Interface PnIDResponseOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    PnIDResponse, PnIDResponse.Builder

    public interface PnIDResponseOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • hasFileId

        boolean hasFileId()
        The id of the source file used for detecting annotations and building
        interactive P&ID
        .google.protobuf.Int64Value file_id = 1;
        Whether the fileId field is set.
      • getFileId

        Int64Value getFileId()
        The id of the source file used for detecting annotations and building
        interactive P&ID
        .google.protobuf.Int64Value file_id = 1;
        The fileId.
      • getFileIdOrBuilder

        Int64ValueOrBuilder getFileIdOrBuilder()
        The id of the source file used for detecting annotations and building
        interactive P&ID
        .google.protobuf.Int64Value file_id = 1;
      • hasFileExternalId

        boolean hasFileExternalId()
        The external id of the source file used for detecting annotations and building
        interactive P&ID
        .google.protobuf.StringValue file_external_id = 2;
        Whether the fileExternalId field is set.
      • getFileExternalId

        StringValue getFileExternalId()
        The external id of the source file used for detecting annotations and building
        interactive P&ID
        .google.protobuf.StringValue file_external_id = 2;
        The fileExternalId.
      • getFileExternalIdOrBuilder

        StringValueOrBuilder getFileExternalIdOrBuilder()
        The external id of the source file used for detecting annotations and building
        interactive P&ID
        .google.protobuf.StringValue file_external_id = 2;
      • getItemsList

        List<Annotation> getItemsList()
         The identified entity annotations with bounding boxes
        repeated .com.cognite.beam.proto.Annotation items = 3;
      • getItems

        Annotation getItems​(int index)
         The identified entity annotations with bounding boxes
        repeated .com.cognite.beam.proto.Annotation items = 3;
      • getItemsCount

        int getItemsCount()
         The identified entity annotations with bounding boxes
        repeated .com.cognite.beam.proto.Annotation items = 3;
      • getItemsOrBuilderList

        List<? extends AnnotationOrBuilder> getItemsOrBuilderList()
         The identified entity annotations with bounding boxes
        repeated .com.cognite.beam.proto.Annotation items = 3;
      • getItemsOrBuilder

        AnnotationOrBuilder getItemsOrBuilder​(int index)
         The identified entity annotations with bounding boxes
        repeated .com.cognite.beam.proto.Annotation items = 3;
      • hasSvgBinary

        boolean hasSvgBinary()
         The converted SVG binary
        .google.protobuf.BytesValue svg_binary = 4;
        Whether the svgBinary field is set.
      • getSvgBinary

        BytesValue getSvgBinary()
         The converted SVG binary
        .google.protobuf.BytesValue svg_binary = 4;
        The svgBinary.
      • getSvgBinaryOrBuilder

        BytesValueOrBuilder getSvgBinaryOrBuilder()
         The converted SVG binary
        .google.protobuf.BytesValue svg_binary = 4;
      • hasPngBinary

        boolean hasPngBinary()
         The converted PNG binary
        .google.protobuf.BytesValue png_binary = 5;
        Whether the pngBinary field is set.
      • getPngBinary

        BytesValue getPngBinary()
         The converted PNG binary
        .google.protobuf.BytesValue png_binary = 5;
        The pngBinary.
      • getPngBinaryOrBuilder

        BytesValueOrBuilder getPngBinaryOrBuilder()
         The converted PNG binary
        .google.protobuf.BytesValue png_binary = 5;