Interface OnPath

    • Method Detail

      • on

        WherePath on​(String keyspace,
                     Expression expression,
                     Expression... additionalExpressions)
        Describes the target of a secondary N1QL index.
        keyspace - the keyspace (bucket name, it will be automatically escaped).
        expression - the base expression to be indexed (mandatory).
        additionalExpressions - additional expressions to be indexed (optional).
      • on

        WherePath on​(String namespace,
                     String keyspace,
                     Expression expression,
                     Expression... additionalExpressions)
        Describes the target of a secondary N1QL index.
        namespace - optional prefix for the keyspace (it will be automatically escaped).
        keyspace - the keyspace (bucket name, it will be automatically escaped).
        expression - the base expression to be indexed (mandatory).
        additionalExpressions - additional expressions to be indexed (optional).