Interface RequestSpan

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    NoopRequestSpan, ThresholdRequestSpan

    public interface RequestSpan
    Wrapper interface for all spans flowing through the SDK.

    Note that you'll most likely consume this interface through actual implementations from the tracer module that is used for your application. You will not need to worry about this with the default threshold request tracer, but if you are using OpenTracing or OpenTelemetry, look in their respective modules for implementations of this class.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  RequestSpan.StatusCode
      Provides an abstraction over underlying tracing status codes.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void attribute​(String key, boolean value)
      Sets an attribute on the span, which is translated to the corresponding implementation specific tag.
      void attribute​(String key, long value)
      Sets an attribute on the span, which is translated to the corresponding implementation specific tag.
      void attribute​(String key, String value)
      Sets an attribute on the span, which is translated to the corresponding implementation specific tag.
      void end()
      Completes this span.
      void event​(String name, Instant timestamp)
      Sets an event on the span, which is translated to the corresponding implementation specific event.
      void requestContext​(RequestContext requestContext)
      Allows to set a request context to the request span.
      void status​(RequestSpan.StatusCode status)
      Sets the status of the span, which is by default UNSET.
    • Method Detail

      • attribute

        void attribute​(String key,
                       String value)
        Sets an attribute on the span, which is translated to the corresponding implementation specific tag.

        Note that, depending on the implementation, attributes might be ignored.

        key - the key of the attribute.
        value - the value of the attribute.
      • attribute

        void attribute​(String key,
                       boolean value)
        Sets an attribute on the span, which is translated to the corresponding implementation specific tag.

        Note that, depending on the implementation, attributes might be ignored.

        key - the key of the attribute.
        value - the value of the attribute.
      • attribute

        void attribute​(String key,
                       long value)
        Sets an attribute on the span, which is translated to the corresponding implementation specific tag.

        Note that, depending on the implementation, attributes might be ignored.

        key - the key of the attribute.
        value - the value of the attribute.
      • event

        void event​(String name,
                   Instant timestamp)
        Sets an event on the span, which is translated to the corresponding implementation specific event.

        Note that, depending on the implementation, events might be ignored.

        name - the name of the event
        timestamp - the timestamp when it happened.
      • status

        void status​(RequestSpan.StatusCode status)
        Sets the status of the span, which is by default UNSET.

        Note that, depending on the implementation, this might be a no-op.

        status - the span's new status.
      • end

        void end()
        Completes this span.
        tracer - the tracer with the help of which it will be completed.
      • requestContext

        void requestContext​(RequestContext requestContext)
        Allows to set a request context to the request span.
        requestContext - the request context, if present.