Class ClassicCoreQueryMetrics

    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassicCoreQueryMetrics

        public ClassicCoreQueryMetrics​(byte[] raw)
    • Method Detail

      • elapsedTime

        public Duration elapsedTime()
        Specified by:
        elapsedTime in interface CoreQueryMetrics
        The total time taken for the request, that is the time from when the request was received until the results were returned, in a human-readable format (eg. 123.45ms for a little over 123 milliseconds).
      • executionTime

        public Duration executionTime()
        Specified by:
        executionTime in interface CoreQueryMetrics
        The time taken for the execution of the request, that is the time from when query execution started until the results were returned, in a human-readable format (eg. 123.45ms for a little over 123 milliseconds).
      • sortCount

        public long sortCount()
        Specified by:
        sortCount in interface CoreQueryMetrics
        the total number of results selected by the engine before restriction through LIMIT clause.
      • resultCount

        public long resultCount()
        Specified by:
        resultCount in interface CoreQueryMetrics
        The total number of objects in the results.
      • resultSize

        public long resultSize()
        Specified by:
        resultSize in interface CoreQueryMetrics
        The total number of bytes in the results.
      • mutationCount

        public long mutationCount()
        Specified by:
        mutationCount in interface CoreQueryMetrics
        The number of mutations that were made during the request.
      • errorCount

        public long errorCount()
        Specified by:
        errorCount in interface CoreQueryMetrics
        The number of errors that occurred during the request.
      • warningCount

        public long warningCount()
        Specified by:
        warningCount in interface CoreQueryMetrics
        The number of warnings that occurred during the request.