Interface AnalyticsDeferredResultHandle

    • Method Detail

      • getStatusHandleUri

        String getStatusHandleUri()
        Get the status uri
      • status

        String status()
        Returns the final status of the query. For example, a successful query will return "success" Other statuses include (but are not limited to) "running" when the query is still in execution, "fatal" when fatal errors occurred and "timeout" when the query timed out on the server side but not yet on the client side. This method blocks until the query is over and the status can be established. Throws in the following circumstances - The producer outpaces the SDK: BackpressureException - The operation had to be cancelled while on the wire or the retry strategy cancelled it instead of retrying: RequestCancelledException - The server is currently not able to process the request, retrying may help: TemporaryFailureException - The server is out of memory: CouchbaseOutOfMemoryException - Unexpected errors are caught and contained in a generic CouchbaseException.