
package core

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CoreSpan(id: SpanId, name: String, handler: SpanHandler) extends Span with Product with Serializable

    A mutable implementation of the Span that also includes SpanInfo

  2. class CoreSpanFactory extends SpanFactory

  3. case class CoreSpanInfo(id: SpanId, name: String, startTimeMillis: Long = scala.this.Predef.long2Long(0L), startTimeMicros: Long = scala.this.Predef.long2Long(0L), endTimeMillis: Long = scala.this.Predef.long2Long(0L), endTimeMicros: Long = scala.this.Predef.long2Long(0L), durationMicros: Long = scala.this.Predef.long2Long(0L), success: Boolean = ..., notes: Map[String, Note[_]] = ..., appName: String = Money.Environment.applicationName, host: String = Money.Environment.hostName) extends SpanInfo with Product with Serializable

  4. case class Money(enabled: Boolean, handler: SpanHandler, applicationName: String, hostName: String, factory: SpanFactory, tracer: Tracer, logExceptions: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

  5. trait Tracer extends Closeable

    Primary API to be used for tracing

Value Members

  1. object DisabledSpan extends Span

  2. object DisabledSpanFactory extends SpanFactory

  3. object DisabledSpanHandler extends SpanHandler

  4. object DisabledTracer extends Tracer

  5. object Formatters

  6. object Money extends Serializable

  7. object Tracers extends TraceLogging

  8. package concurrent

  9. package handlers

  10. package internal

  11. package logging

  12. package metrics

  13. package reflect
