
Value members

Concrete fields

val k8sDefault: ZLayer[Blocking & System, Throwable, Has[K8sCluster] & SttpClient]

Layer producing a K8sCluster and an SttpClient module that can be directly used to initialize specific Kubernetes client modules, using the defaultConfigChain.

Layer producing a K8sCluster and an SttpClient module that can be directly used to initialize specific Kubernetes client modules, using the defaultConfigChain.

val k8sSttpClient: ZLayer[Has[K8sClusterConfig] & System & Blocking, Throwable, SttpClient]

An SttpClient layer configured with the proper SSL context based on the provided K8sClusterConfig using the async-http-client-backend-zio backend.

An SttpClient layer configured with the proper SSL context based on the provided K8sClusterConfig using the async-http-client-backend-zio backend.