handling of values assigned to the annotated attribute.
update(EntityManager, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Use EntityViewManager.save(EntityManager, Object) instead. This will be removed in 2.0
update(EntityManager, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
UPDATE - com.blazebit.persistence.view.CascadeType
Defines that existing elements should be updated.
UPDATE - com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewTransition
The transition for entity views that were updated.
UPDATED - com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.ChangeModel.ChangeKind
Indicates a reference changed.
updateFull(EntityManager, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewManager
Use EntityViewManager.saveFull(EntityManager, Object) instead. This will be removed in 2.0
updateFull(EntityManager, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.SerializableEntityViewManager
UPDATER_DISALLOW_OWNED_UPDATABLE_SUBVIEW - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag to make it possible to disable the strict validation that disallows the use of an updatable entity view type for owned relationships.
UPDATER_EAGER_LOADING - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag to make it possible to prepare the entity view updater cache on startup.
UPDATER_ERROR_ON_INVALID_PLURAL_SETTER - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag that allows to switch from warnings to boot time validation errors when invalid plural attribute setters are encountered while the strict cascading check is enabled.
UPDATER_FLUSH_MODE - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
An override for the flush mode of updatable entity views.
UPDATER_FLUSH_STRATEGY - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
An override for the flush strategy of updatable entity views.
UPDATER_STRICT_CASCADING_CHECK - Static variable in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConfigurationProperties
A boolean flag to make it possible to disable the strict cascading check that disallows setting updatable or creatable entity views on non-cascading attributes before being associated with a cascading attribute.
updateSubtypes() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.UpdatableMapping
Subtypes of the attribute element type that are allowed to receive CascadeType.UPDATE cascade events.
usesEmbeddingView() - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EmbeddingViewJpqlMacro
Returns whether the macro was used so far.


validatePersistability() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.CreatableEntityView
Specifies whether the persistability based on the updatable attributes should be validated on startup.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.AttributeFilter
The filter class that should be used for filtering.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.AttributeFilters
Returns the filters.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.EmptyFlatViewCreation
Returns whether to create an empty flat view for the annotated singular attribute.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityView
The entity class on which this view is based on.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewInheritance
The entity view subtypes that may be considered when querying.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewInheritanceMapping
The selection predicate which is used to test whether this entity view type should be used as target type for an entity.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewListeners
The entity view listener definitions.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.IdMapping
The JPQL expression mapping to the entity id the annotated getter or parameter should map to.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.LockOwner
The attribute path to the actual lock owner, relative to the annotated entity view type's entity.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.Mapping
The JPQL expression mapping the annotated getter or parameter should map to.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingInheritance
The subtype mappings of this annotated attribute that should be considered for inheritance.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingInheritanceMapKey
The subtype mappings of this annotated map attribute's key subview type that should be considered for inheritance.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingInheritanceSubtype
The entity view subtype of the annotated subview attribute.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingParameter
The name of the query parameter the annotated getter or parameter should map to.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.MappingSubquery
The class which provides the subquery.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.StaticBuilder
The entity view class.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.StaticImplementation
The entity view class.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.StaticMetamodel
The entity view class.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.StaticRelation
The entity view class.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewConstructor
The name of the view constructor which should be unique within the entity view.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewFilter
The filter class that should be used for filtering.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewFilters
Returns the filters.
value() - Method in annotation type com.blazebit.persistence.view.With
The CTE providers.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.CascadeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.ChangeModel.ChangeKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConvertOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.FetchStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.InverseRemoveStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.LockMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.AttributeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.MappingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.MemberType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Type.MappingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping.ContainerBehavior
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewTransition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.CascadeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.change.ChangeModel.ChangeKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.ConvertOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.FetchStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.FlushStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.InverseRemoveStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.LockMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.AttributeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.MappingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Attribute.MemberType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Type.MappingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.EntityViewAttributeMapping.ContainerBehavior
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewTransition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VersionBasicUserType<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi.type
A contract for defining a custom basic type to use with entity views for versions in optimistic concurrency control.
view(Class<X>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.ViewMetamodel
Returns the metamodel entity view type representing the entity view specified by the given class or null.
VIEW - com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel.Type.MappingType
View type.
ViewAndEntityListener<T,​E> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback.
ViewConstructor - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A naming mechanism for entity view constructors.
ViewFilter - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Adds a named filter to an entity view.
ViewFilterMapping - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents the mapping of a named filter on an entity view.
ViewFilterProvider - Class in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A view filter provider is an object that applies restrictions on a WhereBuilder.
ViewFilterProvider() - Constructor for class com.blazebit.persistence.view.ViewFilterProvider
ViewFilters - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Adds multiple ViewFilter.
ViewJpqlMacro - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
Interface implemented by the entity view provider.
ViewListener<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback.
ViewMetamodel - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Provides access to the metamodel of the entity views.
ViewRootJpqlMacro - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.spi
Interface implemented by the entity view provider.
ViewTransition - Enum in com.blazebit.persistence.view
The transition types for entity views.
ViewTransitionListener<T> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view
A listener for getting a callback.
ViewType<X> - Interface in com.blazebit.persistence.view.metamodel
Represents the metamodel of an entity view.


with(int, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Sets the given value for the given constructor parameter.
with(PluralAttribute<T, C, ?>, C) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Sets the given value for the attribute.
with(SingularAttribute<T, E>, E) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Sets the given value for the attribute.
with(String, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Sets the given value for the given attribute.
With - Annotation Type in com.blazebit.persistence.view
Adds CTEProviders that should be invoked when applying the annotated entity view.
withAttributeFilter(AttributeFilterMapping<T, FilterValue>, FilterValue) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the attribute's default attribute filter to the attribute filters of this setting or overwrites the filter value of an existing default attribute filter.
withAttributeFilter(AttributeFilterMappingPath<T, FilterValue>, FilterValue) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the attribute's default attribute filter to the attribute filters of this setting or overwrites the filter value of an existing default attribute filter.
withAttributeFilter(String, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the attribute's default attribute filter to the attribute filters of this setting or overwrites the filter value of an existing default attribute filter.
withAttributeFilter(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the attribute's attribute filter with the given name to the attribute filters of this setting or overwrites the filter value of an existing attribute filter with the same attribute name and filter name.
withAttributeSorter(AttributePath<T, ?>, Sorter) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the given attribute sorter to the attribute sorters of this setting.
withAttributeSorter(MethodAttribute<T, ?>, Sorter) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the given attribute sorter to the attribute sorters of this setting.
withAttributeSorter(String, Sorter) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the given attribute sorter to the attribute sorters of this setting.
withBuilder(CollectionAttribute<T, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the given Collection attribute.
withBuilder(ListAttribute<T, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the given List attribute.
withBuilder(ListAttribute<T, E>, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the given List attribute.
withBuilder(MapAttribute<T, K, V>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the given Map attribute.
withBuilder(MapAttribute<T, K, V>, K) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the given Map attribute.
withBuilder(SetAttribute<T, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the Set attribute.
withBuilder(SingularAttribute<T, E>) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the given singular attribute.
withCollectionBuilder(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the Collection, Set or List attribute for the given constructor parameter index.
withCollectionBuilder(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the Collection, Set or List attribute for the given attribute name.
withElement(int, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Adds the given value as element to the Collection, Set or List attribute for the given constructor parameter index.
withElement(CollectionAttribute<T, E>, E) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Adds the given value as element to the Collection for the given attribute.
withElement(ListAttribute<T, E>, E) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Adds the given value as element to the List for the given attribute.
withElement(SetAttribute<T, E>, E) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Adds the given value as element to the Set for the given attribute.
withElement(String, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Adds the given value as element to the Collection, Set or List attribute for the given attribute name.
withEntry(int, Object, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Adds the given key and value to the Map attribute for the given constructor parameter index.
withEntry(MapAttribute<T, K, V>, K, V) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Sets the given value as element on the Map for the given key for the given attribute.
withEntry(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Adds the given key and value to the Map attribute for the given attribute name.
withKeysetPage(KeysetPage) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Sets the key set of this setting.
withListBuilder(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the List attribute for the given constructor parameter index.
withListBuilder(int, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the List attribute for the given constructor parameter index.
withListBuilder(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the List attribute for the given attribute name.
withListBuilder(String, int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the List attribute for the given attribute name.
withListElement(int, int, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Adds the given value as element at the given index to the List attribute for the given constructor parameter index.
withListElement(ListAttribute<T, E>, int, E) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Sets the given value as element on the List at the given index for the given attribute.
withListElement(String, int, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Adds the given value as element at the given index to the List attribute for the given attribute name.
withMapBuilder(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the Map attribute for the given constructor parameter index.
withMapBuilder(int, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the Map attribute for the given constructor parameter index.
withMapBuilder(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the Map attribute for the given attribute name.
withMapBuilder(String, Object) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the Map attribute for the given attribute name.
withOptionalParameter(String, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Adds the given optional parameter to the optional parameters of this setting.
withProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Set a entity view property or hint.
withSetBuilder(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the Set attribute for the given constructor parameter index.
withSetBuilder(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the Set attribute for the given attribute name.
withSingularBuilder(int) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the singular attribute for the given constructor parameter index.
withSingularBuilder(String) - Method in interface com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewBuilderBase
Starts and returns a nested entity view builder for the singular attribute for the given attribute name.
withViewFilter(String) - Method in class com.blazebit.persistence.view.EntityViewSetting
Enables and adds the view filter with the given name in this setting.
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