Class UnknownSaslMechanismDetectedEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UnknownSaslMechanismDetectedEvent
    extends AbstractEvent
    This event is raised if the client detects an unknown SASL mechanism it cannot turn into an enum.

    Note that this event is at DEBUG because it is perfectly acceptable that in a future server version the server sends a mechanism we don't know yet.

    • Constructor Detail

      • UnknownSaslMechanismDetectedEvent

        public UnknownSaslMechanismDetectedEvent​(Context context,
                                                 String mechanism)
    • Method Detail

      • description

        public String description()
        Description copied from interface: Event
        A textual description with more information about the event.
        the description, if set.
      • mechanism

        public String mechanism()
        Returns the unknown mechanism.