Class AbstractBucketConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CouchbaseBucketConfig, MemcachedBucketConfig

public abstract class AbstractBucketConfig extends Object implements BucketConfig
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • uuid

      public String uuid()
      Description copied from interface: BucketConfig
      Returns the UUID of the bucket, or null if the bucket does not have a UUID.

      The UUID is an opaque value assigned when the bucket is created. If the bucket is deleted and a new bucket is created with the same name, the new bucket will have a different UUID.

      Specified by:
      uuid in interface BucketConfig
      bucket UUID, or null.
    • name

      public String name()
      Description copied from interface: BucketConfig
      The name of the bucket.
      Specified by:
      name in interface BucketConfig
      name of the bucket.
    • locator

      public BucketNodeLocator locator()
      Description copied from interface: BucketConfig
      The type of node locator in use for this bucket.
      Specified by:
      locator in interface BucketConfig
      the node locator type.
    • uri

      public String uri()
      Description copied from interface: BucketConfig
      The HTTP Uri for this bucket configuration.
      Specified by:
      uri in interface BucketConfig
      the uri.
    • streamingUri

      public String streamingUri()
      Description copied from interface: BucketConfig
      The HTTP Streaming URI for this bucket.
      Specified by:
      streamingUri in interface BucketConfig
      the streaming uri.
    • nodes

      public List<NodeInfo> nodes()
      Description copied from interface: BucketConfig
      The list of nodes associated with this bucket.
      Specified by:
      nodes in interface BucketConfig
      the list of nodes.
    • rev

      public long rev()
      Description copied from interface: BucketConfig
      Revision number (optional) for that configuration.
      Specified by:
      rev in interface BucketConfig
      the rev number, might be 0.
    • revEpoch

      public long revEpoch()
      Description copied from interface: BucketConfig
      This field serves to enable the server to provide higher-level guidance with regards to configuration priority.

      This will be used during manual failovers to ensure that even if the minority side of the cluster is being selected, that consumers can keep the correct configurations.

      If revEpoch is not included in the config, it is set to 0 (it starts with 1 on configs that have it).

      Specified by:
      revEpoch in interface BucketConfig
    • version

      public ConfigVersion version()
      Specified by:
      version in interface BucketConfig
    • serviceEnabled

      public boolean serviceEnabled(ServiceType type)
      Description copied from interface: BucketConfig
      Check if the service is enabled on the bucket.
      Specified by:
      serviceEnabled in interface BucketConfig
      type - the type to check.
      true if it is, false otherwise.
    • clusterCapabilities

      public Map<ServiceType,Set<ClusterCapabilities>> clusterCapabilities()
      Description copied from interface: BucketConfig
      Returns the cluster capabilities reported by the server.
      Specified by:
      clusterCapabilities in interface BucketConfig
    • bucketCapabilities

      public Set<BucketCapabilities> bucketCapabilities()
      Description copied from interface: BucketConfig
      Returns all the capabilities that are enabled and recognized on this bucket.
      Specified by:
      bucketCapabilities in interface BucketConfig
    • portInfos

      public List<PortInfo> portInfos()
      Description copied from interface: BucketConfig
      Returns the port information from the "nodesExt" section.

      NOTE: If you are unsure if you want to use this api, very likely you want to use BucketConfig.nodes() instead!

      The nodes API is very similar to this port infos (in fact, they are built from each other), but there is one big difference: when the KV and VIEW service are defined on a bucket but not yet ready, the nodes API will NOT include them in the services list, while this API will. Most of the time you do not want to consume a service until it is ready, but for some functionality (like waitUntilReady) it can be needed to "look ahead" what will become active and wait for it.

      Specified by:
      portInfos in interface BucketConfig
      the port infos.