
package jsactor

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Deafen(listener: JsActorRef) extends ListenerMessage with Product with Serializable

  2. trait JsActor extends AnyRef

  3. trait JsActorContext extends JsActorRefFactory

  4. sealed trait JsActorPath extends Comparable[JsActorPath]

  5. trait JsActorRef extends Comparable[JsActorRef]

  6. trait JsActorRefFactory extends AnyRef

  7. trait JsActorScheduler extends AnyRef

  8. final case class JsActorSystem(name: String, logFactory: JsActorLoggerFactory = JsPrintlnActorLoggerFactory)(implicit dispatcher: ExecutionContextExecutor = JSExecutionContext.queue) extends JsActorRefFactory with Watcher with Product with Serializable

  9. case class JsAddress(protocol: String, system: String) extends Product with Serializable

  10. trait JsCancellable extends AnyRef

  11. final class JsChildActorPath extends JsActorPath

  12. case class JsDeadLetter(message: Any, sender: JsActorRef, recipient: JsActorRef) extends Product with Serializable

  13. class JsEventStream extends AnyRef

  14. trait JsFSM[S, D] extends JsActor with JsListeners with JsActorLogging

  15. class JsInternalActorContext extends JsActorContext with JsInternalActorRefFactory

  16. trait JsListeners extends AnyRef

    Listeners is a generic trait to implement listening capability on an Actor.

    Listeners is a generic trait to implement listening capability on an Actor.

    Use the gossip(msg) method to have it sent to the listeners.

    Send Listen(self) to start listening.

    Send Deafen(self) to stop listening.

    Send WithListeners(fun) to traverse the current listeners.

  17. trait JsLoggingFSM[S, D] extends JsFSM[S, D]

  18. class JsProps extends AnyRef

  19. final case class JsRootActorPath(address: JsAddress, name: String = "/") extends JsActorPath with Product with Serializable

  20. trait JsStash extends JsActor

  21. case class JsTerminated extends Product with Serializable

  22. case class JsTimeout(duration: FiniteDuration) extends Product with Serializable

  23. case class JsUnhandledMessage(message: Any, sender: JsActorRef, receiver: JsActorRef) extends Product with Serializable

  24. case class Listen(listener: JsActorRef) extends ListenerMessage with Product with Serializable

  25. sealed trait ListenerMessage extends AnyRef

  26. case class WithListeners(f: (JsActorRef) ⇒ Unit) extends ListenerMessage with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object JsActor

  2. object JsActorPath

  3. object JsActorRef

  4. object JsActorSystem extends Serializable

  5. object JsFSM

  6. object JsInternalActorContext

  7. object JsPoisonPill extends Product with Serializable

  8. object JsProps

  9. object JsReceiveTimeout extends Product with Serializable

  10. object JsStatus

  11. object RippedFromAkka

  12. package logging

  13. package pattern
