
class BranchLabelingSyntax(description: String)

Syntax for labeling or creating new branches in a log tree given a description.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def ~<[F[_] : Traverse, V](describedComputations: F[DescribedComputation[V]]): DescribedComputation[F[V]]

Create a new branch given a monadic, traversable 'container' F[DescribedComputation[Value]], 'sequence' it to create a DescribedComputation[F[Value]], and give the new DescribedComputation's log tree a new root node, with the given description and whose children are the trees in the F[DescribedComputation[Value]].

Create a new branch given a monadic, traversable 'container' F[DescribedComputation[Value]], 'sequence' it to create a DescribedComputation[F[Value]], and give the new DescribedComputation's log tree a new root node, with the given description and whose children are the trees in the F[DescribedComputation[Value]].

For example, if we evaluate this method with F instantiated as List, we would turn a List[DescribedComputation[Value]] into a DescribedComputation[List[Value]], such that the List[Value] which is the result's 'value' is obtained by extracting the 'value' from each treelog.LogTreeSyntax.DescribedComputation in the describedComputations parameter. Likewise, the child nodes of the returned log tree root node are obtained by extracting the log tree from each of the describedComputations.

The ''success'' status of the returned DescribedComputations log tree is true if all of the children are successful. It is false otherwise.

If dc has a log tree with an undescribed root node, give the root node the description but otherwise leave it unchanged. If the log tree has a described root node, create a new root node above the existing one and give the new root node the description. In both cases preserve the value and success/failure status.

If dc has a log tree with an undescribed root node, give the root node the description but otherwise leave it unchanged. If the log tree has a described root node, create a new root node above the existing one and give the new root node the description. In both cases preserve the value and success/failure status.

def ~<+[F[_] : Traverse, V, R](describedComputations: F[DescribedComputation[V]], f: F[V] => R): DescribedComputation[R]

As ~< but folding over the resulting F[Value] to yield R and return a DescribedComputation[R] with all the logs.

As ~< but folding over the resulting F[Value] to yield R and return a DescribedComputation[R] with all the logs.

For example, given l = List[DescribedComputation[Int]], and f = List[Int] => Int (say summing the list), then "Sum" ~&lt;+(l, f) would return a DescribedComputation containing the sum of the elements of the list.