Class Writers.PrimitiveUtf8StringWriter

All Implemented Interfaces:
JsonWriter.JsonClassWriter, JsonWriter.JsonClassWriterBase
Direct Known Subclasses:
Writers.ClassWriter, Writers.EnumsAsStringWriter, Writers.JsonStringWriter, Writers.TimeZoneWriter, Writers.ZoneOffsetWriter
Enclosing class:

public static class Writers.PrimitiveUtf8StringWriter extends Writers.PrimitiveTypeWriter
Used as a template to write out primitive String types. Uses default key of "value" and encodes the string.
  • Constructor Details

    • PrimitiveUtf8StringWriter

      public PrimitiveUtf8StringWriter()
  • Method Details

    • extractString

      public String extractString(Object o)
    • writePrimitiveForm

      public void writePrimitiveForm(Object o, Writer output) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: JsonWriter.JsonClassWriter
      This method will be called to write the item in primitive form (if the response to hasPrimitiveForm() was true). Override this method if you have a primitive form and need to access the arguments that kicked off the JsonWriter.
      o - Object to be written
      output - Writer destination to where the actual JSON is written.
      IOException - if thrown by the writer. Will be caught at a higher level and wrapped in JsonIoException.