

Related Docs: object SolrQueryBuilder | package querybuilder

case class SolrQueryBuilder(query: QueryPart, rowsOpt: Option[Int] = None, startOpt: Option[Int] = None, fieldList: Vector[String] = Vector.empty, sortsList: Vector[SortClause] = Vector.empty, facetFields: Vector[String] = Vector.empty, serverTimeAllowed: Option[Int] = None, facetLimit: Option[Int] = None, facetMinCount: Option[Int] = None, facetPrefix: Option[String] = None, facetPivotFields: Vector[String] = Vector.empty, cursorMarkOpt: Option[String] = None, groupField: Option[String] = None, groupSortsList: Vector[SortClause] = Vector.empty, groupFormat: Option[String] = None, groupMain: Option[Boolean] = None, groupTotalCount: Option[Boolean] = None, groupTruncate: Option[Boolean] = None, groupLimit: Option[Int] = None, statsFields: Vector[String] = Vector.empty, statsFacetFields: Vector[String] = Vector.empty) extends Product with Serializable

An (incomplete) immutable builder for Solr queries. Currently only has common org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery shortcuts, but more can be added easily as the need arises.

Sample Usage
import com.codemettle.akkasolr.client.SolrQueryBuilder.FieldStrToSort

val b = SolrQueryBuilder("*") rows 21 fields "field" sortBy "myfield".desc
val b2 = b facets "facetfield"
Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. SolrQueryBuilder
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. Product
  5. Equals
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new SolrQueryBuilder(query: QueryPart, rowsOpt: Option[Int] = None, startOpt: Option[Int] = None, fieldList: Vector[String] = Vector.empty, sortsList: Vector[SortClause] = Vector.empty, facetFields: Vector[String] = Vector.empty, serverTimeAllowed: Option[Int] = None, facetLimit: Option[Int] = None, facetMinCount: Option[Int] = None, facetPrefix: Option[String] = None, facetPivotFields: Vector[String] = Vector.empty, cursorMarkOpt: Option[String] = None, groupField: Option[String] = None, groupSortsList: Vector[SortClause] = Vector.empty, groupFormat: Option[String] = None, groupMain: Option[Boolean] = None, groupTotalCount: Option[Boolean] = None, groupTruncate: Option[Boolean] = None, groupLimit: Option[Int] = None, statsFields: Vector[String] = Vector.empty, statsFacetFields: Vector[String] = Vector.empty)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def allowedExecutionTime(duration: Duration): SolrQueryBuilder

  5. def allowedExecutionTime(duration: FiniteDuration): SolrQueryBuilder

  6. def allowedExecutionTime(millis: Int): SolrQueryBuilder

  7. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  8. def beginCursor(): SolrQueryBuilder

  9. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  10. val cursorMarkOpt: Option[String]

  11. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  12. val facetFields: Vector[String]

  13. val facetLimit: Option[Int]

  14. val facetMinCount: Option[Int]

  15. def facetPivot(fs: String*): SolrQueryBuilder

  16. val facetPivotFields: Vector[String]

  17. val facetPrefix: Option[String]

  18. def facets(fs: String*): SolrQueryBuilder

  19. val fieldList: Vector[String]

  20. def fields(fs: String*): SolrQueryBuilder

  21. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  22. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  23. def groupFacetCounts(tf: Boolean): SolrQueryBuilder

  24. val groupField: Option[String]

  25. val groupFormat: Option[String]

  26. def groupInMain(tf: Boolean): SolrQueryBuilder

  27. val groupLimit: Option[Int]

  28. val groupMain: Option[Boolean]

  29. def groupSort(sc: SortClause): SolrQueryBuilder

  30. val groupSortsList: Vector[SortClause]

  31. val groupTotalCount: Option[Boolean]

  32. val groupTruncate: Option[Boolean]

  33. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  34. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  35. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  36. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  37. val query: QueryPart

  38. def rows(r: Int): SolrQueryBuilder

  39. val rowsOpt: Option[Int]

  40. val serverTimeAllowed: Option[Int]

  41. def sortBy(scs: SortClause*): SolrQueryBuilder

  42. def sortBy(sc: SortClause): SolrQueryBuilder

  43. val sortsList: Vector[SortClause]

  44. def start(s: Int): SolrQueryBuilder

  45. val startOpt: Option[Int]

  46. val statsFacetFields: Vector[String]

  47. val statsFields: Vector[String]

  48. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  49. def toParams(implicit arf: ActorRefFactory): ImmutableSolrParams

    Create a SolrParams object that can be used for Solr queries

    Create a SolrParams object that can be used for Solr queries


    an ImmutableSolrParams representing the state of the builder

  50. def truncateGroupings(tf: Boolean): SolrQueryBuilder

  51. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  52. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  53. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  54. def withCursorMark(c: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  55. def withFacetField(f: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  56. def withFacetFields(fs: String*): SolrQueryBuilder

  57. def withFacetLimit(limit: Int): SolrQueryBuilder

  58. def withFacetMinCount(min: Int): SolrQueryBuilder

  59. def withFacetPivotField(f: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  60. def withFacetPivotFields(fs: String*): SolrQueryBuilder

  61. def withFacetPrefix(prefix: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  62. def withField(f: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  63. def withFields(fs: String*): SolrQueryBuilder

  64. def withGroupField(gf: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  65. def withGroupFormat(gf: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  66. def withGroupLimit(limit: Int): SolrQueryBuilder

  67. def withGroupSort(sc: SortClause): SolrQueryBuilder

  68. def withGroupSorts(scs: SortClause*): SolrQueryBuilder

  69. def withQuery(qp: QueryPart)(implicit arf: ActorRefFactory): SolrQueryBuilder

  70. def withQuery(q: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  71. def withSort(sc: SortClause): SolrQueryBuilder

  72. def withSortIfNewField(sc: SortClause): SolrQueryBuilder

    Adds a new sort field only if there isn't already a sort on this field

  73. def withSorts(scs: SortClause*): SolrQueryBuilder

  74. def withStatsFacetField(f: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  75. def withStatsFacetFields(fs: Seq[String]): SolrQueryBuilder

  76. def withStatsField(f: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  77. def withStatsFields(fs: Seq[String]): SolrQueryBuilder

  78. def withoutAllowedExecutionTime(): SolrQueryBuilder

  79. def withoutCursorMark(): SolrQueryBuilder

  80. def withoutFacetField(f: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  81. def withoutFacetFields(): SolrQueryBuilder

  82. def withoutFacetFields(fs: String*): SolrQueryBuilder

  83. def withoutFacetLimit(): SolrQueryBuilder

  84. def withoutFacetMinCount(): SolrQueryBuilder

  85. def withoutFacetPivotField(f: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  86. def withoutFacetPivotFields(): SolrQueryBuilder

  87. def withoutFacetPivotFields(fs: String*): SolrQueryBuilder

  88. def withoutFacetPrefix(): SolrQueryBuilder

  89. def withoutField(f: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  90. def withoutFields(): SolrQueryBuilder

  91. def withoutFields(fs: String*): SolrQueryBuilder

  92. def withoutGroupField(): SolrQueryBuilder

  93. def withoutGroupFormat(): SolrQueryBuilder

  94. def withoutGroupLimit(): SolrQueryBuilder

  95. def withoutGroupSort(sc: SortClause): SolrQueryBuilder

  96. def withoutGroupSorts(): SolrQueryBuilder

  97. def withoutRows(): SolrQueryBuilder

  98. def withoutSort(sc: SortClause): SolrQueryBuilder

  99. def withoutSortField(f: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  100. def withoutSorts(): SolrQueryBuilder

  101. def withoutStart(): SolrQueryBuilder

  102. def withoutStatsFacetField(f: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  103. def withoutStatsFacetFields(fs: Seq[String]): SolrQueryBuilder

  104. def withoutStatsField(f: String): SolrQueryBuilder

  105. def withoutStatsFields(fs: Seq[String]): SolrQueryBuilder

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
